Oscar Nods!!! LOL

Jan 25, 2011 07:19

Oscar Nominations Thoughts!
LOL, well at least the race is not boring anymore. I'm overall pretty happy with all the nominations; nothing I really dislike got nominated and there were some really AMAZING surprises (Javier! Dogtooth! Exit through the Gift Shop!). Suck about Nolan though. Oh well, I guess he'll just have to make a Holocaust movie or something. Full list of nominations are here.

+ JAVIER! I knew you'd make it. Never doubt the Julia Roberts bump. I'm sad for Ryan Gosling, but he's young and he has The Ides of March this year, and that role is supposed to be baity as hell. YES I'M SO HAPPY WITH THIS CATEGORY.

+ Best Actress line-up went the predictable route, but I'm glad cause Michelle and Nicole didn't get snubbed. YAY! Also, Black Swan really underperformed today (only 5 noms), so perhaps Natalie doesn't have it sewn up just yet..

+ Supporting Actress: haha, Steinfeld's category fraud stuck. I knew BAFTA was too little too late. I just hope she doesn't win in this category though, cause that just ain't a fair shake to the other actresses who didn't have 2 hours of screentime in what was clearly a lead performance. AND JACKI WEAVER! Yes, I'm so glad I stuck by her. The Mila Kunis snub makes me ridiculously happy too.

+ Supporting Actor: sorry Andrew, but John Hawkes deserved the nod, and you'll always have Spiderman.

+ DOGTOOTH GOT NOMINATED. LOL. THIS IS HILARIOUS AND AMAZING. I got 4/5 in this category (not bad for foreign film), but I really thought South Africa's entry would get in but wtf, Algeria?

+ Also amazing, Exit through the Gift Shop nominated! Waiting for Superman got snubbed altogether (union folks weren't going to like it I guess), so perhaps Banksy might even win this thing. PLEASE PLEASE happen.

+ Inception's Editing snub is stupid. And The King's Speech gets nominated? WTF, that movie did not have anything interesting going on with the editing other than cutting shots of Colin Firth's speech and scenes of random masses huddled around a radio. Editing branch, wtf.

+ Totally bombed the make-up category. At least The Way Back got something... haha, academy award nominee The Wolfman!

+ LOVE the score category. Inception, How to Train Your Dragon, The Social Network! Not too crazy about A.R. Rahman again though.

+ Best Picture was predictable but very good. So glad The Town didn't get in and Winter's Bone did.

+ LOL @ Tron losing out on Visual Effects to Hereafter! They still can't resist St. Clint.

+ Animated Feature: I felt bad kicking out Tangled in my predictions, but it paid off! The Illusionist is up their alley for the last spot nod and it's European, traditional hand-drawn animation. Plus, after Tangled missed the PGA, I think even Despicable Me pulled ahead of it.

+ AND.... of course, the Nolan snub. I wasn't brave enough to actually predict this, but I had a feeling this could happen. The Director's branch is pretty small and kind of insular; it's not easy to break into that crowd and Nolan obviously has some hurdles to overcome with them. If he couldn't get in for Inception, then I honestly think he will have to do some baity period drama with Nazis in order to get some love.

+ Everything else was fairly ok/predictable.

+ The King's Speech definitely did VERY WELL today. It basically got into every category that it had a reasonable chance at, while other films like TSN, Black Swan, Inception, etc all missed out on something BIG. Andrew Garfield was snubbed. Mila Kunis was snubbed and also no screenplay nod for Black Swan. Inception, self-explanatory lol. Winter's Bone and TKAAR did well but those aren't not going to win. I could definitely see a Picture/Director split come Oscar time. It's been 5 years since the last split happened. Maybe it's that time again. The King's Speech, prepare to be the new Shakespeare in Love/Driving Miss Daisy/How Green Was My Valley!

+ These were such exciting nominations though! Like when they announced John Hawkes, you KNEW that Garfield was the one snubbed cause of the alphabetical order thing. And when David O. Russell's name was called, they passed over N.

Also, you know what this means. OSCAR SIMULATION WILL BE HAPPENING SOON!!!!!!!!


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