♞Its All About Me~

Jun 05, 2010 20:39

Player Information

Name: Keebou
Age: 22
AIM SN: Tenshikishin
email: precious_left_eye@hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull? Cast mates and characters I spoke to on dear_mun

Character Information

Canon Source: Pandora Hearts
Canon Format: Manga format
Character's Name: Break Xerxes aka. Mister Hatter (and Alice calls him Clown )
Character's Age: He was around 23/24 when he made his first contract and stopped ageing ever since then.

What form will your character's NV take?
Just to stay with the creepy ventriloquism thing he has going on, I'd like to make Emily~♪  his communication device. If someone wants to talk to him, Break will hear their voice through the doll, if its a written message Emily will simply read it out loud to him (Because I'm taking him from a point in canon where he is practically blind, it will be easier for him.) Also if Break writes a message it will just be written on a part of Emily and the message will be absorbed to then appear on the other persons NV. So if Break is sending a video or voice message to someone else, he'll simply talk to Emily and the doll's eyes will record it or its ears for a voice post. The same goes for a hologram post, Emily will simply watch Break and record it, If Break is the one seeing the hologram, the image will appear over Emily. Please allow this, as I believe it may lead to some rather entertaining explaining.

Character's Canon Abilities:
Break's main abilities are as follows:
☆ Phasing | Moving through shadows - Break can be seen coming out of everyday objects, for an example; he appears from under the bed Alice is resting on; leaves via a dresser cupboard; and re-appears under a table. It has never been confirmed in canon but I believe this is due to Lady Sharon Rainsworth's Chain, Eques. Sharon states in canon that she has Equis attached to Break's shadow at all times so that she can keep track of him and Eques's ability is to open portals, hence my assumption this is how Break can appear and vanish via the use of shadows, just like that~
☆ Ventriloquism - Break is able to throw his voice perfectly, giving the impression that Emily is simply a possessed doll, though it is shown to all be a trick when Break is taken with Alice to Cheshire's dimension, Emily is left behind and seen still, lifeless and silent.
☆ Swordsmanship - Break used to be a loyal Knight to a noble family, he was the best there was. An assassin, a blood thirsty killer whom would slay all and any in his Masters way. Break is a highly skilled and lethal when it comes to swordplay.
☆ Mad Hatter | Chain - Break controls the power of the Chain Mad Hatter the power to reject and destroy the power of the Abyss, a Chain that exists for the soul purpose of killing other chains. However, using Mad Hatter is a physical strain on Break and there for has to rest for a long time after using it, making that ability a once in a while attack.
☆ Magical Enigma - Break has some magical abilities that are never explained, I leave it down to the fact he works for Pandora. The enigma I talk of is that when Oz becomes possessed by Alice when he escapes the Abyss, Break creates a seal like barrier around Oz and is able to knock Alice from out of Oz's body.

Break carries with him a cane that doubles as a sword. I'd like Break to have this with him when he arrives in Siren port for the reason being I'm taking him from a point in canon just before he reviles to be almost completely bind. It will double as a walking aid as well as weapon.

Character History:
There is still a lot of speculation over Break's history in regards to his age, I feel I must express this before explaining what could otherwise be a complicated history report as far as time lines go. Break was from a time before the Tragedy of Sablier and was in his mid twenties when it happened as he is seen as a young adult with the Sinclair family before the tragedy. As time is altered when in the Abyss, I can only assume that he is one of the oldest characters in the canon. My reason for saying so it that Vincent and Gilbert are just children when he first meets them in the Abyss at the time of the tragedy, leading me to believe that he is closer to the age of around 165 to 185 years old seeing as the tragedy was over 100 years ago, Break was around 20 at the time, he was then spat out 30 to 50 years later and another 5 to 10 years passed before meeting Oz, plus the assumed time skip he would have went through just like Oz did while in the Abyss.

Now onto his character history.

