March Badness: First Heat

Mar 02, 2013 19:00

Thanks to waltzmatildah for introducing this March Madness match for Breaking Bad fans.

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poll, episode discussion

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falafel_musings March 2 2013, 23:03:23 UTC
Thanks for opening up my polls, mods! Man, the first one was the hardest for me. The first three episodes are like one long episode to me and I love every part of it. Voted for 'Bags in the River' though.

Any early bets on which episode will win this?


waltzmatildah March 2 2013, 23:10:03 UTC

It's interesting to see that some episodes are already starting to stand out as clear 'favourites' amongst their initial grouping.

As for overall winner, I'd have to say that I think Fly, Face Off and Box Cutter will be right up there.

I voted for Pilot from the first group because I honestly think it was the best first episode I've ever seen of any show ever and I was hooked on the series from the opening shot (which is rare).

I'm going to pimp this at my journal.

eta: also, I've moved you to unmoderated posting to make this easier.


falafel_musings March 2 2013, 23:47:58 UTC
It's easy to predict the winners of some of these mini-polls. Grilled, Peekaboo, 4 Days Out and One Minute are probably certs for the Top 16. Others are harder to call. Like tomorrow there will be a Crawl Space Vs End Times Vs Face Off poll. How do I choose between those three??

it was the best first episode I've ever seen of any show ever

It was! And then it got even better!! *marvels*


waltzmatildah March 3 2013, 00:15:34 UTC
Don't forget to do a tumblr pimp if you haven't already...


falafel_musings March 3 2013, 00:27:15 UTC
I tried...I still don't really know how to work tumblr yet. I couldn't get the link and the graphic in the same posts and it wouldn't let me add tags. :(


waltzmatildah March 3 2013, 06:42:29 UTC
I just pimped on twitter but I'm also not very good at tumblr!!


falafel_musings March 3 2013, 08:54:47 UTC
I'll try to do a tumblr post again today, but if I can't get tags working it's not likely to be seen by many people.


waltzmatildah March 3 2013, 09:04:15 UTC


falafel_musings March 3 2013, 10:13:58 UTC
Thanks so much for the pimpage and your general crazed enthusiasm for polling, waltz. I might leave the Heats open until Tuesday or Wednesday. That way I could pimp it on the Big LJ March Madness comm when that tourney opens this week.

Heat Two is now up, BTW.


waltzmatildah March 3 2013, 11:02:08 UTC
No problemo!! My motivation is partly selfish for I feel I'll never be able to pick a #1 episode without fandom's help!

I might leave the Heats open until Tuesday or Wednesday. Yeah, I think that's a good idea.

And I'll add the link to Heat Two to the tumblr post I made (assuming I can figure out how!)


waltzmatildah March 3 2013, 11:05:42 UTC
I don't think I can edit the original (having just had a play with tumblr), so I'll post a whole new entry tomorrow (which will probably be better anyway - I can space the posts out that way and create more exposure) for heat two.


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