Apple-cation to Project Blue

Jul 15, 2011 08:22

Name/Nick: Fire
Age: 19
User LJ: darknessb4me
AIM/IM: firebird102791
E-mail: firebird102791 [at] gmail
Other Characters: None yet

Character Name: Prince Arthas Menethil
Fandom: Warcraft
Age: 24
Canon Point: On the boat to Northrend, after the Culling of Stratholme
AU?: No
Starting Location: Stovington, VT
Equipment: The clothes on his back, in this case a suit of light plate armor designed for mobility in the field. He can put it on without help, run in it, swim in it, etc. Honestly, this is just because it's downright impossible to find icons of Arthas in plainclothes. The Arthas action figure also comes with a bigass Mace of WhackingTM but I'll leave it up to your discretion whether it's alright for him to arrive with it or not. It's really just a sledgehammer with minor symbolic value (because it's an iconic paladin weapon, and he abandons it at the same time that he officially sells his soul, although this hasn't happened yet.)

Abilities/Powers: Psychic abilities will manifest for Arthas as a forbidding chill out of nowhere - the bad kind, anyway. Flagg's presence will be associated always with the cold for him. Good premonitions will manifest themselves as the last vestiges of his connection to the holy Light, which is the religion of his world, associated with protection and guidance and other good things like that. That's what he'll recognize them as coming from. As I'm bringing him from a point in canon where he's started sliding into villainy and abandoning his heroism, bad premonitions will grow more frequent and good ones less frequent when he strays from his good-guy non-crazy "path" and vice versa. Not that he'll take the hint. Kid is kind of dense.

Also when he's on his path, he'll have the power to faith-heal minor-to-middling wounds or sicknesses in other people, given time to concentrate. He has to be 100% confident in his ability to do this for it to work. This is also one of the abililties he'd have as a Paladin, so shit be all symbolic. He can't use it on himself. Because... that's how it works in canon :| He might also be able to repel very weak evil omens or creatures if his faith is strong enough, but ONLY when he's been following his path. If he's been a dick lately and isn't acting like a good guy, he can call on it all he wants but it's not going to answer.

Personality: If there was ever someone that began as the epitome of the patient, faithful heroic ideal that trusted in the goodness of the world, Arthas was not that guy. He has a bad temper and a short fuse and gets frustrated easily. He often grows impatient with his own failings or circumstances or those of his allies - everyone around him is held to very high standards as part of his demanding version of "trust." Growing up as the heir to the throne of the world's predominate human kingdom, a lot has been asked of Arthas from a very young age. It's been deeply impressed on him that the lives and wellbeing of those loyal to him are his responsibility, and thus take priority above his own. However, he sometimes takes this too far - he's beginning to develop a mindset at this point in his canon that important enough ends, such as destroying a threat to those under his protection, can justify any means.

Unfortunately, he is also very headstrong and rash. If the lesser of two evils needs to be chosen, and quickly, Arthas will not hesitate to do whatever ruthless thing needs to be done, even if there might be another way he's simply not seeing. He sees it as a necessary function of a leader to be decisive and take responsibility for the consequences of his decisions - to commit to something fully or not at all. He's also incredibly stubborn, which makes talking him down from something frustrating if not impossible. Besides that, he tends to see disagreement as betrayal - a lack of confidence in him, which is of course personal. Because Arthas is always always right in his own mind. He deeply fears being wrong, because it's a terrible trait for a King to have, and Arthas does not react well to fear at all. A scared Arthas will always default to fight or flight, and then dismiss flight as not an option.

All of this makes Arthas a volatile person to deal with in high-stress situations. He demands total and instant compliance and loyalty and hates being denied. He does not operate well outside of a chain of command (unlike later in life, this doesn't necessarily need to be one where he's at the top, just so long as everyone can be relied on to follow orders). Fortunately or unfortunately, he has the charisma to actually make this work for him sometimes. In person, he is very warm and casual, with a playful sense of humor. He strives to make personal connections with his people and emphathizes deeply with individuals' plights if he sees them as something he could have prevented had he been there. He has a tendency to feel responsible for entirely too much, and overcompensate for things he could never have foreseen or prevented. He doesn't understand that not everyone can be saved and his tendency to never take no for answer doesn't help this.

Arthas is tuned to respond to approval from people he respects above almost everything else. He has some ~dad issues~. He cannot be persuaded to betray someone who's established themselves in his mind as his leader or superior. Ever. Actually doing this is easier said than done. Simply acting dominant will only get Arthas to respond as to a competitor - he actually has to admire someone to follow them. This means seeing in them qualities he tries to cultivate in himself; leadership, compassion, courage, etc. Skill in combat will go a long way here, because right requires might in a world as hostile as his. He also has a tendency to think everyone thinks like this, and that everyone "below" him is looking for his approval and if they haven't got it, it's their fault.

One of his biggest problems in understanding people is that he gets frustrated when asked to think away from his preconceptions. He finds it very difficult to emphathize with people who aren't behaving in a manner that makes sense to him. He's literally behaving in the only way he knows how to - he doesn't often lie or put on airs, because he can't fully get into a mindset that doesn't have genuine feelings behind it. He is a complete slave to his own emotions and generally wears his heart on his sleeve; whether calm and pleased, impatient, upset, angry, very angry, or no-longer-angry (happy), he has no ability or desire to supress showing it. In fact, the people around him will probably be more aware of how he's feeling at any given moment than he is, if they get good at reading him, because he has an incredible lack of self-awareness about these things. Some of it is denial, but most is that he's a dumb kid with a lot of maturing to do that's been treated like an adult for so long that he thinks he is one.

History: Here at WoWPedia.

Special Notes: This Arthas is almost ten years younger than the one at Last Voyages. The traits above will eventually devolve into outright psychopathic megalomania, but have not yet. At this point in canon, he honestly gives his all to do the right thing and protect people. Oh, and he's college-aged. And blond.

Journal Entry: Can anyone out there hear me?

[An image of a boy appears on the screen, 24 if not younger and not hiding the fact that he's terrified very well. There's something of a spooked animal in the wideness of his eyes, like a horse that's liable to throw someone.]

I've seen people talking into these things, I know there's a way to get help. Please, there are people out here - dead, and I can't tell the cause but I have a feeling I know. If you're near anyone that's dead you have to burn them.

[There's a deep scratch along one of his cheekbones, a near miss to his eye. The shape of it indicates it might have been human fingernails. The angle is wrong for it to be self-inflicted.]

There's something wrong with this place, I can't feel the Light at all. Why aren't you answering?

[The strain in his voice doesn't take much to switch from scared to volatilically angry.]

Is there anyone out there? Do you think this is some kind of joke? I'll find whoever brought me here, you'll know what I'm capable of! Every one of these people will be avenged!

Sample Log: Here.


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