This one is from so&sobluemascara71May 6 2005, 14:05:30 UTC
So obviously i dont know you... you dont know me.. you know who i am though. so, now that i just confused every person on here. let me get down to the point... Most obviously jamie has talked to me about you, and im sure its the same vice versa. I know all the stories of when you guys were super close, and some other the things that you both have done. Its not making you or her a whore. You made some mistakes. some you wish you could erase some that you happy they happened because you learned. Dont let other people bring you down by what they say. I've learned that. People use to be very cruel to me and my family about the way i grew up, im sure you've heard about it. But, yeah it pissed me off anf brought me down, but after awhile i realized, "these people dont know shit about me". Its true some of the most hurtful things come from people we dont even know... I'm sorry you have to go throught this. I really am. from what i've heard from jamie, your a stand up chick, Be yourself. Just watch what you do. Everything will work out.
Re: This one is from so&sodeadly_desiresMay 7 2005, 20:35:57 UTC
I beg to differ.. The most honest things are not the most hurtful. Real friends would rather see their friends happy than cry. Real friends would sacrifice their own happiness for someone else. Real friends don't anonymously stab you in the back. No, I don't think you love her, nor myself, or yourself for that matter. I firmly believe that you fill your days looking in the mirror caking on the make-up trying to hide the impurities God has given you, trying to make your hideious self more pleasing to the eye. But the truth is, Jealously always rears its ugly head. That my dear, is the truth, and i do not love you.
hahahahahahahaha omg this is soo funny.
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