[She came down on Monday morning at the very last second. She hated going to school. But for the first time, she's going to end up missing it. She had seen the angel statues...they were out on her lawn, but she didn't think anything of them. Instead of listening to the phone, she spent most of her night working on things and then trying to sleep...only she couldn't.
When she comes downstairs, she's tired, and scared. She stumbles...moving slowly, awkwardly. Why are her legs made of stone? Why is she crying dust? She's so scared. She's going to die, she can hear it. When she sees someone, anyone, she just tells them exactly what's on her mind.]
I...don't feel so good...I think I'm dying...what's...happening?
[No one ever told her death was temporary. She can barely stand after being possessed all night.]
Why didn't you protect me? I mean, geesh, it's like you're totally good for nothing! I'm dead because of you. So let's play hide and seek, 'kay? Why don't you hide and never come out again? I never want to see you or your stupid dragons again!
[And for the rest of Mayfield...]
It's all dark. It's so dark. You all left me alone...friends are worthless, because you're all worth nothing as friends. You didn't even try to warn me, did you? It was so painful...why didn't anyone come tell me? Why did I have to do this alone?
[ooc; backdated to Monday morning. The death comes before the calls!]