Inception Fan Mix: Dom/Mal

Jul 21, 2010 07:22

If you need any more proof that this movie has completely take over my life, here it is. This may be the only fandom that I really like pretty much any and every pairing. It's definitely a testament to the actors and Chris Nolan's script that all the characters have so much amazing interaction but Dom/Mal are my favorite. I mean, it's Leo and Marion. How could you not ship them like mad? I just had a these songs stuck in my head after seeing the movie cause they reminded me of Dom/Mal so I had to make this fan mix. It's 9 tracks a little heavy on the classical and french (but come on, Marion is French so it makes sense) but I like it.  It would be best if you've seen the movie already but there aren't any spoilers in here either. Please comment!

ETA: full download link should be working now.

1. meditation de thais
(jules massenet, from the opera Thais)
download link


2. le ciel dans une chambre
(carla bruni)
download link

et quand tu es tellement près de moi,
c'est comme si ce plafond-là,
il n'existait plus, je vois le ciel penché sur nous...

English Translation:

and when you are so close to me
It’s like this ceiling here
didn’t exist anymore, i see the sky leaning towards us

3. we will not grow old
download link

you made me swear that our hearts will never die
no never, no never
cause no one seems to believe that we can fly
forget them, forget them
oh, you told me

4. serenade
(franz schubert)
download link


5. dream
(priscilla ahn)
download link

now I'm old and feeling grey.
i don't know what's left to say about this life I'm willing to leave.
i lived it full and I lived it well, there's many tales i've lived to tell.
i'm ready now, i'm ready now, i'm ready now to fly from the highest wing.

6. e lucevan le stelle
(giacomo puccini, performed by luciano pavarotti, from the opera Tosca)
download link

Italian: (there aren't really good translations)
E lucevan le stelle
ed olezzava la terra
stridea l'uscio dell'orto

7. a la claire fontaine
(sheng wen jie, from the painted veil soundtrack)
download link

j'ai perdu mon amie
sans l'avoir mérité
pour un bouquet de roses
que je lui refusais
il y a longtemps que je t'aime
jamais je ne t'oublierai.

English Translation:
i lost my love
for a bouquet of roses
that i refused him
it's been so long that i've loved you
never will your memory fade

8. trouble sleeping
(the perishers)
download link

i'm having trouble sleeping
i'm thinking of what you said
about the tears been shed
leave me

9. claire de lune, orchestral version
(claude debussy)
download link


full download link (zip)

Let me know what you think! This might be a little random for fan mix. lol.

movie: inception, fanmix

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