
Jul 13, 2010 11:43

I didn't know what to do.

I wanted....I wanted to stop everyone. To help everyone. But instead I just stood there.

...why were they attacking? That can't be something that happens often. There must have been hundreds...and they got past the guards at the elevators.

[Have some frustrated silence, Demeleier. Med'an's hero instincts seem to be ( Read more... )

bitty...mutt thing, mongrel blues

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[Audio] proff_treacle July 13 2010, 19:43:38 UTC
I say, those are heavy thoughts for such a young mind. [There is a note of concern in his voice] Perhaps if I understood what you were speaking of, I could help?


shamagaladin July 14 2010, 00:52:10 UTC
[Young mind over here sighs. He knows, they're hurting his brain. 8( ]

Where you there for the fight at Undercity?


proff_treacle July 14 2010, 06:22:16 UTC
Since I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm going to say no. [He shakes his head sadly, and unseen by Med'an] Please explain?


shamagaladin July 18 2010, 02:12:21 UTC
The Guardian was able to open a portal to the Undercity - on Azeroth, where I'm from. But the Undercity is Horde territory, and the Alliance attacked while we were there...

[ 8( ]

I'm neither Horde nor Alliance. [...] So I didn't...know what to do.


proff_treacle July 18 2010, 05:43:21 UTC
I see. A crisis then. But sometimes the middle ground is what is best and bravest.


shamagaladin July 19 2010, 03:25:16 UTC
But no one else is in the middle. At least, not enough of us to stop the fighting.

I just don't want people to be hurt. We shouldn't have to fight.


proff_treacle July 20 2010, 10:11:33 UTC
... Would you like to come and see me? [He's feeling utmost sympathy for you right now. War is an ugly business, it doesn't suit delicate people]


shamagaladin July 22 2010, 05:55:04 UTC
[Nyaa? Med'an knows the Professor, and he's seemed nice, but the invitation still surprises him. But....]


[He's felt lonely in Demeleier. Some company will be nice.]


[Audio/Action] proff_treacle July 24 2010, 10:08:10 UTC
Come along then. Let's meet by the river, it's a lovely place to sit and talk. [And that is just where he will be, whenever Med'an is ready]


[action] breakin_ur_lore July 25 2010, 04:02:24 UTC
[Med'an pockets his device and grabs his staff, and heads down there. Thoughts roiling around in his mind - maybe it will be good to get an outsider's opinion on things, but he's not sure what the professor will be able to do for him. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place. Or one warring faction against another. Both of which have their strengths and their failures.

He approaches, melancholy.]


[action] proff_treacle July 25 2010, 06:34:58 UTC
[The Prof looks a little odd at a closer glance, his feet are swinging over the bank but not quite touching the water. he has socks on his ears and hands, and he is looking through the yellow lens of his glasses at the water. When Med'an approaches he sticks a finger to his glasses and switches to the clear lens with a smile and greets the boy]

Hello lad, bit cold today, isn't it?


[action] breakin_ur_lore July 26 2010, 18:56:20 UTC
[That.....wait. That is a little odd. Although, if anyone should be wearing socks on their ears, it should be Med'an or one of the other pointy-long-eared people.]

Maybe there are clouds moving in.

[He sits down next to the Professor, letting his feet dangle as well.]


[Action] proff_treacle July 27 2010, 15:47:05 UTC
I hope not. I'd hate for the weather to turn. [The man pouts] All though, there are worse things, am I right?


[Action] shamagaladin July 28 2010, 06:42:28 UTC
[He looks over at the older man, expression beginning to mirror his.]

Like being caught in a war?


[Action] proff_treacle July 28 2010, 08:19:58 UTC
[The prof doesn't say anything to that, but a kind and encouraging smile shows that he is willing to hear more on the subject, if Med'an is willing to talk about it]


[Action] shamagaladin July 31 2010, 04:30:38 UTC
[Med'an looks back into the river, watches the water flow. This is a nice place for a talk. He's not sure how much to tell the Professor. The man isn't from Azeroth - he wouldn't care about his mixed blood. (Which, honestly, can be inferred by anyone from his world....) He'd rather it not be shouted from the rooftops, but Professor probably won't do that...Prof is good people, right?]

I am of both Alliance and Horde ancestry.

[He hopes that explains a lot of his troubles. He would be rejected in either army. His family is split. And so are his friends. Even his teachers must be on different sides.]

I've been living away from the war for so long. But now I'm....in the middle.

[Yea. ;< ]


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