theme parks are so much more fun when the sun's outside

Nov 26, 2004 14:16


i hope everyone had a fullfilling amount of food and family/friends. i know i did! my family and i were invited to buddy's house for this specific holiday and instead of getting it catered, like usual, they actually cooked the turkey,  3 different kinds of stuffing, a few different kinds of soup, and a variety of other dishes that all the other families contributed.

it was DELICIOUS. and i had such a good time with buddy, aaron, kevin, and shanon. does everyone else know the "im going to the moon and im taking a mouse" game? where the person who starts it makes a rule ,like you have to take something that starts with the same letter as the first letter in your name. well i think we played for at least 2 hours, AT LEAST. it was so much fun to sit at the "kids table" and talk and laugh and smile and wonder why i was ever depressed about anything.

my aunt called on wednesday...SHAUNA AND I HAVE A CAR! my cousin cora bought herself a 99' mustang but doesnt really want to get rid of her kia so my aunt called to say that it is now mine and shaunas car whenever we feel the need to get together. so...when i get my lisence i am driving myself to pittsburgh with my mom and then she can come back ome na di can take MY CAR and go pick up shauna :). too excited for words...

i slept really well last night and i had a dream that makes me question what i have believed all my life. i dont really know what to do but it was just a dream so maybe it was nothing....i mean, dreams can be misleading, right? everythings just going so well lately that i dont want to mess it up just because of some thought that crossed my mind during REM.

may everyone feel, forever, the way i feel now
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