☂ Kevin Regnards
Break was once called Kevin Regnards. He was a loyal knight who served under the noble family Sinclair and protected his Master to the fullest of his ability. The perfect servant, never once letting his Master down. Kevin was happy with his life with the Sinclair family and would often spend a lot of his time with the Sinclair's youngest Daughter. (Whom myself and other fans of the canon have speculated must have been called Emily for the coincidence that he then named his doll Emily, whom was always at his side, much like the young Sinclair girl. This has never been confirmed in canon yet but it's a large coincidence.)
☂ Death By Politics
Kevin's Master and the whole of the Sinclair family were murdered mysteriously for what appeared to be rival and political reasons between the Sinclair family and another of the noble households while Kevin was out of the house with the youngest daughter. Finding his Master, the wife of the house as well as the older children and servants had been killed brutally and without remorse or mercy towards the children and woman. This left the youngest daughter the only survivor to this travesty, and Kevin swore that he would put things right. He felt guilty for having not been there to protect the family as it was seen as his place as family Knight to do so.
☂ Red Eye'd Ghost
Kevin, riddled with guilt and grief made an illegal contract to the chain that represented The White Knight , Albus. Letting his feelings and bereavement get the better of him, Kevin became a blood thirsty murderer know as The Red Eye'd Ghost (Because of his burning scarlet eyes) allowing Albus all the humans he could consume and kill in order to take vengeance for his Sinclair Master. After killing 116 people Kevin's clock seal mark finished a full turn of its hand and thus pulled Kevin into the Abyss along with his chain. It was here that Kevin and Albus fought their way to the Heart of the Abyss in order to meet the Will of the Abyss and do what all illegal contractors forge a contract to a chain in the first place ... to change the past.
☂ Will Of The Abyss | Alyss
Once making it to the heart Kevin and Albus meet what appears to be a pretty young girl, surrounded by dolls and a chain in the form of a cross between a human and a cat (Which is later to be revealed as Alice's pet cat, Cheshire and the girl is Alice's twin, Alyss. ) After some confusion and getting used to the broken toy box of a world he'd been brought to, Kevin asks Alyss if she will change the past for him. After a short while of Kevin growing impatient with the girl, he raises his sword to her throat and demands she take him seriously and hears him out, to which his Chain, Albus tries to protect Alyss, resulting in Albus being destroyed by the female, showing how she really did have control over the place and proving that she might have the power to change Kevin's past.
☂ Precious Left Eye #1
An exchange is required. The Cheshire Chain has no eyes due to the way in which it was killed as a normal cat and Alyss comments that Kevin's red eyes would look nice in Cheshire, requesting that in exchange for what he wants, she wants his eyes for Cheshire. Taking the left one before they are interrupted by Alyss almost collapsing commenting that there was a flux of people flooding into the Abyss from somewhere and two young boys covered in blood.
☂ Child Of Disaster
One of the boys is later confirmed to be the one that killed Cheshire by plucking its eyes out with a pair of scissors and someone Alyss seems to hate and is fearful of. Kevin is left to watch as the boy carrying his passed out brother, mocks Alyss and tells her how smart he is that he opened the door to the Abyss all by himself. This goes on for a while before the dimension they are in starts to break down due to Alyss becoming unstable from seeing Vincent and the massive strain on the Abyss as what is later learnt to be The Tragedy of Sablier happening.
☂ Wish Of The Will
Kevin realises that he's going to die down there if the dimension crumbled and his pain, suffering and sorrow will have all been for nothing. He manages to get Alyss's attention once more and begs her that he'd do anything, even give her his other eye if she will change the past for him and send him back. Something is told to Kevin which is still unknown in canon, (Again a speculation, but most believe she asks him for Jack Vessalius as she is seen to be besotted by him) but Alyss asked Kevin to do something for her to which he promises and is sent back to the Rainsworth household at least 30 to 50 years after the Tragedy and found in the gardens of the home by the Lady of the house, Shelly Rainsworth.
