Name: Sire
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Current Characters in Route: none!~
Name: Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu
Series: The World Ends With You
Timeline: Post-Game
Canon Resource Links:
Joshua's Wikia Page ||
WEWY Wiki Affiliation: Breeder
Joshua, though that isn’t his real name but merely an alias, is the Composer of Shibuya’s UG. It’s basically his job to judge the Souls of those that go through the Reaper’s Game and deem who earns the right for another chance at life. It is also his call for Erasure. As the Composer, his role stays within the bounds of Shibuya, at least his powers and abilities are limited to the district, and leaves the Game up to his Reapers to run while he watches. That is what he is: someone who created the Game and all the rules, but does not actively participate in it. Essentially, he is the final judge and as such, possesses insight to humanity as a whole and his city. His mood can affect Shibuya and vice versa. If the city is growing stagnant, then Joshua is as well. If it is unchanging and whatnot, that means Joshua is. If Joshua is distant, the Shibuya suffers as well. There is no Joshua and then Composer. He is very much his role and little else, at least in his opinion.
That being the case, Joshua himself is a very wise being (he’s certainly not quite human anymore) and perceptive about people. At least that is what he would like to believe. Joshua is very much the person that sits and observes, but doesn't get involved. Part of i It's sort of one of the contributing factors as to how Shibuya, in canon, got to the point where Joshua wanted to wash his hands of it. It is due to the fact that Joshua is a little lazy. He would rather sit back and watch instead of putting too much effort into something hat isn't in dire need of change. There are several times in canon in which he expresses his dislike of getting too physically active or involved. He'd rather walk than run because that means getting sweaty and it would ruffle his clothing. This just simply wouldn't do at all, in his point of view. It would be safe to assume that he is that way with other things as well, Shibuya on the grander scale being one of them. He also stays in the alternate world instead of immediately getting in touch with Hanekoma after the incident with Minamimoto in Week Two Day Seven. This could also be the reason behind Joshua's final test for Neku. It's really a win-win situation with Joshua in that instance, since by losing he doesn't have to fix Shibuya or if he is shot and still remains, it proves his theory about people and their worth.
The "no man is an island" quote would be that Joshua really acts like an island. In a way, he is a bit of a hypocrite. The main reasoning behind his Game is to get people to know each other and depend on each other. Iron sharpening iron, if you will. Yet it seems that he doesn't really follow his own advice or guidance. However, he knows his Shibuya down to the very core. His comprehension skills are quite adept and Joshua truly does show concern for both Shibuya and Neku to a degree. After all, his very reason for disposing of Shibuya was to prevent contaminating other grounds. Of course his concern and compassion don’t quite match up to what others would think to be so. The "trial by fire" is really his personality. That and he has no desire to really connect with people, to change. Be it that he fears people knowing his actual nature or attempting to change himself (as he does not believe that he is in need of it), the fact remains that getting to realize that he cares, on some level, might be dangerous for whoever attempts to show him that.
Joshua is also a rather picky, sometimes downright prissy. He only eats what he likes and nothing else. Josh will wear what he likes and nothing else. In that sense, he is a bit of a brat. Yet, he takes things in stride and doesn’t get worked up over much of anything. His demeanor is always cool and collected, despite the situation. Joshua also is the type to get things done, but to do so in a roundabout way and often doesn’t mind humiliating others along the way. If he does a good deed, chances are no one will know that it is Joshua that's behind it.
Which is another character flaw. Joshua might be a being that is very tapped into others, but at the same time he is very detached. He thinks nothing of saying hurtful or prying words to other people. Typically he does act rather snide or condescending to others. “Prissy kid” is a very good word to use for him and he does tend to look down on others. Joshua might even consider that ripping someone to shreds is similar to the refining process that the Game is truly about. At times he really is a cruel and hateful person and he doesn’t care about what other people say. Opinions don’t matter to Joshua and he will promptly question any and all values that someone holds. He truly does love playing games. Especially with people. The more he "likes" someone, the more he will try to irritate them and get on their nerves. One might think that he really does enjoy rubbing people the wrong way. After all, if he does that then they will have no desire to get to know him. If they do not try, there is no clashing.
In a sense, Joshua isn't all that different from where Neku started in the game. He's a rather private and closed-off individual. He doesn't really want to let people get to know who he real is or what sort of person he is. He does get lonely and generally runs from his own problems. Joshua has a little bit of a pride issue and that doesn't really allow for him to admit that he is in the wrong. Even when he knows that he is. In truth, he knows that everything that happened is really partially his fault. That is why Shibuya changes after the month long Game. The events that transpired actually gave Joshua a little hope in humanity. That's the real reason he didn't follow through with his first choice. It could be said that Joshua finally decides to change. It is slight and a work in progress, but at least he does come about a little. It isn't that Joshua is a good guy. It's not that Joshua is a bad guy (which he really isn't). What it comes down to is the fact that Joshua doesn't really differ all that much from humankind and he doesn't really like to admit it.
- Knows people. As he is the Composer, he does know people and what they are capable of. That can make it easier for him to manipulate them in the way that he would like, but the fact is Joshua just is very intuitive. He understands things about people and their nature that they might not understand about themselves.
- Clever/Smart. Joshua didn't become Composer by asking to be. In order to become the Composer, one has to defeat the previous Composer. The truth is, one has to be quick of wit to be able to defeat a being that is all powerful and all knowing in their area of influence. Joshua has overcome this. He's also brilliant when it comes to strategy and figuring out the best method of going about things. Joshua is a genius himself, really.
- Sixth Sense. Joshua has, even before he became Composer, a keener sense than most people. Even when he was alive he could see things that other people simply couldn't.
