BtVS Fanfiction Archive

Mar 07, 2011 14:40

So I've been thinking about this all weekend and looking at the responses that I've received from people and the bulk - rather, the entire majority save for a few people here and there - who have been supportive were B/A people ( Read more... )

btvs fanfiction archive

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xbitexmyxlipx March 8 2011, 03:32:20 UTC
I like Gen-fic and Buffy/Xander, which means I'm so far in the minority, I don't exist. :P


bre2004 March 8 2011, 16:42:31 UTC
LOL - nonsense, woman. It's the (crazy) people like you that would help find those (crazy) fics. Because you're (crazy) awesome for liking that. :D


xbitexmyxlipx March 9 2011, 03:15:09 UTC
When you get the details all worked out, I can post on some of the communities and help you get some less popular pairings up and running. :P

Can't help with the naming, though. I suck at naming stuff.


bre2004 March 9 2011, 16:38:21 UTC
THAT WOULD BE AMAZING! *bows down* Much much helpful. ;D

I know, me too. I don't know how to get a clever name that relates to all of BtVS. Stupid brain.

I think I'm going to cruise through the episode list and see if I can find something relating to it all if I get sincerely desperate. :P


xbitexmyxlipx March 11 2011, 06:47:20 UTC
The old yahoo communities might still be active enough for pimpage.

And if that fails, there's always "Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a fanfiction archive." :P


bre2004 March 11 2011, 17:01:20 UTC
Bahahahaaaaa!... You're very right, you suck at naming things LOL.

Dang, I still get e-mails from some of those comms and it's just weird porn advertisements lol - but there are still a lot of people so that's probably a very good idea.


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