Jul 27, 2004 15:25
break the grl: i didnt hate her
Beatlesman64: if she's mortally against it though, then :(
Beatlesman64: well you know what i mean
break the grl: i hated you for blowing me off for her all the time
Beatlesman64: whatever
Beatlesman64: we're not getting into it
break the grl: no its not whatever
break the grl: no we are
Beatlesman64: omIOGDOD DODO G NO WE'RE NOT
Beatlesman64: i gotta go anyway
break the grl: im already in knee deep
Beatlesman64: i dono't know if yor joking or not
haha i love robert
i can like picture im typing and like freaking out because he forgot to take his meds. or something
(hunter wherever you are i need to talk to you so call me at like a normal time of the day so i can talk to you instead of like 6 in the morning!!)
my phone has like a fortune teller built in it
yeah its really high tech
and i just asked it
"will tonight suck balls"
and it replied
"wu wang innocence says: yes yes yes"