The Good Kind

Jan 25, 2005 18:51

Okay so i am obsessed with the song "The Good Kind" by The Wreckers. It is such an awesome song. If you get the chance to listen to it then i would strongly recomend listening to it.

Okay so i have seen this survey thing in like evryone's lj so i stole

whos most likely to..

1.Fall in love: Everyone
2.Become a Wall Street stock exchanger: I could just picture Elyse as a Wall Street Stalk Exchanger
3.Become a doctor: Umm maybe me
4.Become a stripper: HAHAHAHAHA I think me and nikki got that one
5.Be seen in a "Girls Gone WIld" video: Melissa
6.Become a singer: I Hope me, but if not me then Elyse
7.Become a dancer: Nikki
8.Become an actress: I could picture Melissa as the leading lady kinda gal
9.Win on Survivor (and why): Alison, cause she is just so awesomely awesome.
10.Be the first voted off on Survivor (and why): Diana, cause she would get so into it that she would scare the other ppl.
11.Become a computer nerd: Dori
12.Make billions of dollars by selling overpriced water to people in the desert: Ashley, cause i think she would get a kick out of doing that
13.Become a druggie: U don't want me to answer that
14.Become an alcoholic: Elyse cause half her family are alchies.
15.Be seen on America's Most Wanted: HAHAHAHA ME and NIKKI
14.Become the creator of a sleazy reality show: Me and Alyssa cause we love reality TV
15.To become gay: i dunno
16.Be on Jenny Jones: Melissa and Jake
17.Host a show similar to Jerry Springer or Jenny Jones: Diana
18.Be on welfare: i dunno
19.Get married first: That's hard to say, Caitlin
20.last to get married: I dunno
21.Have a perfect husband, a minivan, 3 kids, and a big house: Alyssa, only cause me and her talked about
22.Have 5 kids by different fathers: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
23.Marry a millionare: Elyse, but she would still be independantly wealthy
24.Marry a nerd: Melissa
25.Marry a hockey/football/baseball player: ELYSE!
26.Marry someone they met in a bar: Britt
27.Never marry: I dunno...maybe me or Elyse
28.Divorce more than once: Melissa
29.Become a housewife: maybe Alyssa
30.Become an avid coffee drinker: That would be me
31.Become a raver: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
32.Become a police officer: Dori, cause i know how much she idolizes her
33.Fail high school: no one
34.Never learn how to cook and/or use a washing machine: Jake
35.Become a comedian: ALYSSA
36.Be a good mother: Alyssa, once again cause we talked about
37.Live in the same city they were born in: Def not me!!
38.Move to California: Melissa
39.Move to New York: Me and Nikki
40.Move to Hollywood: Elyse
41.Move to a southern state: Katie
42.Become a farmer: Alison HAHAHAHAHA
43.Become a hairdresser: Kaleigh
44.Become a sports star: Elyse will become a Karate master, and be like Jackie Chan, except way less Asian and way
45.Be a vegetarian: I could picture Melissa as a vegitarian, and at some protest for animal
46.Wear only black: I dunno
47.Be the center of attention everywhere: Nikki
48.Succeed in life only because of looks: HMMMM, Melissa
49.Be forever labelled as a "dumb blonde": Melissa, but I think i am a close second.
50.Succeed in life: Everyone, but especially Nikki, cause the girl has a lot of determination, and when she wants to she can reach her fullest potential, and be amazing at whatever she does.

Okay so wasn't that spedcial?!?!?!?!
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