☂ No Such Thing As A Happy Ending
Cheryl Rainsworth, the Duchess and Shelly's mother explains to Kevin that the Sinclair family were still murdered, though it wasn't from the political reasons as had happened first time around, and that his Master lived on another 4 years, however, the eldest daughter was assassinated and the youngest daughter Kevin used to spend a lot of time with, became an illegal contractor to seek revenge and was thus dragged into the Abyss. This new past resulted in the young girl whom would have survived had Kevin never changed the past, having lost her life too and this guilt depressed Kevin more than first time around. No there was no Sinclair's left at all.
☂ A Sweet Lady
Shelly Rainsworth took Kevin under her wing, tending to his wounds and feeding him an array of sweets and tea as means of cheering him up. Her kindness in turn wore off on him changing him into the carefree and happy character he is seen to be in present canon. Shelly changed his name so that he was no longer haunted by his past as the murderer giving him the name Xerxes Break instead. (the name Xerxes was taken from Xerxes the Great the King of Persia whom had a short and bloody reign, some believing him to be a God or immortal ) Break swore his allegiance to Shelly and soon became a big brother figure to her daughter, Sharon.
☂ New Start And A Meaning
Break eventually became a member of Pandora the organization that keeps the Abyss locked up and safe, while investigating its powers and finding a way to make a contract with chains through devices called Blood Seal Mirrors which in turn stop the appearance of the clock seal and stopping the eventual fate of being dragged into the Abyss. Break uses this to make a new contract with the chain called Mad Hatter one of the most powerful chains. It is never confirmed why Break joins Pandora, if its simply to help the Rainsworth family or for his own reasons, for example finding out what Pandora know about 100 years ago and about himself.
☂ Precious Left Eye #2
Break eventually meets Gilbert again, after Oz is sentenced into the Abyss at his coming of age ceremony. After creeping Gilbert out he manipulates the boy into becoming his left eye and convinces him to leave the Vessaluis house to become adopted into the Nightrays house as Breaks spy. There is still plot unfolding in canon as to why Break asked Gilbert to do this, seeing as the Nightray family seem to have a lot of shaded history about them.
☂ Curiouser And Curiouser
After going with Sharon to meet Oz as he makes it out of the Abyss with his contracted chain BRabbit , Break is part of a few events in canon. Firstly he manipulates Oz into working as his apprentice (In other words: Gets Oz to do his work for him.) saying that Oz can help Alice look for her memories while helping him do his job. This is an excuse to keep an eye on Oz as he turns out to be an important key in unlocking the secrets of the Abyss.
☂ Grin Like A Cheshire Cat
Break is later transported to Cheshire's dimension, which is said to be neither the Abyss nor the world. It is there that he faces the Chain and his past as Kevin, having a rather slow fight with the Chain before discovering the memories of what happened 100 years ago are trapped within a bell the Chain wears. After winning the bell and slaying the chain, Break keeps the bell secret and safe. Not wanting anyone to know about what happened for his own reasons, until Vincent kidnaps his Mistress Sharon when Break then exchanges the bell for Sharon's safety. Vincent destroys the memories as he wants no one to know about his involvement in the Tragedy.
☂ Dukes And Dodos
The little Group decide to ask Duke Rufus Barma more about the Tragedy and hope to uncover more of Alice's memories. It is during this meeting that Rufus questions Break about his past as Kevin, explaining that he would be locked up for life if Pandora knew he had once been an illegal contractor and The Red Eyed Ghost. After exposing the full clock seal on Breaks chest the group leave with a little to continue their quest.
☂ Mad As A Hatter
Closer to present canon update, Break is seen to have helped fighting off a mass of chains while the small group investigate Sablier, using Mad Hatter twice and exerting himself, making himself weak and sickly. The second time he helps out is during an encounter with the Baskervilles where Break fights Zwei. It is shown that this fight later takes a huge strain on his body and Break collapsed. Leading me to my point in canon that Break will be taking from.

