Let me explain this - I wrote this for you one night, Jeff, for some reason, it didn't make it into "Moonlanding". It would have fit too, I think I just forgot about it. It was written while listening to Joni Mitchell's "Case of You".
I waited for you for so many years
in my box of tempera
a splash of primary colours
childish remembrances
to paint over the black
but now I crave the darkness
it is what's real
I don't know how to draw
so no haphazardly drawn maps
to my castle
or cartoon sketches of your face
- just love.
and a bigger paintbox
with more sophisticated colours
to get our hands into
should we for some reason regress
to the minds of children
in our old age
when the
stick together
and we forget
to wash them
out of
I'm desiring you at this moment,
more than drunkenness...
unless your bathroom interior craves
a new coat of burgundy
northern star?
lost love?
touching souls?
what is this?
put that stuff away
we have all we need
every lover's dream
etched in gold.
for years, I've wanted to love
in a language different than my own
I am left dazzled
by how the stars
polish the night sky
to its Sunday best
on a Tuesday night.
Copyright Daniela Violin
"Case of You" for reference: