Christmas at the Burrow

Jul 14, 2005 20:29

Christmas At The Burrow

Ship: R/Hr, H/G
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The Burrow at Christmas.
A/N: It's kind of fluffy, and it's just one chapter. I hope you like it though.

"Finally home," Hermione sighed, turning off her car outside the Burrow.
She closed the door of her car, locked it and opened the trunk. It was full of bags, full of Christmas presents. Being head of St. Mungo's had its perks, money being one of them. But it was also a drawback to stay overtime on Christmas eve. Hermione reached into the trunk for the presents at the back when she felt two hands rest on her hips. She smiled and turned around to see her husband smiling. Hermione kissed Ron gently.
"Hello darling," Ron said softly.
"Hi honey," Hermione said, exhausted.
Ron was wearing black pants and a maroon sweater. Hermione noted that he had no jacket on. His cheeks were rosy because of the blowing snow and cold. He took almost all of the bags Hermione was carrying with his strong arms. Hermione was left with two bags and walked beside Ron back to the Burrow.
Hermione opened the door and had a small child rush at her immediately.
"Mommy, mommy!" the little girl said happily.
"Hello Anna," Hermione said, trying to conceal the bags.
"Are those Christmas presents?" Anna said, peering into the bags.
"Yes. But they are clothes for all the old people," Hermione smiled.
Anna made a disgusted face and ran towards the tree.
Hermione trudged upstairs and put the bags on her bed. Ron had just gotten into the room as well and sat down on the bed. Hermione collapsed onto the bed beside him. Ron smiled and kissed her. He pulled off her coat and her scarf.
"I love you, Ron," Hermione said, smiling.
Ron kissed Hermione sweetly, "I love you 'Mione."
Hermione stood up and closed the door. She unbuttoned her blouse and pulled on a black sweater. She took off her dresspants and put on jeans. She pulled her windswept curls into a french braid. Ron never took his eyes off her. She sat down again and kissed him.
"I've got to get supper on," Hermione said, standing.
Ron pulled her back down and kissed her. They continued to kiss and Ron leaned forward on top of her. He went for the zipper of her jeans when she stopped him.
"Later," Hermione smiled.
She hopped off the bed and ran downstairs. She walked into the kitchen where her entire family was. Her parents sat at the table talking to Arthur and Molly. The couches in the living room were inhabited by Fred and Angelina, George and Katie, Bill and Fleur Delacour, Charlie and Megan, Percy and Penelope Clearwater, and a host of children. Ginny was putting Yorkshire Pudding in the oven. Harry was sitting on a stool near the Christmas tree, telling the children around him of the trio's adventures at Hogwarts.
The Weasleys were always known for their large families. Bill and Fleur had two. Charlie and Megan had four. Percy and Penelope had three. Fred and Angelina had five. George and Katie also had five. Harry and Ginny had one and Ginny was pregnant again. Ron and Hermione were in the lead with six.
"I can't believe that there is forty four of us packed in the Burrow this year," Hermione said, she touched Ginny's small stomach, "Forty-five if you count your new little one."
Ginny smiled, "I don't know if we've ever packed this many people in here."
"Lucky we added a few more rooms."
"A few?" Ginny said.
The women laughed and continued to cook. Ron came down the stairs and scooped his daughter, Molly into his arms. Molly, like the majority of the children, had red hair. But Molly had startlingly green eyes.
Harry finished his story and bounded towards the kitchen. He pulled Molly out of Ron's arms.
"Get to work, Ron," Harry said, as he kissed Molly's nose, "How is my little love child doing?"
"Good," Molly gurgled out.
Hermione lightly slapped Harry's arm. harry put Molly down and she ran to the other children. Harry kissed Hermione's cheek.
"She is our love child, right 'Mione?" Harry smirked.
"She would be if it weren't for that shock of red hair," Hermione smiled.
"See mate. All the kids are mine," Ron said, throwing an apron at Harry.
Fred and George walked into the kitchen and pulled Hermione into a hug.
"Or all the kids could be ours," Fred smiled.
"Right 'Mione. They're mind," George said.
"Boys. Boys," Hermione said, smiling, "They are Ron's, you know very well."
"I can't believe that there is twenty five kids in the house," Ron said.
"It's that Weasley blood," Fred grinned.
"Like rabbits," George finished.
"You two especially," Fred said, hitting Ron's hip with his.
