Dec 11, 2010 23:20
[The screen flickers on as Draco prods the PCD with his wand, staring coldly toward the device. There's fear in his eyes, though it doesn't seem to be of the machine itself- rather at the situation, at everything else that's happened to him. Though he's wearing nice robes, Draco looks pale (moreso than usual at any rate) and gaunt, dark shadows under his eyes, a slight tremble in his hand as he held his wand.]
Reveal yourself.
[He pokes it again with his wand, but nothing happens. Finally, there's a faint little sneer there, as Draco stands up fully and kicks the thing, sending the video flying, skewed all about. He's not on screen anymore, but you can still hear his voice, not too far off.]
Stupid muggle trash. [A pause.] Whoever did this, you're going to pay. I know you can hear me! This isn't funny!
[His voice is a bit shakier than it should be for someone making a threat.]
Fine then, I'll get myself out- Finite Incantatem.
[A small pause. Nothing happens and Draco swears under his breath as the feed cuts off on its own.]
oh my god do not want,
scared of like everything ever,
wtf muggle shit