I love DeYandré Marie because she's beautiful through and through. She trusts herself and her feelings and knows simply what is right and wrong for her, and even for me. She's wise. She is my Yoda. De has a way of putting trivials into perspective, those that we who on our bad days would otherwise dwell on. De does not take insecurities, displeasure, anger, or sadness out with petty arguments, that most of us will inflict on our unsuspecting but often accepting friends when we are thoroughly irritated. She knows, absolutely, what is important. And I love DeYandré because she knows every movie worth knowing.
I love Alex for too many reasons. He is kind and accepting and secretly, but not so secretly, insecure, and he doesn't know that he really has no reason to be. Alex is trusting and quietly encouraging. Being near him creates a welcomed comfort that's really hard to describe. And I love Alex because his eyes match his "friday shirt" and he can't dance.
I love Madeleine Elise, not only because she has my middle name, but because she doesn't know she's pretty. I love Maddy because it is so easy to irritate her, but she takes it like a sister would: annoyed, but forgiving. Madeleine, people will flock to you in college so no worries! I'll miss you and your big butt and your "shut uuups" teamed with sweet and goofy smiles. The good humor and ease i feel around you can't be duplicated by anyone else.
I love Stringbean Landry because he's honest, brutally so. He doesn't spare feelings but is certainly far from uncaring. He loves his friends (and himself, but not unreasonably so). Dave has admirable self confidence, as he should, for he finds his best in each project he chooses to invest his time in.
I love Billy boy Cannon because he's a romantic. Bill's quiet, sometimes, and sincere. Billy's got a motorcyclist-venice beach boarder-football-artist-power boy heart. And, of course, Billy boy Cannon is a charmer with one of the all time greatest smiles. I'll miss ya Bill.
I love Kimberly Friedman because she is not a hobbit, though i suspect I'd like her just the same if she were. Kim is persevering and determined. She does and will undoubtedly continue to succeed at whatever she wants to. I love Kim for her untouchable passion and because she kicks ass at the Sex and the City trivia game. I can't see Kim in the future, grown up, because I can't place her in one profession, in one setting, with children, without children, married or alone, here or in Taiwan or Denver or France. Kim could find comfort and a desirable existence in any capacity and I can hardly wait patiently to see what she makes of herself.
And i love my monster puppy, Gabe!