A lovely tumblr-ite has posted a link to his/her University's copy of Vince Gilligan's original script for the pilot episode of Breaking Bad. While there's no way to authenticate the legitimacy of this document, the title page does state 'By Vince Gilligan' and is dated the 5th of May, 2005.
I had a read of the opening scene; the now infamous vision of an RV careening through the desert with a manic dude at the wheel clad in little more than a gas mask and his underpants, his passenger unconscious and bleeding in the seat beside him. Two dead bodies rolling around in the back. Sirens and suicide attempts and blue, blue, blue sky.
If this is not the real thing, if this document isn't legitimate, then I don't want to know! Because it is glorious! And gives us such a personal insight into Vince's thought processes as he creates the world Walter and Jesse will come to inhabit.
Inside, the DRIVER'S knuckles cling white to the wheel. He's got the pedal flat. Scared, breathing fast. His eyes bug wide behind the faceplate of his gas mask.
Oh, by the way, he's wearing a GAS MASK. That, and white jockey UNDERPANTS. Nothing else.
There are things you won't recognise. For example, Walt was initially intended to be 40 years old and, even bigger than that, the orginal location was Ontario, California! But everything else is right there, from Walt's stumbling camcorder confession to the very deliberate scenery shots. I want so much for this to be real that I'm not even going to go on a fishing expedition to confirm that it is! I'm going to accept it at face value and LOVE IT FOREVER.
Read the entire script here...