
Aug 31, 2008 07:45

I think about when I have no clothes on, whether it's just a shirt, or just panties and a bra, or just the panties, whatever, it makes me think of my skin.  I must say that my skin is one of the best parts of my body.  I mean IT IS my body practically, but it is one of the things that I am proud of to show off.  When I was younger, I was the tomboy who didn't really know anything about being feminine.  My skin was dry, crackly, [sounds disgusting I know], and just ugly.  Then when I became older I promised myself that I would become beautiful and indeed feminine.  I am a woman LOL & I am proud of it.  I practically love my face all the way to my little feet.  Of course, there is always room for improvements, but after all the fucking body image problems, I must say that I love the way I look.  I have grown since high school, even though it's only been 3 years.  I feel like I have under gone a physical transformation slowly, but surely.  However, mentally, I have gone up and down.  I have always been known as the positive figure, little miss sunshine so to speak, and I flaunted that because I felt I could be peoples' light when they felt like they had none.  A little while ago, a lot shit happened and I "gave up."  I was tired of being everyone's shoulder and "why should I be positive, when everyone else isn't, what good has it gotten me? No where, etc. etc. etc." HAHA I was such a little immature brat thinking that.  That short time was truly a moment of weakness.  So, everytime I feel tired of going through life's obstacle, I think back to my junior&senior year of high school, when I remember that was when I was the most optimistic in my life.  Everytime I think back to those times, it makes me smile to see how strong I was, and know that I can be just as open and bright now or even more.  And I like that.

I was watching Shear Genius last night and Dee did a rocker theme.  She was telling a story of how rockers go through certain phases with their hair.  It made me think how I just go through certain phases.  HAHA I have changed my imaged so much I used to wonder if i was ever certain of who I was.  Then halfway over the summer, I realized what I honestly liked and who I wanted to be.  For the longest time before that I was into the whole scene crowd. Idk why but the fashion, make-up, etc. just appealed to me.  About July, it's like I woke up one day and I hated that kind of thing.  Anything that had to do with emo and scene, I just detested.  I still like some punk and rock and roll.  Don't get me wrong, I love skulls.  But, from the hair color, to the bright clothing, to the jewelry accessories, it was now I total turn off.  It still is.  I don't know what I was thiinking.  I even dyed my hair half blonde/brown, and I realized that I will never do that again. I am over it all.  Now, what my real style is sophisticated, cute, sexy, and put together.  Overall, simple.  I am good with this.  I went to church this morning and I was wearing this dress that I bought at the end of the summer, and it reminded my sister, boyfriend, and me of Jackie Onassis[Kennedy].  Again, sophisticated and simple.  =]

SO, here's what I am certain of myself:
  • I love being positive/optimistic
  • I am the only person who can control what I do and how I feel
  • Simple style
  • The future ia my concentration, not the past.
  • I [for the majority] think my body is bangin. <3

“As we drive along this road called life, occasionally a gal will find herself a little lost. And when that happens, I guess she has to let go of the coulda, shoulda, woulda, buckle up and just keep going.” --Carrie/Sarah Jessica Parker


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