Breaking Bad's Hard-Earned, Heartwarming Emmys Win

Aug 28, 2014 20:31

True Detective's loss hinted that, for now, movie-style slickness and stars don't trump six years of storytelling.

"The 2014 Emmys: When a five-time winner beating a movie star is the biggest upset of the night." So wrote Grantland's Andy Greenwald on Twitter, referring to Bryan Cranston's victory over Matthew McConaughey for best lead actor in ( Read more... )

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shatisarockgod August 29 2014, 00:45:07 UTC
I really tuned in for BB and the BB actors on Emmy night. Those are the ones I was rooting for and I'm happy they swept their categories. I can't speak about True Detectives because I've never watched it before.

I love how the BB cast gets along. I guess I'm used to somebody just being friends with one or two cast members and that remains a life long friendship, drama on the set, or a cast that just treats the show like a job and no close ties are formed. BB is really different because you can see the love the cast has for each other. Something else I think is refreshing is the love the cast still shows towards the show. I guess I'm also used to people that show the love while the series is on the air and want to move on the next day after the series ends. I see how bitterness comes out in some actors if they're always tied to one character or one show for the rest of their life. I also see some that embrace all of it--embrace the show, the writing, the character, etc. I'd say the BB cast are in that category.


Better Call Saul shatisarockgod August 29 2014, 00:50:24 UTC
I wanted to ask this because I'm also used to communities sorta dying down when a series ends. Anyway, is this community going to stay active and continue posting BCS news? I admit I haven't really checked to see if anybody has formed a BCS community yet.


waltzmatildah August 29 2014, 02:22:45 UTC
I'm one of the mods and I am definitely keen to stick around for Better Call Saul. I figure it might be easier than trying to get a new comm up and running/establish a following etc. If people are keen for this, then I'm 99% sure we can do it (I'll just have to clear it with mod #2).


lagerthass August 30 2014, 01:14:28 UTC
That would be nice


waltzmatildah August 31 2014, 11:21:17 UTC
I have asked. Shall keep you posted :)


shatisarockgod August 30 2014, 23:50:59 UTC
*nods* I think it would definitely be easier to blend the communities. Hopefully mod 2 will give approval. *crosses fingers*


waltzmatildah August 31 2014, 11:21:53 UTC
I have asked. Shall keep you posted :)


lagerthass August 29 2014, 22:39:24 UTC
TD is good but it's not BrBa good ;)


waltzmatildah August 31 2014, 11:23:10 UTC
NOTHING is BrBa good! FACT!

And I mostly think TD became a load of misogynistic, self-indulgent drivel, but that's a topic for a different day!


irlandesak September 1 2014, 01:53:49 UTC
It is a topic for a different day but you are not wrong.

And partially because of it, I wouldn't even have rooted for it in the mini-series category as I think Fargo overall was better put together.


waltzmatildah September 4 2014, 10:29:40 UTC
THANK YOU! Pretty much no one gets this!!

And partially because of it, I wouldn't even have rooted for it in the mini-series category as I think Fargo overall was better put together. THIS x1908498577%!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fargo was freaking ~incredibly told in my opinion! AND it managed to be excellent AS WELL AS Equal Opportunity and not All White Boy Bromance All The Time! Haha. The existence of Molly Solverson for starters! SHE GOT TO HAVE IT ALL AND IT WAS AMAZING!!! And that doesn't even touch upon the fact that they cast an ~actual deaf actor in the role of a deaf character.


Shutting up now!


lagerthass September 7 2014, 00:01:28 UTC
I've been trying to watch Fargo since its season premiere but never got around to do it, one of these days I'll watch it, also ugh Martin Freeman, I've heard his character is unlikeable so it's okay if I hate him right away, lol.


irlandesak September 7 2014, 00:29:40 UTC
Yeah, he's definitely not a likable character but the performance was so good that I liked him, if that makes sense. I rooted for him to go down and get caught but I got a kick out of watching his character's machinations.


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