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la_petite_singe January 26 2010, 02:27:44 UTC
I'm...pretty sure I get it! (But I'll be coming back to this post, just in cases.) Well, now I have more hope. I think. My favorite still doesn't have a shot, but as long as something deserving wins, I'll be OK.


breakattiffanys January 26 2010, 03:30:58 UTC
Haha, Stats has surprisingly helpful to me. What is your favorite this year anyway?


la_petite_singe January 26 2010, 03:34:38 UTC
A Single Man. :\ I never really thought it'd get Best Picture, but now I'm trying to force myself to accept that it's going to get shut out entirely, and it is very sad for me, especially since the same thing happened to my favorite movie of last year (Frost/Nixon). I can't win.


breakattiffanys January 26 2010, 03:38:02 UTC
I totally need to see it. It was one of my most anticipated. I'm actually quite surprised it's not making much of showing for Best Picture, especially with 10 nominees. But I guess first time directors don't get much help in that area.

Frost/Nixon got in when there were only 5 nominees last year, which is pretty good. I really liked it too so I was happy enough with what it got.


la_petite_singe January 26 2010, 03:39:56 UTC
I'm guessing it'll probably be in there, just because of the stupid ten-slots thing, but it doesn't have a shot, I admit. And it's not even going to get score (I assume stupid Avatar will take that) or costumes (Bright Star, reasonably). :( So sad. Maybe Cinematography something...? Oh, why do I try.

I was happy with its noms, yeah, but I was hoping it'd get something. SM didn't need all those little awards, it got the two big ones. That's enough! Bah!


breakattiffanys January 26 2010, 03:43:40 UTC
I think A Single Man is still quite a long shot for a Best Picture nomination. It hasn't hit any of the guilds, although it was disqualified for WGA. I think it could still possibly get an Adapted Screenplay nod.

Last year was just lazy voting. They just gave Slumdog Millionaire everything cause everyone knew it would win Best Picture.


la_petite_singe January 26 2010, 03:46:46 UTC
I will FLIP OUT if it doesn't get a Best Picture nom. There just plain aren't ten excellent films this year, or any year that I can think of, so a legitimately great film being ignored for The Hangover or something will make me have a nutty. (Even though I really liked The Hangover.) Adapted Screenplay is quite possible, although I'm assuming that'll go to Up in the Air.

I feel like every year there's one that gets all the little stuff, even if it doesn't deserve those particular awards, just because the critics are ~dazzled~ by it and want it to have lots of stuff. Which is very annoying. And I still say SM only got all that love because American audiences aren't used to Bollywood-type films and were like "ZOMG DANCE NUMBER?! AMAZIIIIING" even though that's perfectly standard fare in Indian films. Hmmph.


breakattiffanys January 26 2010, 03:57:39 UTC
I feel like every year there's one that gets all the little stuff, even if it doesn't deserve those particular awards

This is totally going to be Avatar this year. I can see it taking almost every tech award.

The Academy's nominated stuff like Chocolat, Babel and The Reader that got really questionable reviews from critics over better stuff all the time. This year, I think the most likely top 10 at least have pretty good critical responses. The lowest would probably be Invictus if that even gets in, and I'm thinking of replacing it in my predictions with either Crazy Heart or Star Trek.


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