The twins walked into the yard to have a snowball fight with the eleven little boys that had ran out into the yard. Molly had made sure they had all bundled up warmly, still the mother hen. The fifteen little girls had all run upstairs to play with the large Weasley dollhouse.
An hour later, there was the first wave of Christmas dinner, the children. Twenty-six children sat up for supper and the turkey quickly put them all to sleep.
Finally, at eight, the adults pulled up to Christmas dinner, having put the kids to bed. Eighteen people pulled up to the table.
"Everyone!" Ginny said loudly, "Harry and I have something to tell everyone. We are pregnant again."
Everyone shouted their congratulations to the couple and soon everything quieted down and normal conversation took over.
"Like I said, rabbits," George said.
"What's like rabbits dear?" Molly said.
"Weasleys," George grinned.
The entire room roared with laughter.
"We breed like rabbits," George shouted.
The room soon quieted down again.
"How are things at St. Mungo's, Hermione?" Percy said, starting up a new conversation.
"They are actually very well. Many people who we didn't think would ever be sane were discharged the other day," Hermione beamed.
"You mean-?" Ron started.
"Yes. The Longbottoms have been cured. The Sanity Juice finally started to kick in after a month," Hermione said, smiling.
"Oo invented zis Sanity Juice?" Fleur asked.
"Hermione," Harry said.
"Wow. I'm impressed," Bill said.
"But I haven't perfected the memory potion that I'm working on right now," Hermione said.
"For Gilderoy?" Arthur asked.
"Yes," Hermione responded.
"He was such a handsome man," Molly smiled.
Ginny and Hermione blushed lightly, knowing that they at one time had felt the exact same way.
The conversation ended and most people had finished eating. Everyone thanked Hermione and Ginny for supper and went to bed. Ron and Hermione cleaned up and went to bed.
Hermione undressed and put on a silk slip. Ron changed into a pair of cotton blue pajamas. Hermione climbed into bed and Ron after her.
"I love you," Hermione said, kissing her husband.
"I love you," Ron whispered.
Hermione nestled in Ron's arms and quickly fell asleep. Ron watched Hermione sleep and eventually fell asleep himself. He awoke with a start two hours later. He had had a nightmare that Hermione had died, but she was nestled in his arms. Ron tried and tried to sleep, but was unsuccessful. He finally got out of bed, slowly, as not to disturb Hermione. He pulled on a black night robe and went downstairs.
He sat on the couch watching the Christmas tree. He checked his watch, two in the morning. He made himself some tea and tried to relax. That nightmare had really shaken him.
He heard a creak on the stairs and spun around. There was Harry standing at the bottom of the stairs. His hair was messier than normal and he was wearing black pajamas and an emerald green night robe. He saw Ron and smiled sleepily.
"Morning," Harry said, helping himself to some tea.
"Morning," Ron said, turning back to the tree.
"Couldn't sleep?"
"No. You?"
There was a silence.
"I had a nightmare," Ron said.
"Oh," Harry said. Harry was the expert on nightmares, after having so many during the Second War.
"I dreamt that it was seventh year again and you couldn't save both 'Mione and I, and you picked me, and she died. And we had to watch You-Know-," Harry glared at Ron, "Voldemort. Kill her. It was terrible. And then it switched to where we had that huge fight in sixth and beat the snot out of each other, because I thought that you liked Hermione. Then it switched again to Hermione dead again."
"Well you don't have to worry," Harry's face darkened, "Because Voldemort is gone."
Harry had made a choice, kill or be killed. He killed Voldemort and ended the Second War.
"Harry," Ron said, pulling Harry out of his trance. "He's gone, and I thank you for that."
Harry smiled slightly, "Thanks, Ron."
There was a pause.
"Well, I'm going to go get some sleep before the hooligans awake," Ron said.
"The kids?"
"My brothers."
Harry chuckled.
"I am also going to go tell my wonderful wife how much I love her, and you should go tell my wonderful sister the same," Ron said, standing up.
"Wonderfully sexy sister. Great in the sack, too," Harry winked.
Ron punched him in the arm and went upstairs. He climbed back into the bed and wrapped his arms around Hermione.
"Ron?" she murmured.
"Yes, 'Mione," Ron said, "I love you so much."
"I love you too, Ron," Hermione said, kissing her husband's forearm.
Ron checked his watch. Four more hours until chaos.





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