Last night, after dinner, we went for a walk to check out the park and cemetery that are close to our house.
Lindsey Gardens was the first playground in Salt Lake City - with "greasy poles" and whirleygigs!
It also has, what I can only assume is the next set location for The Walking Dead...
Especially since across the street is the
Salt Lake City Cemetery, the largest city run cemetery in the country!
The cemetery is divided into Catholic, LDS, and Jewish parts and we only explored the northwestern section last night. We still found our fair share of original pioneer graves (you can tell by the
little plaque on them). At first we didn't want to assume too much... maybe this "patriarch" remarried...
But it soon became pretty clear by the rows of "mothers..."
... that we were in the LDS part of the cemetery...
Where they like to put
memorials up to martyrs that call out their murderers!
Because "there is no law in Georgia for the Mormons."
We barely scratched the surface of exploring the cemetery - we will definitely be back!