"Literature transforms and intensifies ordinary language, deviates systematically from everyday speech. If you approach me at a bus stop and murmur Thou still unravished bride of quietness, then I am instantly aware that I am in the presence of the literary."
- Terry Eagleton
"People do not deserve to have good writings; they are so pleased with the bad."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
(This is a testiment to the absolute SHIT that some people allow to be published in the world. I am reading one book right now that is difficult to get through because it's written badly, in my opinion. Who allowed you to be published? I'm sad for the world of books.)
1. Lucifer's Shadow - David Hewson
2. The Good Life - Jay McInerney
3. Cross - James Patterson
4. Double Cross - James Patterson
5. Are You There Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea - Chelsea Handler
6. The Night of the Gun - David Carr
7. The Machiavelli Covenant - Allan Folsom
8. Anonymous Lawyer - Jeremy Blachman
9. Dismantled - Jennifer McMahon
10. An Evil Guest - Gene Wolfe
11. Addition - Toni Jordan
12. Prodigy - Dave Kalstein
Heck yeah! Got five books added in there, I'm awesome. Quick thoughts on some of them because a few of them were absolutely fantastic (and not the book I was complaining about above. I need to finish that one before I completely say, "Bah humbug!" about it). These books that I'm currently reading right now I got for $1.99 on the website they are linked to, during one of their sales. GENIUS WEBSITE! These are just... random thoughts. I find that I don't actually form real opinions about what's going on in the book until I read it a second time. I'm one of those readers that needs to read it a few times and understand and see everything before I'm... "Oh..." Yeah, I'm rambling too, awesome.
Anonymous Lawyer - Jeremy Blachman - This was just a funny as hell story. It's a fake story about a lawyer who starts an anonymous blog and talks about the daily goings-on in his law firm and his journey to the top of the pile. It's just silly and a darker look at law firms. Especially funny because of where I work now (legal assistant) and it slightly reminded me of one of the owners, as he's always walking around, glowering and keeping an eye on everyone. Good reading.
Dismantled - Jennifer McMahon - First, I didn't realize until I'd purchased this book and received it in the mail that I'd read a book by the same author that has always stuck to me about a person's (through the eyes of a model who gets into a car crash) physical beauty vs inner beauty and what people around you see. But that's off topic. I couldn't put this book down because of the suspense! It was great keeping me intrigued, revealing some things about the past, about a certain character that don't come into play until a couple million chapters down the line. It was a well thought out suspense book in that it literally had me reading this book in the space of a day or two, just to see what the heck is going on and then the ending! Didn't expect it.
An Evil Guest - Gene Wolfe - ... I don't know. That was exactly what I was thinking when I finished this book. I don't know. The writing completely threw me for a loop, the way it's told. It felt like all of the characters were the same exact people (the author?) but the plot alone? It was different, but not in a bad way. It was different in that you wanted to put the book down to think about the weirdest scene ever but then pick it up to see where it took you. A book set in the future. One I definitely need to read again, if just to understand what the fuck I'm reading.
Addition: A Novel - Toni Jordan - The message I got from this book is to be true to yourself. I loved reading about obsessions and how they rule and define your life, in bad and good ways, and how you live your life with this. It was great being inside the main character's head and realizing how average isn't the opposite of unique.
Prodigy - Dave Kalstein - LOVED THIS BOOK! It's an incredibly creative book, an entirely different world but it's only a few decades into the future. The writing was fantastic, it kept me gripped and the characters were addictive. I would definitely recommend this book, the policital undertones were too fun and kind of scary.
I feel like I don't have a minute to myself anymore. I say this because I really, really, really want to make a new layout for Primordial Souls and actually update it (I do have things to update with, but laziness and procrastination are my middle names) but... I get distracted. And also the predicament of not knowing what the hell is going to be on the layout. I think Eclipse-themed, because it comes out this month. And it would be a little birthday present because Primordial Souls turns frickin' six next month! I can't believe I've had it for that long. *amazed*
And back to work I go.