Fantasia - THAT VOICE! uggg. Simon was right. She kinda did sound like a cartoon.
George - AWESOME. The bounce is back! I love the bounce. It owns. Yes. <3333
I don't remember the order. crap.
La Toya - AWESOME!!! She is a great dancer too.
John - He NEEDS to go. REALLY.
I love Gloria Estefan and her music. She was like my favorite singer when I was younger. But he picked the one song of hers that I can't STAND.
Jasmine - Great performance. One of her best, in my opinion.
Diano - She did an awesome job too. Not many can pull off that part of the song where you have to sing really really fast. And she did it! And she's just so hyper and cheerful. hehe
John needs to go home tonight. Sorry, but he really does.
OTH...I luff James. I don't really remember enough to say what I thought of the episode. But darn is James hot when making pretzels.
I got a CD-ROM with the Princeton Review book for the SATs. I'm gonna try to take a practice test tonight. I hope they score it. I really want to know what I'd get.
On Friday all the Physics classes are going to Six Flags for Physics day! We only have to take a few measurements and then we can do whatever we want for the rest of the day. I can't wait. Easy day!