(no subject)

Oct 11, 2006 22:20

It's been about a week, and Chrono knows all too well what that means.

Time to report in!

It would be easier, really, if he could just shoot for a telepathic link straight to Mom - no, the Admiral, he reminds himself, he is still on duty right now - and give her the short version, hi, nothing's happening, I'll let you know.

But since that would be easier, of course he can't do it that way, because bureaucracy means everything has to be more difficult than it needs to be.

So he starts typing.

Usual header at the top, fill in the usual information - and how exactly does one give the date from a nexus of every possible time and dimension, anyway? Adjusted date will have to do.

And then it's just a lot of roundabout phrasing that essentially says: "Weird things have happened, but not the weird things we're looking for."

...encountered the Wolkenritter Vita on [date]; she offered her assistance in monitoring the situation -

He pauses, thinking. He should probably mention what Vita was doing in the nexus in the first place; as far as he knows, the Bureau hasn't tried to put any limitations on traffic in or out, but on the other hand, it's a bit unusual when another officer shows up on premises of an investigation without being assigned there...and while he's sure Vita wasn't up to anything serious, if someone further up the command chain finds something funny about it, it'll be Chrono's job to talk them down and assure them there's nothing to worry about.

Come to think of it, how did Vita get there? He doesn't know.

It can wait.

And he'll leave out the part where she hugged him, thank you very much.

...met Takamachi Nanoha from an undetermined point in the future, still serving with the Bureau and apparently also investigating the nexus, on orders from a future version of myself.

Damn, did that feel strange to type.

Despite the generally strange nature of this place and the incredible levels of power that are frequently - virtually always - present, I have been as yet unable to detect any signs of dimensional disturbances of a magnitude that would concern the Bureau, nor have I detected any Lost Logia.

Durandal is in his front pocket, in card form, and Chrono glances down after typing the last sentence. "Durandal, did you pick up anything I might have missed?" Not likely, since the weapon's detection capacity isn't that impressive outside of scanning mode, which Chrono hasn't used recently. But worth a try.

「Nothing, boss.」

Durandal is a device of few words. Chrono likes it that way.

A few more sentences of standard bureaucratic boilerplate and he's done...until next time.

And as soon as he hits send, he realizes he forgot to run spellcheck. Oops.
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