Point in Canon:
Break will be taken from Retrace 42 where Liam Lunettes discovered Break is almost totally blind. After collapsing and having to be carried back to his chambers, Break is left alone with Liam, Duke Barma's servant whom spends most of his time back and forth between the Barma and the Rainsworth households. Break will be in a state of unease, having lost most of his sight, he can only make out the base shape of objects and the details of peoples faces are just a simply blur of colour to him now. Having used Mad Hatter with no regards to his physical condition, Break will be weak and vulnerable upon reaching Siren's Port. He has just been trying to find out more about where Jack Vessalius's soul shards are and more about the Baskervilles involvement in all of this. He will know all his cast mates that he had encountered before this point in canon and wil be updated eventually.

Character Personality:
 Complicated, confusing and curious . Not always seeming to actually feel the way he portrays himself to be, for example the things he says and does are not always the same, like when Sharon is kidnapped. Break has always said he lives only for himself, has no friends or family but the moment Sharon is in danger he rushes to her aid. Its almost a way of self preservation, the way he acts so carefree and careless about himself, as if he doesn't want to love anyone or let them get too close like he did with the Sinclairs. There is a time when Oz explained to Break that himself  Break and Gilbert are all friends, Break looks so annoyed by this fact, but there is no cocky, fast and witty come back - he just frowns, showing that he can't deny it.
Odd. Some people would call Break odd, for the way in which he behaves towards others and just generally acts in public. To say he's a member of Pandora, a very serious and important organization, he is always gossiping, eating candies and quite frankly looks like a bit of a silly person, what with his sleeves flopping around and never wearing any socks or fastening his shoes, not to mention Emily on his shoulder at all times. Also his ability to move through shadows loaning him the easy entrance and escape through any ordinary object that has a shadow in it like a closet, under a table or a bed. Most people find that little trick hard to digest.
Impulsive. Break is in fact a very intelligent man, he knows a lot more then he lets on when people are talking to him, he'd rather get you to tell him everything you know about a subject and only give you a sample of the knowledge he has about it, yet when questions are fired back at him he may not even answer you at all. In saying this, Break is impulsive with his decisions, when he shows up to save Oz even though he'd made his mind up to stay out of it and there is a time he appears and saves Elliot too, where as he would normally leave the drama and fighting to others as much as he could . (He'd rather get Liam to do his work for him and stay with Sharon to chat about the others over a pot of tea~.)
A Manipulative Bastard. He shows examples of this in almost every scene he is in of the canon. Most recognized is when he is always manipulating poor Liam into doing things for him, such as his paperwork and assignments from Pandora. This also works on Gilbert, it has done since he first met him when he got the boy adopted into the Nightray family. This works on Oz too, as he is quick  to talk him into being his apprentice and basically doing his job for him. Break still shows his cruel side however, when Oz is out on a mission for him. There is a young girl he meets and befriends, Break doesn't attach the photograph of the girl in the paperwork he gives to Oz and seems to be darkly amused later when he finds out about Oz's reaction when he finds out the same girl is an illegal contractor and Oz is left watching her get dragged into the Abyss.
Teasing people just for his own amusement. He is always mocking Gilbert by calling him Raven~   in a sing-song voice to mock the fact Gilbert used his Chain's name as an alias, also when Gilbert is drunk he doesn't help matters by teasing him over the way his speech pattern falls back into the way he would speak when he was a child. His teasing doesn't stop there, he's been seen to mock Alice with cocky little remarks he passes through Emily and well ... he'll mock just about anyone. Nor is his beloved Sharon exempt from his humour, as every time they meet a young boy around Sharon's age or a little older (or Oz) he passes comment that they would be perfect for the little Lady, poking fun at her love of all things romantic.
Rude and has no proper social etiquette. Break has no regards for personal space at times and even though he's an educated, noble man, he will still lean in and whisper things to people while they have company, making not just the person he's whispering too feel awkward, but those in the room whom can not hear the things he is saying. Ignoring people when they are talking to him and dismissing them as if they were an animal or an annoying insect, he does this to Gilbert a lot.Taking food that is not his is something he does most of the time too. A Cake, cookie or cup of tea are some of the things Break will take from you without asking.  As well as disturbing peoples conversations, Break interrupts people by never using a door too, he'll appear from out of nowhere, like under the table or from under the bed as if it was perfectly normal.

In addition to his personality I thought it might be handy to have a quick run down of Breaks Physical, Mental and Emotional strengths and weaknesses. 
Physically: Break is an excellent swordsman from his past as a Knight, he is never seen to lose a fight when he does engage in them. Even after losing his vision, Break is shown to still maintain this outstanding ability. This strength is countered however by his constant and slow deterioration of his health and body due to exerting his power of using Mad Hatter.
Mentally: Break possibly knows more about the Abyss and most of the people involved in the main storyline of his canon then Rufus Barma (the man that knows possibly everything there is to know about .. well.. everything!) Break was there over 100 years ago and saw the Will of the Abyss with his own eyes. This means that with knowledge comes power as Break has the upper hand for some aspects of the plot. The weakness in this is that his cocky and smarmy personality sometimes clouds his judgement allowing cracks in his otherwise flawless facade.In other words, he gives himself away on rare occasions.
Emotionally: Break has already been to hell, the things he's see and the things he's done. Its because of this that he is emotionally hardened, it really does take a lot to break his thick skin and truly upset him. Though his hidden and denied love towards the Rainsworth Ladies is his one true emotional downfall. Swearing loyalty to Shelly and feeling as though Sharon is his younger sibling, leaves a huge emotional Achilles' heel as a weak spot.

Character Plans:  Being the type of person Break is, and being in the condition I am ripping him from his canon in, Break will probably not want to be there at Siren's port one little bit. However, in his time there I can only assume that he will see the similarities between the Pull of the core and the Heart of The Abyss from his canon. This will probably mean that Break will try to become a double agent between SERO and Afterglow, wanting to get to the core by himself so that the pain and discomfort eases, also I feel Break will muse that if monsters come from the core having a melt down, that there is a rip in the dimension there that he might be able to leave through. And as a side note, just for giggles, Break will probably try and cause IC drama for his cast mates, just to keep himself entertained.

