
Mar 06, 2012 17:40

So March Madness has started! But I'm not terribly invested in the prelims cause most of my favorites are either cruising to victory or don't really have a shot. So whatever. But after the prelims it's game on cause Alice Morgan and Omar Little need to go ALL THE WAY. I mean, come on, Omar is Barack Obama's favorite character. I like that they added a whole slew of better fandoms this year cause I was getting really sick of seeing Dawson's Creek. I love that the ladies are getting so much support right now but I feel like this happens every year in the early rounds. Everyone's all GIRL POWER but then somehow it fades away and dudes win anyways. But it's nice to see Arya vs. Sansa vs. Dany for Game of Thrones as opposed to the terribly obvious Tyrion winning everything.



For the folks who are more movie-inclined, I have an Oscar 2012 version of March Madness going on at thankyouacademy. You basically vote for your favorite characters but instead of shows, they're from the major Oscar nominated movies of the year. Last year I did a Best Picture winners tournament but there was huge bias for more recent movies (Return of the King came out on top). This year I think it'll be more of a fair match-up cause all the movies are from 2011. My teams at the moment are Ernest Hemingway (Midnight in Paris), Helen Harris (Bridesmaids), Celia Foote (The Help), Rene Tabard (Hugo), George Smiley (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy), and obviously Lisbeth Salander. And... no one from The Iron Lady. GO VOTE!

tv: the wire, oscars, fandom, tv: luther

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