Just a little bitching 'bout stuff, and then some other stuff.

Sep 05, 2009 15:54

So, it's the 5th of the month and I'm already broke.  These random bills just keep coming in.  September hates me this year, I'm sure of it.  $800, pretty much already gone.  I'm going to have nothing left for the month.  I'm going to have to quit smoking.  Because a) It's slowly killing me, and b) It's ridiculously expensive.  I guess this is the month to do it, because I'm not going to be able to afford cigarettes this month.  Oh well.  I guess that's a good thing in the long run.

I paid my rent, paid my credit card minimum (that I don't use but owe $1600 on), paid my car insurance (that I thought was already paid but apparently was not, but fortunately I'm good with it until December now), and now I have to pay excise tax on my car, which is only $20, but that's a lot when you're not working with much, and then I have to pay the monthly parking lot fee for school, which is a stupid $40.  After that, I'm pretty much left with nothing.  I thank God for my food stamps or else I wouldn't be eating this month either.  Mike owes me $240 from when he had to have one of his wisdom teeth pulled, so he's giving me $20 a week now, so that'll help me a lot, too.

Being disabled sucks.
I can't wait until I can finally start doing hair and get off disability and be like everyone else.


School starts on Tuesday and I'm excited for that.  I'm also pretty nervous, but I'm sure I'll get over it.

My cousin TJ wants me to move in with him.  As much as I don't like where I live... I don't really want to move in with him.  And he thinks that I'm going to.  I feel terrible about it because I don't want to let him down but... I can't move again.  Not now.  I've moved so many times in the past few years that I just want to be somewhere for more than a year for once.  He has a nice house and everything, and I would save more money living with him, but I'm just not ready to move again yet.  I'm also closer to school here, and I'm beginning to make friends and starting to get used to this place and used to being on my own.  I feel like I need to be on my own for a while, to prove to myself and everyone else that I can do it.  I just don't want to let him down, though.

But in happier news, I get to see Jess tomorrow!  Yay!  I haven't seen her in forever.  I'm excited about that.

Becky and I went to see Alice in Wonderland at Kennedy Park today, that was... interesting.  It actually wasn't that bad.  I think they did a good job for what they had to work with and stuff.  I want to start doing more things like that... getting off my ass and out of the house more often.

Well, that's about it for now.  :)

stuff, school, rants

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