Hey all
Again i have raised my head out of my norm to make a post on here, it seems i am rather too infrequent. My only defence is that i have been keeping myself busy with my songwriting and recording.
My band GONE WILD are nearly done with our 2nd album - "GONE WILD II" - this time around it's a 2-disc affair, we're currently a 3-piece but our old keyboard player and sometimes guitarist makes a few appearances as well - added to that we've invited Robin Wellaway to play sax on a few tracks, my good buddy Chris Szkup has contributed some amazing guitar playing on 3 numbers and we've even added another pal to doing a bit of a rap on one of the songs which was something i had not wanted to try previously, but MC Hizzy's effort really suited the song. In march we'll be getting together in Taranaki and finishing up the last few songs - its been a while coming but we wanted to make this album something to be proud of, ideas have been flowing for a while. I think anyone who has heard our first album will notice the changes, that was something we were always wanting if we were to keep at this recording lark....to evolve.
For all things GONE WILD:
http://www.myspace.com/gonewildnzhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/GONE-WILD-ROCK/13496763195 Rob Smith, Hayley Oliver and myself have just about completed the "Something To Remember" collaboration album, Rob and I co-wrote 2/3's of the songs with him and Hayley performing them all. This project has been a revelation and indeed a bit of a challenge as a songwriter, knowing full well that someone else was going to be singing it was a matter of trying to conjur up themes that would suit and making them believeable - vocally Hayley and Rob went above and beyond what i would have imagined, it was a pure joy to be involved.
Feel free to check out a couple of the tracks on our soundclick site at:
http://www.soundclick.com/somethingtoremember/ If this isn't all - Chris Szkup and I have decided to resurrect some songs we've had lying around in various states for nearly a decade and put them together in a finished state as we had always intended them to be - The Feckers, which is essentially Chris and myself with some of our friends from around the globe will be something completely different again. Chris' guitar playing is as usual pretty amazing (he's nearly FINALLY completed that solo album of his as well...so thats to be looked forward to as well...). We're going to both sing some songs but have also enlisted some good friends from different countries to come onboard and shake things up a little. I'll be heading to Australia hopefully before the year is out to tend to some of The Feckers recording sessions with Chris.
From time to time I dabble in writing some tunes for myself, there was some thought of me recording a solo album but I am a little way off feeling comfortable in my own skin with regards this, but oneday it will happen, if even for my own sake.
Life has been not too bad as of late (besides all this work - although it is fun mostly, especially when you're working with people who are likeminded), but i have become a bit of a hermit. This is essentially a necessary thing as I had a bit of heeling to do, but I'm slowly coming to grips with some things that had gone awry. It's a strange situation, yet I am happy.
Changes are a foot - I still have a hankering to travel more, but the workload has had me sideline this, and whilst i don't regret it - the longing is always there.
Anyways good folks - i wish you well and if you've read this far i hope i havent bored you at all.