AWARDS FOR EVERYONE (except Gary Oldman)

Dec 15, 2011 14:18

Ugh, here are my thoughts on the recent GG and SAG nods.

List of nominations

+ Ok, I honestly cannot even deal with the fact that Gary Oldman still cannot get nominated for a movie that a) has AMAZING reviews and b) is already a big hit in the UK. While Leo can get nominated left and right for a movie that bombed, both commercially and critically. What is wrong with the world.

+ At least Fassy and Tilda look like they're getting in!

+ The motion picture drama category is just... the most boring bland group imaginable. At least Hugo is in there and is a more unconventional choice, but everything else is just OSCAR BAIT x 10000000. The Help, War Horse, even Ides of March (which I liked).

+ No Malick in Best Director = FAIL. But George gets nominated. Whatever.

+ Best Actress is not too bad. I feel like Rooney Mara probably won't get much from this nominations though. Williams is in comedy here so she'll easily replace Mara and I think Charlize still has a chance too. Her, Glenn Close and Elizabeth Olsen are all fighting for the last spots.

+ The Comedy categories are actually pretty good. I like that they included Brendan Gleeson, although Paul Giamatti should've been there too. It'll probably go to Jean Dujardin pretty handily. For actress, Williams is winning this for sure. I'm surprised they nominated Jodie AND Kate though.

+ Supporting Actor - VIGGO!!!!!!!!! This category is unstable though. The only surefire bets are Brooks and Plummer, and maybe Branagh

+ Supporting Actress - this looks about right, although Redgrave could still turn up on Oscar morning. Chastain will almost definitely be nominated for The Help now (ehhh, Tree of Life please?).

ETA - Holy shit, I didn't even notice Beginners isn't nominated for Comedy! WHAT THE HELL.

List of Nominations

+ I get the Demian Beshir nod. I know they sent out screeners for the movie very early on and yeah, it's kind of middle-brow but SAG loves that and the performance was good. I don't mind this kind of nomination cause it's obvious it was due to people's genuine love for the performance. It's the lazy Leonardo Dicaprio nod that's the problem.

+ Do not get the Bridesmaids love. I liked that movie a lot but it's not a Best Ensemble really. It's more of a screenplay thing. Not that everyone wasn't good, but just not stand-out.

+ Ok, why is it that The Help has pretty much EVERYONE listed in their ensemble while Midnight in Paris leaves off the best performance in the movie (Corey Stoll)? What the fuck.

+ So overall, I think this week solidifies Fassy and Tilda as contenders, but pretty much killed Oldman's chances. It also gives Glenn Close a boost, but at the same time, Charlize Theron and Liz Olsen are still threats. It also establishes The Help as Jessica Chastain's vehicle to a nomination.

+ Lots of things are still uncertain, including Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. 

golden globes, award shows

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