[The transmission clicked on to the sound of snow crunching and some light pants, before he mumbled a little under his breath.]
I hope that's big enough, maybe if Donald and Goofy fly by with the gummiship, they'll be able to find us..
[There was a light shuff of fabric, and soon enough, the video clicked on to show some the landscaping. It's hard to
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Can we make hot chocolate after? Do you think there will be any in the kitchen?
Yeah, definitely! I hope so, I've been hearing some people saying all that's around is some..stinky clear drink that isn't water. [Sora's a good boy and stays clear of alcohol.]
Me too! We can at least look when we get done! [So's Kairi! \o/]
Okay! I'll see you down here in just a few then!
I'm sure he'll love how you drive.
What else are you doing out here?
Heeey, you make it sound like I'm a bad driver!
Well, I'm hoping that this SOS is big enough for Donald and Goofy to see if they fly by with the gummiship. It's impossible to get out right now, but if they can break their way in, maybe we can use all of our gummiblocks to make ships for everyone to use to escape.
I'm sure they can. [She looks down at it, but doesn't comment on the whole 'don't think there's a way out' thing.] How long have you been out here working on it?
[He's watching the giant SOS in the snow for a moment, following her look.]
Well, cause it keeps snowing, I keep coming out to redo it so it stays visible. [So, all day? He goes inside when he needs to defrost.]
As long as you haven't been out here that whole time, silly! You'd be an ice statue!
You could always pack snow around me and turn me into a really cool snowman if I do turn into a statue! [Just a little tease; he's not really hoping to ever turn into an ice sculpture.
Sora only laughed a little before crouching down and scooping up some snow.]
[She's watching you with that snow, Sora. She knows you and Riku would like snowball fights and she's ready to dodge.]
[Aw and he thought he was being sneaky! Tossing a small snowball from hand to hand, then tossing it into the air and catching it.]
[Yeah but have you noticed that her hand's in the snow now?]
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