(no subject)

Sep 14, 2004 20:44

First best friend: Katie
First car: Hyundai Elantra which is sitting in my driveway
First real kiss: Some kiss and tell, I'm not telling
First screen name: I don't even remember..lol
First self purchased album: I think it was the first Nsync Cd
First pets: cat(s) Simon, Monroe, and Sammy
First piercing/tattoo: ears
First credit card: don't have one
First true love: havent had one
First enemy: none
Last cigarette: havent smoked
Last car ride: today
Last kiss: No Comment..lol. But it was 3 weeks ago
Last cry: Sunday
Last library book checked out: Umm..my book for AP American
Last movie seen: I saw Heavy Weights last night
Last food consumed: soup
Last crush: don't wanna say..lol
Last phone call: Toni Kessler
Last time showered: Tonight
Last shoes worn: Vans
Last cd played: Aida
Last item bought: Candy Bar
Last annoyance: 2 hours ago
Last disappointment: today
Last time wanting to die: I don't wanna die
Last time scolded: today
Last shirt worn: a red one
Last website visited: playscripts.com
Last word you said: sexy lexi
Last song you sang: Beauty and The BEast: Be OUr Guest (isn't that a shock? lol)

What is in your cd player?: in my room- Sugarcult
What color socks are you wearing?: I had white ones
What color of underwear are you wearing? light pink, and they say Angel
What's under your bed?: I have a box of scrapbook stuff behind my bed
What time did you wake up today?: 6:30

Where do you want to go?: like to college?...FSU, UM, NYU would be nice
What is your career going to be? I'd love to be a performer, but if that falls through, Anchoring something in T.V. Production
Where are you going to live?: thats a good question
How many kids do you want?: 2 or 3
What kind of car(s): Mercedes Benz Convetable... I wish

Current mood: blah
Current music: Rent
Current taste: minty
Current hair: down
Current clothes: tank and soffees
Current annoyance(s): AP classes
Current longing: nice long bubble bath
Current desktop picture: Sunset
Current favorite artist: hmm.. Kelly Clarkson
Current book(s): A Cry In The Night
Current color of toenails: French tips
Current time-wasting wish: "to be held close." hey thats my icon...

[get to know you]
@ Name: Kacie
@ Age: 16
@ Height: 5'1
@ Sign: aries
@ Hair Color: light brown, blond highlights
@ Eye Color: brown
@ Foot Size: 7 1/2-8
@ Heritage: Polish/Russian
@ Birthplace: Illinois

@ Pre-school: YMCA
@ Elementary School: Westchester
@ Middle School: Sawgrass Springs
@ High School: Taravella
@ College: FSU..
@ Extracurricular Activity of Choice: American Musical Theater
@ Favorite Elementary School Memory: Mrs. Cannazarros 3rd grade class
@ Favorite High School Memory: Do I really have to choose?

[hygiene.. oh yea personal stuff]
@ Shower How Often?: once or twice,depends
@ Morning or Night Showers?: both, depends on my mood
@ Brush Teeth How Often?: twice a day
@ Floss? (Don't lie!): Oh yea, every day...not
@ Shampoo Brand: Suave
@ Soap/Body Wash Brand: Dove
@ Lotion Brand: Lubriderm, Vaseline Intensive Care-Cucumber Melon
@ Face Wash Brand: clean and clear, and Noxema
@ Toothbrush Color: Purple
@ Body Spray:

[love, hate, rejection, and all the fun stuff.]
@ Define Love: I'll let you know once I experience "true love"
@ Have you ever mistaken love for lust? I don't think so
@ Are you in love? With who?: not yet
@ If yes, are you sure it's love? Or is it just strong like?:
@ If no, have you ever been in love?: in? not yet
@ What happened?:
@ Have you ever been used?: You could say that..
@ What happened and why?: this guy told me he and his girlfriend were over, we made out cuz we like each other for a while and then he got "back with" his girlfriend.
@ Have you ever used someone?: no
@ What happened and why?:
@ Biggest disappointment (relationship/girl/guy-wise): setting up myself for disappointment
@ Why?: I got hurt
@ First Kiss?: Thats for me to know
@ Most Memorable Kiss?: I'll leave that up to your imagination
@ PDA Fan?: yes i dont see a problem with it
@ Ever been dumped?: yes
@ Ever dumped?: yes
@ Worst kisser: ?? I don't kiss and tell..
@ Worst hugger: I don't think anyone hugs bad
@ Best hugger: there's 2: Focas and Roger
@ Are you friends with any of your exes?: yeah
@ Nicest romantic thing done for you: I've been walked to class and then waited for outside my class

[random questions because i'm done with catagorizing]
@ What are you wearing?: just answered this, Tank and soffees
@ What are you doing?: this,listening to music, and watching t.v
@ What do you want to do with your life? Perform and help someone
@ One Naughty Secret: I'll let you use your imagination..
@ One Silly Secret: there's too many to just pick one
@ One Bad Habit: crack my knucles
@ One Bad Personality Trait: I tend to get so involved in helping others, I tend to put myself last
@ One Good Habit: Caring for others
@ One Good Personality Trait: really good listener
@ One Natural Talent: my amazing ability to talk fast? lol
@ One Acquired Talent: learning to sing
@ Thing you want to do once in your life: I'd like to get married only once, but wut happens happens
@ Thing you will never do in your life: Do something that could hurt me
@ Where do you want to travel to? I really want to go to London
@ Where will you never go?: prolly space
@ What do people not get about you?: How i'm always smiling
@ What do you need right now?: a BIG Focas Hug
@ What do you have right now?: My puppy: Sir Bark-a-lot
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