Appearance/PB: Break in his normal Pandora attire And~ Break in civilian attire

Writing Samples

First Person Sample:
 NV post style | First [Video] Post:

[Emily's eyes look a little different, almost as if those lifeless little hues are actually focusing in and out on Break as he inclines his skull aside, waving a sleeve covered hand before the small dolls face as it sat upon his shoulder.]

Ah la la~ Emily, you're not at all acting like charming self, don't tell me you've gone all serious on me like Liam~.

[Noticing a little red light in the back of Emily's eyes as he spoke, as if it was recording him.]

Well, stranger things have happened I suppose, however if you're not going to be any sort of entertainment it will simply mean no more cake for you, young Lady~.

[Patting the little blue doll upon its head as the lights in her eyes seem to fade and she returned back to normal. Waving in a flail upon his shoulder before that thrown voice of hers was heard.]

Oi!, Oi! That's not fair! Save some cake for me!

Third Person Sample:
Sample will be of Break's lead up to and first encounter to/of Sirens Port:

It had not been long since Liam had left Break's quarters in order to catch up with Oz and the rest of his little party, leaving Break to his wishes of being granted a few days rest, in order to condition his body to its new way of encompassing everywhere in his close vicinity through his other senses. The cornflower blue sheet covered the immaculate pallid topped male, giving him the impression of a lazy child's attempt at costume playing a ghost, what with the pale crisp sheet covering his head leaving only a wing span of floppy sleeves out at each side while his fingers splayed the mattress of that plush four posted bed. Toes in a constant state of motion in all their sock-less wonder, wiggling with the males restless condition as a displaced sigh is expelled into the hollow room.

A pain, well - more of a discomfort to start off as, more than anything else, it was a pain unlike pain the Hatter had ever felt before and it was a growing annoyance at that. Sitting up, still with that fabric draped over his head. " Ah la la~ what now?" Clutching his chest around the breadth of his clock seal mark. It was odd, it hadn't caused Break malaise for some time now that it was fully ingrained and he had contracted another Chain, possibly ... it wasn't the source of discomfort?. Blowing a shot of air from his pursed lips in conjunction with a light shaking of his skull and that sheet slipped down around his shoulders, allowing Break a fleeting look southwards to the cause of his vexation. There was nothing instantaneous to indicate a physical change in his being, when suddenly Break felt a huge surge pulling outward from inside his chest cavity. Gasping, he convulsed and heaved, causing the male to tumble forwards as the tell-tell brownian motion of those onyx tendrils emanate from behind Break. Mad Hatter had come forth for some unrenowned reason. Stumbling to his knees on the floor beside the foot of his bed in a mess and lavish of the silk and cotton sheets, that bittersweet claret right eye of his opened wide, pin dropped pupil oscillating as his Chain besieged him, his sight flashing to a burning white before a puzzling darkness flooded his mind. Nothing but cimmerian shade and a magnetizing affliction suffocated the male.

Break could only muse that some time had passed since the moment his Chain manifested in his chambers and that dull pain had transmuted into so much more than an agonizing pique. Spluttering with a gnarr, Break soon found his feet. The milieu he found himself to have been ferried to was of no great importance to Break, after all, he couldn't exactly make out what all the shadows and shapes happened to be, so those lovely manuscripts scattered over the walls were wasted on the Hatter. It seemed in all the bedlam, Break had been able to at least grab his cane. Pulling himself to his fatigued feet and finding some balance. If this place was made to enervate Break, so far he was rather calm in retrospect to the abrupt change. Taking a gander over his shoulder Break came to the conclusion that he was in a wide and open space, tapping at the asphalt with the foot-end of his cane, it was dusty, sand and grit yet Break could clearly hear the sound of a breeze passing between strands of grass.

There was no time to ponder over exactly what kind of setting he had been dropped into as Mad Hatter spread his coat tails, the colossal bloodshot fuchsia single eye of his Chain imposingly loomed behind its contractor as the screeching howl of whatever it was that had been advancing to close proximity of Break and his Chain was annihilated into a nebula of melanoid and nothing more. Break collapsed again to his knees, it was a great labour to control his Chain at that moment and once more Break phased into calignosity ... nothing but that darkness and pain.


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