PSA, because I love to spam this journal

Mar 12, 2010 00:44

Because this has been bugging me:

I AM AWARE SASUKE'S SHIRT IS THEORETICALLY WHITE. I call it greyish because every time I saw it in coloured pages/the anime, it was... you know. Greyish. (LOL LIGHTING?!) See icon! (Sasuke's hair is also blue in that so this is a case of HILARIOUS COLOURS but shut up)

And as for why I coloured his shirt grey in all his icons, well. Colour makes it easier for me to catch tiny flaws in the icon. and it also makes it easier to shade.

ALSO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SOMEONE STOP ME FROM ICONING EVERY CHAPTER I keep replacing my icons I have enough for a 200 iconset by now I bet sob


Yeah, that's all.


ooc, spam, this journal is for spamming, psa

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