- Friendly! Yes, Joshua is a friendly and giggly person on the outside. He can really talk to anyone about a great deal of things. Joshua is several decades older than what he appears to be, so he has a great variety of subjects and will, in general, speak to anyone and everyone that tickles his fancy. It might be an act, but the fact remains that he can talk to people fairly easily.
- Morally ambiguous. To Joshua, there's a fine line between right and wrong. He doesn't think much of it, really. This is a guy that wouldn't lose sleep if he had followed through with his annihilation of Shibuya. However, he really does have a renewed hope that people can become better than what they are. Everyone has their own set of morals and values, and while Joshua really doesn't seem to have any of his own, he is open about any and all of them.
- Attitude. His general attitude is geared to keep people away from being too close to him. That might be due to the fact that he was different even when living and just didn't associate with others well. Joshua can cause a lot of animosity and just keep giggling about it. It's really just a wall and a defense mechanism.
- Fears change. Joshua doesn't like to think that he needs to change. It's not that he believes that he's perfect, but that as Composer he shouldn't need to change. He's not human, after all, and admitting that he's flawed would mean that he still has a bit of humanity that he thought had been long gone.
- Likes to win. Seriously. Joshua dislikes losing and sometimes has a hard time accepting this. In Tin Pin, he'd play Neku repeatedly because he simply just didn't like the fact that Neku could beat him every single time. Even after his month-long game, Joshua more or less sulks and watches Neku and his friends from afar. Sanae even has to remind Joshua that it's their world now. Joshua doesn't take to this very well.
- Runs from his problems. Shibuya is his responsibility, yet when it starts to show signs of never recovering, Joshua simply gives up on it to a degree. Sure, he is concerned about Shibuya's influence on other areas, but the fact remains that we see little in canon to indicate that Joshua had done anything to actually change it beforehand. Destroying Shibuya could be seen as a way of running. Joshua actually does flee from Sanae when the Producer even hints at Joshua being lonely.
- Morally ambiguous. Because he really doesn't have a set of values that he would fight tooth and nail for, this could easily be where he can rub people the wrong way. He's open to other viewpoints, yes, but he will also question anyone that seems to not be firm in their own beliefs.
- Trolling. Joshua loves to troll. That's really all there is to it.
- Detachment/Emotionally stunted. His role as Composer makes it hard for him to get close to people. It's possible that it's stunted some of his own emotional growth. The fact is, he doesn't really know how to react or what to think about people that might actually understand him and like him for it. People that are able to see through him are Sanae and Megumi. Neither one of those two are really much of a problem, but if it's someone else? Joshua just might struggle on how to deal with them.
Starter: Dratini - female, nicknamed Megumi
(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)
First Person Sample:
[ Giggling. Always, always giggling. Best to just get used to hearing it and fast. It's one of his favorite past times. Looks like he's got this already figured out. ]
Going on a grand adventure! Honestly I don't know why I didn't think of doing this before!~
[ Hums. Doesn't seem bothered by this at all until - ]
I suppose I do have one question though. Is it possible to exchange this backpack and the clothing? These articles, while adorable, simply just clash with my complexion! Hmm. Maybe I should get something for my new Partner as well. What do you think, Megumi?~
Third Person Sample:
Joshua wasn't really pleased. Not at all. He wasn't at all concerned about being in a place other than Shibuya, actually. Something like that he might be able to dismiss as his precognition kicking in. The thought that was perturbing him was simply being greeted by someone that claimed to be his mother and then being shoved out the door. No one really had the right to do that to him of all people. His first reaction was to show her why that would be a bad idea. Though when he stopped to ponder that thought, Joshua realized it then. Not only was he unable to hear the usual drone of countless thoughts of other people milling about, he couldn't even feel the steady beat of the area he was in. Joshua was powerless and that was unnerving more than just waking up in an unknown place. It was infuriating and humiliating at the same time to think that someone, because it there just had to be someone behind it, would be able to yank him from his Shibuya, while in his natural form, to this plane of existence and then also rid him of this basic abilities, even the one that he had while still alive.
The Composer of Shibuya didn't like it. He didn't like the sudden rush of vulnerability and the knowledge that he was being toyed with. It was like being human...
With an irritated sigh, Joshua finally took a look at what he was given. A single brow rose and he wasn't able to stop the giggle that escaped his lips. Really? Whoever did this to him must of had an odd sense of humor to transport him to a plane in which such a popular game was reality. Joshua, being a resident of Japan, knew the franchise pretty well. What else did the Composer do in his free time when there wasn't a Game running? He did need to be current with all the fads running through the area. Though this was really laughable. When he focused on his surroundings, he was definitely able to confirm where he was. In fact, he even heard the annoying little background music in his head. Much like when he was able to read all the minds and Souls of Shibuya, it was merely there floating in the back of his mind. Joshua would have equated it to a mosquito buzzing in his ear, but something like this was easily ignored. Perhaps it would do instead of the silence he'd be forced into without said ability to peer into people. Digging through the rest of the items he had been given, Joshua gagged a little. The color schemes were really just not on his color palate. What his fingers brushed against in the bag next nearly had him turning on his heal and marching right back to that house, powers or no.
A breeder. He was supposed to be some sort of breeder? What sort of messed up place would place one of these creatures in Joshua's hands and expect him to ensure they procreated? In the back of his mind, Joshua hoped that whatever partner he had been given was not of the rare variety.
Speaking of which, just what had he been given anyway? A quick look at his Gear had him grinning all over again. If only others could realize the irony.
"I think I'll call you Megumi."