A little bit of art and some random thoughts for the day...

Jan 21, 2009 23:16

Random Thought For The Day: I don't know how to suck up to my boss. I always come across as very sarcastic and lacking in any tact whatsoever. If it's on my mind, I'm gonna say it! If I don't think I'd be offended if someone said it to me, I say it. Alas, I don't know how to suck up because I was being a jackass with one of my bosses (not my direct boss, but she's still above me) and... yeah. I kept trying to rectify my last statement, and then I crashed and burned and repeated. It would be hilarious had it not been me. *lol*

Random Thought For The Day, The Second: I don't understand the concept of not using turn signals. It's right there! A few inches from where you're holding the wheel. Some people just don't use it, at all! I want to say: what the fuck is wrong with you? And then! There are people who don't change their turn signal lightbulbs and it flashes like I would be waving if I saw RPattz and today, some lady went to change lanes, and her turn signal was spazzing out, and because of it, it looked like she was going one mile per hour. Total mindfuck. I turned on my road rage (yeah. I can turn it on and off... pfft!) and said, "Bitch, if you don't move your ass, I'm gonna run over your toes."

Here endeth today's random thoughts.

I have a few new pieces of art...

Twilight Related? Yes
How many? Only 3. For now...


All made for challenges at < click on this! >
Noted because there are much prettier explanations there than I'm bound to come up with here.

Quickie Rulies:
No hotlinking. For the sake of mountains and snow, no hotlinking.
Credit is appreciated.

La Tua Cantante, Bella/Edward


Rid of Me, New Moon


Take Your Breath Away, Sam/Emily


I'm looking to post a community 'holymolywallpapersgalore!' post soon. :) I want to make a few more.

And quickly! A little meme, stolen from obssveangel

1. Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
2. Turn to page 56.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post that sentence along with these instructions in your LiveJournal.
5. Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

Mine? "Her own body is thickening in the middle, and grievance is etching lines in her face."

From The Crimson Petal and the White by Michel Faber.

And because there was another book the same exact distance, another: "So you'll come over when I'm home, though, right?"

From New Moon by Stephenie Meyer.


rl: random thought, lj: meme, wallpaper: twilight saga

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