Twilight Survey!!

Jun 15, 2008 17:22

Snagged from lesliesiconlj from twilight_series.

But before that, I'm probably going to re-read the Twilight series. Like, now. I'm crushing hardcore on this shit. It will be my third time. Also, I got my ass burned Holy crow, my forehead is screaming in burning pain. Thank the gawds for aloe vera.

In General

Which book in the series is your favorite?
Eclipse, followed extremely close by Twilight. I adore when they first meet and get to know each other, so innocent, but I love how much they have gone through and triumphed in Eclipse. Plus, there's more delicious moments in Eclipse. ;P

How long did it take you to read the books?
About three to three and a half days, and that's with work. I couldn't put them down.

Who introduced you to the books?
Well, long story. Back in whatever year this book came out, a friend from school told me I should totally read it, and I didn't get very far, more on the Buffy kick and not ready for anything more yet. Then, pretty every single person on my f-list (minus a few, eh dana_chosenart?) was reading it, especially evilfuckinbitch, who gave me the final push, and the movie was coming out, so I thought I would give it a try because I always, always read the book before the watching the movie and that was the end. I was in love.

Did you buy them, borrow them, or have them given to you as a gift?
I bought them all.

Are you most looking forward to: Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun, or the movie?
Oh jeez! Honestly, I'm waiting for Breaking Dawn more, with the movie followed closely and then Midnight Sun not far behind (only because I know it's still being written). I have to see how this series ends and what happens with all the characters.

What's your dream ending to the series?
Drama, drama, drama with the wedding happening (and Bella and Edward getting their SEX ON!), Bella FINALLY becoming a vampire and Jacob and Edward fighting (again). But really, I just want a happy ending that is kind of open for more, but leaves us content.


Who is your favorite character?
Tough one. I enjoy Edward quite a bit.

Who's your favorite vampire?
Edward because he plays a different fiddle with the hating oneself bit and allure with Bella.

Who is your favorite werewolf?
Jacob, obviously. After reading the second time, I kind of feel for him... Plus, he's so sweet with Bella.

What's one of your favorite quotes from the stories?
One? :P Off the top of my head, "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb." "What a stupid lamb." "What a sick, masochistic lion." Simple, but so true to their relationship, especially the way Bella appeals to Edward, just the ultimate food - for lack of a better word - to him, and then her complete disregard for that, despite the extreme danger. It's... *gah*

What was your favorite Bella and Edward moment?
Again, one? Seriously?! A lot of them come from Eclipse. One sticking out in my mind is when Edward is showing Bella the benefits of a bed when Alice kidnapped her for a girls' weekend. So... *gah!* again. And then when Edward officially asks her to marry him. And then in 'New Moon' when Bella awakens to Edward and thinks she's dreaming him up, when she's really not, after saving him. Pretty much the entire ending of that book. Okay, I'll stop.

What was your favorite Bella and Jacob moment?
I like the moments between them when Jacob is in his werewolf form. And I like it because Jacob pretty much nailed it on the head as to why she likes him more that way, because he's not in his human form where she can unconsciously recognize she feels more for him than she thinks she should. I also like how innocent they are when they are first getting to know each other in 'New Moon', especially in the garage as they (he) works on the bikes. I really suck at this one moment thing. LOL

How about your favorite Bella and Alice moment?
In the yellow Porsche in Italy. Just... Italy. Again, suck at the one moment thing.

What was your favorite adventure/battle?
Edward and Victoria. The way it was written, it sounded like a ballet and I love that Victoria was such a skilled fighter, despite Edward being able to read her thoughts. And then just ripping her head off. Awesome beans.

Which book cover was your favorite?
All the covers for these books are exceptional, but I love the Twilight book cover because of its simplicity and representation of extreme innocence.

Are these books among your favorite books of all?

This or That

Twilight or New Moon?

New Moon or Eclipse?

Eclipse or Twilight?

Are you more excited about Breaking Dawn or Midnight Sun?
I'm going to say Breaking Dawn at this point because I'm crazy to know what finally happens with Bella and Edward. But Midnight Sun is just GOING TO BE AWESOME, so I'm not sure. It's a pretty definite tie. But really, how brilliant that we'll be able to get Edward's side to things, I'm super excited. So I guess Midnight Sun.

Midnight Sun or the Twilight Movie?
At this point, this movie. I'm intrigued to see where they take it. And also excited beyond normal capacity. It's just a fact.

The Twilight Movie or Breaking Dawn?
Breaking Dawn. Please, people, please. Comes out first. ;P

Who do you want to see Bella with most: Edward or Jacob?
*gasp* Edward! Hello!

Who do you like more: Bella or Edward?
I'm not choosing. They both equal win in my world.

Bella or Jacob?

Bella or Alice?

Alice or Edward?

Alice or Jacob?
Toughie... Alice.

Rosalie or Alice?

Rosalie or Jasper?
Jasper, although Rosalie totally grew on me.

Jasper or Alice?

Jasper or Edward?

Carlisle or Esme?

Emmett or Jasper?

Emmett or Jacob?

Bella or Rosalie?

Esme or Charlie?

Charlie or Carlisle?

Charlie or Billy?

Jacob or Sam?

Sam or Quil?

