
Oct 06, 2010 14:15

I don't want to be at work. So I'm doing this.

Yakked from ladymanson.

- Name: Bre (actually Ashley)
- Single or taken: Taken
- Sex: Female
- Birthday: December 22
- Sign: Capricorn
- Hair color: Dirty blonde
- Eye color: Hazel
- Height: 5'6"
- Orientation: Straight

• × • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • × •

- Favorite place to shop for clothes?: Maurices
- Favorite designer: Not really specific
- What is your sexiest outfit?: This strappy t-shirt/dress thing
- What is your most comfortable outfit?: Anything involving sweatpants. Yeah, I'm a classy gal
- What do you usually wear?: Jeans or shorts and a t-shirt

• × • S P E C I F I C S • × •

- What kind of shampoo do you use?: Fructis
- What are you listening to right now?: iTunes radio
- Who is the last person that called you?: The Art Institute
- How many buddies are online right now?: No idea, I never keep anything on

× • F A V O R I T E S • × •

- Food: Anything with pasta
- Girls' names: Mercedes
- Boys' names: Christopher
- Subjects in school: English
- Animals: Dogs and pigs

• × • H A V E | Y O U | E V E R • × •

- Given anyone a bath? Yes
- Smoked?: No.
- Bungee jumped? No.
-Made yourself throw up? Yes and it makes me yak thinking about it
- Skinny dipped?: No.
- Ever been in love?: Yes.
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No.
- Pictured your crush naked?: Yes.
- Actually seen your crush naked?: No.
- Cried when someone died?: Yes.
- Lied: Yes.
- Fallen for your best friend?: No.
- Used someone?: No.
- Done something you regret?: I usually immediately regret something if there is regret involved. Over time I usually get over it unless it drastically changed my life like choosing to cut off one of my arms or something. So yes, I guess.

• × • C U R R E N T • × •

- Clothes: Cheap Target sandles, a super cute black/grey striped sweater with skinny black pants from Maurices
- Desktop picture: My Eliza Dushku 'Heavy Heart' wall
- CD in player: In the Jeep it is the Twilight Eclipse soundtrack. Still.
- DVD in player: Second disc of the first season of Angel. Re-watch going on.

• × • L A S T | P E R S O N • × •

- You touched: My mom.
- Hugged: Boyfriend.
- You kissed: Boyfriend.
- You IM: No idea.
- Talk to online: An old high school friend
- You sexed it up with: Boyfriend.

• × • A R E | Y O U • × •

- Understanding?: Yes.
- Open-minded?: Yes.
- Arrogant?: Sometimes.
- Insecure?: Yes.
- Random?: Always.
- Hungry?: No, just ate lunch. I'm kind of stuffed.
- Smart?: I think so.
- Moody?: Yes.
- Organized?: Yes.
- Shy?: Around people I haven't gotten to know yet yes.
- Difficult?: No. In fact, I think I'm too laid back sometimes.
- Bored easily?: Yes.
- Obsessed?: With shoes and purses. I have a ton of purses. I have barely any shoes. :(
- Angry?: Not at the moment. I was this morning. :P
- Happy?: Yes.
- Hyper?: Not really, too tired to get coffee. Strange.
- Trusting?: Yes.

• × • R A N D O M • × •

- In the morning I: Wake up at the asscrack of "before-dawn" and walk the dog, sometimes run, and then lay on the couch until I have to get ready for work.
- Love is: Lovely.
- I dream about: Random shit, whatever is bothering me or something I glanced at in the day.
- Sexual preference: I'm a guys gal but I appreciate women.
- What do you notice first in guys: Eyes and hair.

• × • W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R • ×

- Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi.
- Flowers or candy: Flowers.
- Tall or short: Tall.

• × • W H O • × •

- Makes you laugh the most: Boyfriend.
- Makes you smile: The dog.
- Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: An ex.

• × • D O | Y O U | E V E R • × •

- Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: No.
- Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: No.
- Wish you were younger?: No because then I would be closer to high school and no...
- Cry because someone said something to you?: Yes.

• × • N U M B E R • × •

- Of times I have had my heart broken?: Once.
- Of guys I've kissed: One.
- Of girls I've kissed: Two.
- Of CDs I own: I have absolutely no idea.
- Of scars on my body: I have tons of scars. I have a long one on the back of my leg from a dog leash, I have one on my hand from tripping up stairs, I have one on my arm from tripping up a ramp. I have one between my fingers from running them through paper. I have one on my eyebrow from chicken pox. I have lots.

lj: meme

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