The Connection last night was very good. I never really knew that much about
Cheryl Jacques, but after hearing her and I am very impressed.
Dealing with a caller who said he was offended by the comparison between the civil rights movement and the legalization of gay marriage because being gay is a "choice" she responded, not by pointing out that being gay is not a choice, but first, complimenting the man for his knowledge of the civil rights movement and pointing out that that was the exact same argument used against African Americans in the 1950s and 1960s - "Why are they mixing things up? It's their "choice" to sit at the front of the bus/at the lunch counter/marry someone of a different race, so the government should not give them any "special" rights for making this "choice."
Unfortunately we are losing her as a state senator, but the
Human Rights Campaign will benefit from her leadership.
You can listen to the show