Quil or Embry?

Who's the better villian: James or Victoria?
Victoria! Because she actually scared me, what with the way she was described and her extreme passion to kill Bella. It was beautiful.

Werewolves or Vampires?
Please... Vampires.

Movie Stuff

How did you first find out about the movie?
I remember hearing about it vaguely and then seeing some icons online, animated, that just intrigued me.

Are you excited?
Fuck. YES!

What do you think of the casting so far?
I'll be honest, I've mostly been focusing on Edward and Bella, and I love the casting for them, especially because I read the books after knowing who was playing them, which made it all the more better. I'll have to gander about for more of the minor characters, but for most of them, I'm pleased.

Are you going to go see it?
Absolutely!! First weekend, with enderswrath and probably three thousand more times after that.

Planning on going with anyone in particular?
LOL - enderswrath. That's the plan.

Do you think it will stay true to the book?
As with most movies and books, there's so much to involve, so I really hope they keep a lot of the key scenes and build the movie around them because I just hate it when the movie strays for entertainment purposes. Very uncool.

(I totally cut the casting part because that requires thinking and I really do like who they cast so...)

Breaking Dawn Speculation

Are you planning on buying this book as soon as it's out?
OMG YES! I don't know if I should pre-order it because I'll have to WAIT for a few days before I get it, so I might just go the very day it's released and probably ask for the day off so I can just read. And that is so not crazy that I'll be doing that.

Do you think Bella will be turned into a vampire finally?
I think she will. I don't think it will be right away, but it will happen.

Do you think she and Edward will get married?
They freaking better. LOL - again, I have a feeling something will postpone it, but I think it will happen.

Do you think Jacob might imprint in this book?
That would be nice, especially for him because I don't think it would be cool to pine over Bella forever - and then we'll get jealousy from her perhaps, which will rattle Edward, and then I hope it would be someone nice - but I'm not sure until probably the very last page because where would the threesome drama be?

Who do you think Bella will end up with : Edward or Jacob?
EDWARD! If she ended up with Jacob, I'm pretty sure I would rewrite my own ending and spam the shit out of everyone.

Do you think it will be a happy, sad, or shocking ending?
OMG, if it's shocking, I hope it's a good shocking because I wouldn't be able to stand a cliffhanger. I think it will be happy, and perhaps a bit sad because of the finality of Bella's decision.

Who do you think will be the villian(s) of the book this time?
Intriguing question because they pretty much killed the main villian in Eclipse, so I'm sure this book will be an emotional rollar coaster of epic proportions for Bella and then perhaps, if she is turned right away at the beginning, herself and having to handle being a newborn vampire and only thinking about the kill and the blood. Will very likely be hard on Bella and Edward's relationship.

How would you feel about a possible vampire/werewolf cross?
Like... relationship or actually breeding (as in vampire biting werewolf - it's be 'Underworld' all over again!)? I think it would be another bout of delicious drama-filled deliciousness. Good answer, yep.

Will Charlie find out Edward is a vampire?
I think he would have a heart attack. I do think it might happen when Bella becomes a vampire, because I'm interested to see how that one flies, his daughter never aging...

Will the vampires and werewolves continue the truce they had in Eclipse?
I'm sure when Bella is bitten to be a vampire, they'll have to leave Forks because of the truce, although the new understanding or whatever you'd want to call it between Jacob and Bella might change it because I see Jacob being the main one to push the broken truce and starting war when she becomes a vampire because they did accept Bella, even after they know that she is in love with a vampire. Who knows.

If anyone, who do you think will die in this book?
The only person dying better be Bella and then being a vampire because if someone dies, I'll cry my ass off.

For a twist: what would you think if Edward was somehow turned human?
Oh dang! The romantic part of me thinks it would be romantic and adorable and they would finally be able to be together the way that is accepted, but then the rebel wants them to live with each other forever, it just fits their relationship better.

Do you think Jacob will be over Bella by the end of the book?

What do you most want to happen in Breaking Dawn?
Three things: the wedding, Edward and Bella getting it on and Bella becoming a vampire.

What's your dream ending?
Bella and Edward married and vampires and starting their life at Dartmouth... and then Harvard... and then high school again, and getting married again every few decades and just being... happy.

A Few Last Things

In which book did you like Bella's character best?
I liked getting to know Bella in Twilight, how she views the world and how she falls in love with Edward. I especially love her when she first sees Edward at the beginning, it's awesome.

How about Edward's?
Oh cheese! I love Edward all over the place! Twilight was beautiful because although he's so perfect in Bella's eyes, I can see that there are some serious issues in his head and the way he acts around her. Plus, I love that he used to watch her sleep before she was aware and that he knew he was in love with her when she said his name... *dies*

I felt for him in the end of Eclipse, I love how he grew up in all of them so quickly. His fighting for Bella was excellent and made me hate him and love him at the same time.

I don't know! Probably Eclipse because we get to know her so much better in that one and see her awesome antics.

If it were possible...who would you most want to meet in person?
Edward would make me hide in a corner, I would find Bella annoying at first, Alice would be fun, Emmett would probably me cry with hilarity. I think Emmett. And then Edward, because he's hot.

That was long! But fun!

book: twilight, lj: meme, movie: twilight

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