This makes me far happier than it should. For those of you who don't want to click on the link and read the whole bloody article, the gist of it is that the directors of the Harry Potter movies have decided--get ready for it--they're going to split Deathly Hallows into two movies. And why are they doing this? Because, according to the producer, "Unlike every other book, you cannot remove elements of this book."
THANK YOU!!!!! I was going to be SO PISSED if they cut parts of DH, which is quite probably my absolute favourite book. I still haven't seen OotP, but I think I can be excused that one...someone told me that it was so confusing you had to read the book to get it anyway. Besides, I hate Umbridge. Also, I've seen pictures of Umbridge, and I think she's pretty true except for the sweater, which I think is the wrong shade of pink. Okay, enough excuses.
I might not see HBP either. The producer called it "the funniest movie yet". Um...did he read the same book I did? Not a whole lot of humour in there. Although there is the infamous "sir" conversation. ("There's no need to call me 'sir', Professor.") Still...I don't see a whole lot of humour in that book. Dry humour, maybe; dark humour, certainly; but I wouldn't call it the funniest anything.
Whether I see HBP or not, I am going to see the DH movies. Wonder what they'll call them? Probably DH part 1 and DH part 2 or something. If they name the last movie Harry Potter and the Final Victory, I might shoot them. On the other hand, if they call it something like Harry Potter and the Chapters That Follow...okay, I'm done.
[EDIT] See paragraph about HBP.
[SON OF THE EDIT] Oops, misread the's the producer, not director, who commented to the Times.