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Comments 20

whimsey January 16 2012, 20:53:42 UTC
THANK YOU GEORGE FOR MAKING THE SHARK APPEAR. (I thought I would never thank him. Lol.)

The Artist = A++++ I'm so happy they won. They were all adorable with their French accents and UGGIE! UGGIE! ♥ Uggie should win all the awards tbh.

CRYINNNNGGG @ Fincher holding Meryl's glasses, the bubble bath casket, and best of all LEO'S FACE. EVERY TIME THE CAMERA PANS TO HIM, I START CACKLING. Tumblr is on their A game last night. He looked sooo desperate ("please let it be me"), yet out of place ("what am I doing here"). NO AWARDS FOR YOU LEO. He can get consoled by his model gf.

(And eek! BENEDICT! I finally saw him during Sofia Vergera speaking in Spanish.)

I love love love love love Tilda Swintons whole outfit and that hair, yesssssss. She rocks it.


breakattiffanys January 17 2012, 00:22:23 UTC
I KNOW RIGHT. That's the sharkiest I've ever seen Fassy.

Someone should petition the Academy to make an honorary awards for Uggie, but have it be made out of doggie treat so he can actually enjoy it.

LOL. Oh god, Leo's reaction to everyone winning is hilarious. I mean, he probably didn't expect to win this year but damn it, he had to watch Kate get her 3rd last night.


wendies January 16 2012, 22:24:31 UTC
I was so happy that Michelle won, she is so incredible and she totally deserved it. I TOTALLY AGREE ABOUT JEAN. He was just amazing.

WHEN MERYL LEFT HER GLASSES. oh my god, i died. She is too perfect for words, seriously.

I cannot stand Madonna. And last night...just made me dislike her even more. I thought Ricky Gervais was hysterical this year. WHEN HE MADE FUN OF ELTON I DIED A LITTLE.

I thought that Evan Rachel Wood looked amazing. I couldn't even believe it. AND CAN WE JUST. HELEN MIRREN? too good for this earth, tbh.


breakattiffanys January 17 2012, 00:17:07 UTC
Michelle gave such an amazing speech too. She seems like such a great mom.

Oh god, Madonna. First of all, Ricky's joke wasn't even bad. At all. It was probably the most tame joke anyone has ever told about Madonna. She just needed to chill out.


erethesunrises January 16 2012, 23:21:37 UTC
I agree with you on the winners. I was really happy about some (probably mostly Peter Dinklage even though I knew he'd win - I just love him) and the ones I was disappointed in, well, I had been expecting them and got over it pretty quickly. Although, yeah, I wish The Descendants wasn't sweeping as it is. I really adore George Clooney, to be honest, but I definitely think Fassy deserved it more.

But really, I know people complain about award shows quite often but I still love them, mostly for the celebrity interactions. I want to have fun with them more than anything. Getting too invested in the winners and losers only leads to bad things. I think it's just way too much fun to see all these people drinking and giving us hilarious moments to gif. Like Meryl and everything the Modern Family chooses to be and do omg. I don't know, it wasn't perfect but I had some fun.

Also, the Leo jokes will never not be funny, I swear omg.



breakattiffanys January 17 2012, 00:15:33 UTC
LOL, I don't really get people who get so crazy over who wins or loses, especially at the Globes. The only reason to get worried is if something really blah wins and then puts in a position to win the Oscar (a la everyone's freak-out over Avatar in 2009). But if everything is at least OK, then it's all good. Honestly, it's the predicting that's more fun anyways. Even The Descendants winning here doesn't mean much cause the frontrunner is in the Comedy/Musical category.


erethesunrises January 18 2012, 01:14:12 UTC
Totally agreed on all accounts. I was also pleasantly surprised Woody Allen won! I was thinking Midnight in Paris was going to be looked over during award season other than some nods.


breakattiffanys January 18 2012, 01:44:45 UTC
I think by the time Midnight in Paris made over $50 million, it was pretty much set for a good showing.


zombie_boogie January 16 2012, 23:50:59 UTC
I feel like NBC/HFPA asked Ricky Gervais to host again knowing it would get higher ratings... and then totally put him on a leash. What a bait and switch.

I don't want Clooney to win Best Actor, but at least he'll give an entertaining speech. I can take some small comfort in that. The Descendants doesn't really make me angry, but I'd much rather see The Artist or Hugo win at the Oscars. I get the feeling that The Artist and Jean Dujardin are picking up steam, and the only thing the Academy loves celebrating more than Old Hollywood are WWII and British Royalty. And on that note I would bet really good money on Leo showing up in a Holocaust/WWII movie in the near future, since biopics, mentally disabled characters, and accents haven't worked out for him yet. Has he done a movie with Spielberg or the Coen Brothers? He might want to take that route since Scorsese and Eastwood haven't gotten him anywhere ( ... )


breakattiffanys January 17 2012, 00:08:55 UTC
Yeah, his jokes this year were much gentler. In the way that you could totally tell he was just teasing and it was obvious. Last year, he was actually criticizing in a satirical way, especially the whole HFPA bribery issue, and he really went after celebrities who are generally put in the "safe zone" (i.e. Robert Downey Jr).

The Artist is pretty much set to win at this point, barring something huge like losing PGA. I guess The Descendants picked up a little steam today when it got that editing nod since it's not much of a showy editing movie, but generally the movie in 2nd place still gets that default nomination ( ... )


hauntes January 17 2012, 01:01:18 UTC
The dresses were so lackluster. I always enjoy the BAFTA's because there are ususally a few more adventurous looks. I think Tilda's was my favorite. Amy Poehler looked gorgeous too. The back of that dress was beautiful.



breakattiffanys January 17 2012, 01:15:52 UTC
I love the BAFTA fashion too, but it's also partly due to the people who show up to that vs. the GG. You don't get so much of the Jessica Alba crowd. The GG's are a little more casual I guess, but I think everyone knows it's the first big show so it's more like a dress rehearsal for the Oscars.



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