
Apr 09, 2009 17:01

It's finally the weekend!
Easter...I really hope the family doesn't have plans. I feel like we will be going somewhere though because neither of my parents has mentioned what the Good Friday or Easter dinner will be. I really just need this weekend to chill and catch up in my courses.
Accomplished today: Went to both my classes, hooray. Found a place to visit for my field work assignment. I'm going on Tuesday, and the assignment's due Thursday. Procrastination ftl, but at least I'm getting it done. On the boo-urns side, apparently my biomechanics lab was due this week. There was a huge announcement on teh course website that there were no labs scheduled this week, or something, so I assumed the lab was due next week. That was not the case, so I missed the lab due date on Monday morning. I emailed my TA this morning asking if I could hand it in for at least part marks, but I haven't gotten a response back and I'm not expecting one back perhaps ever. I find TA's are really crappy at getting back to emails. I mean I know you're a grad student but TA'ing is your job too. Oh well I'm not judging her yet, she was actually in one of my classes last year and she's cool.
I'm wondering if I should really try and take out my hair this summer. I want bangs, I really do, but I can't find anywhere that shows dreadlocks in an actual style. Like I don't know if they can be cut into a style, or if bangs would even look okay.
This weekend's to-do list: is huge.

This is mostly for me.

Aging: Finish notes for Jenn
Biomech: Watch lectures (Mon & Wed?); do labs 3 and 4
Nutrition: Copy notebook notes into course kit
French: Do homework that's due on Monday; Choose a topic for final project; then attempt old homework from last week

Anyway, I'm gonna go eat dinner, then probably play the sims. I can't help it. Brandi Broke just had a bb girl, after I've had like 5 straight boys in the game, then she elderized a few days later, and her hubby Julian Goth is almost at the top of the athletic career, so things are getting interesting.

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