If people can understand "different Christmas" they should be able to understand "no Christmas"...however it's probably like people are about those who are different in the first place.
I won't go into illusions cause my brain came up with some horrid ones that didn't sound ANYthing like the point. :( I'll just admit it's awkward for my personal EXACT understanding for really weird reasons... There are also those that are REALLY religious that won't celebrate Christmas AT ALL because they say it's pagan, etc - but wishing someone a merry Christmas and forcing their religion at their kids and everyone else is perfectly fine in their tiny human brains. D:<
Ugh. I know that doesn't help ):
And yeah, the Doctor never seems to have cared this much about ~Christmas spirit~ before.
By Gallifrey, that's a nice point. So used to all the "holiday" stuff that Doctor Who is USUALLY a refreshing break to a degree. And plus - he takes his companions along for their own human tradition - kinda for their happiness, cause that seems to cheer him a bit. So is he human or alien? Dammit, Moff: MAKE UP YOUR MIND, and where's ANY of the canon that touching yourself from the past brings the reapers? Or is that only true for humans, Moff? Explain yourself.
I knew something was iffy about his TARDIS relationship this eppy -- haven't seen it twice, and kind of don't want to bother either.
I'll admit I didn't necessarily like End of Time in the first place, but compared to this year's eppy ... it didn't shove "Christmas is for you" like almond cake, considering actually survival was a bigger concern. ):
Well, if you have any questions, I can do my best to answer.
And yeah, I mean, I can get the Doctor being like, "Look at all the humans doing their thing, they're so passionate about it, I love that!" Like, he's happy we're happy. But I didn't get the idea before that he made value judgments about celebrating/not celebrating. Surely, in the whole of time and space, he's seen that Christmas is not universal. He's been to so many different cultures, human and alien. Christmas is just a cultural celebration. It is not a defining trait of humanity, or sentience.
I've actually been okay with all of RTD's specials. The End of Time is actually like, probably my favorite Doctor Who story ever, but anyway. The Christmas Invasion and The Runaway Bride were both fantastic, fun stories, that just sort of happened to take place while Christmas was going on. Voyage of the Damned was the iffiest, but it totally redeemed itself with, "Information: you are all going to die." XDDD I love that he made Christmas elements menacing instead of sappy. I've also been fine with Christmas specials for House and Futurama, because they were entertaining and didn't preach. I am even recalling a Christmas special of Roswell, I haven't seen it in like a million years, but I seem to recall that Isabel was going crazy micro-managing Christmas, and everyone else was annoyed with her, so that was all right. I'm not so sensitive that the word "Christmas" is going to make me feel threatened.
...though, on that note, I actually counted how many times the word "Christmas" is used in A Christmas Carol, not counting the title. 60. Literally once a minute. Several of the uses don't even make sense in context.
The ship is going down! Christmas is cancelled.
Or, "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" But you know. Priorities.
What does that mean?
It's Christmas!
Or, "The Doctor is going to save our lives!" Which, you know, he also does EVERY OTHER DAY OF THE YEAR. But let's worry about Christmas instead!
When it's resolved, there's also something about "saving Christmas" rather than "saving lives." Because. Christmas > human life.
Where are they? Kazran and Abigail.
Off on a little trip, I should think.
Was this script written in Mad Libs???
Man, I am always the one bitching about other people's negativity about new episodes. WHAT HAVE I BECOME?
It seemed Moff tried to justify it that "it was Christmas-that-used-to-be-Christmas-on-Earth-but-they-still-call-it-Christmas..." sort of thing... c'mon Moff, leave being cryptic like that to Sherlock...
I did find RTD's plots a bit flawed -- I think an American superhero movie says it best: all build-up and no bang? But that's my personal opinion... ;/
From what I've seen of the Classic Serials, I found the plots far more nicely rounded...
They didn't need the "Christmas is cancelled" line. It's been done before.
Basically, I pretty much agree - it was better to have a menacing Christmas than have Christmas EVERYWHERE>>>>
If people can understand "different Christmas" they should be able to understand "no Christmas"...however it's probably like people are about those who are different in the first place.
I won't go into illusions cause my brain came up with some horrid ones that didn't sound ANYthing like the point. :( I'll just admit it's awkward for my personal EXACT understanding for really weird reasons... There are also those that are REALLY religious that won't celebrate Christmas AT ALL because they say it's pagan, etc - but wishing someone a merry Christmas and forcing their religion at their kids and everyone else is perfectly fine in their tiny human brains. D:<
Ugh. I know that doesn't help ):
And yeah, the Doctor never seems to have cared this much about ~Christmas spirit~ before.
By Gallifrey, that's a nice point. So used to all the "holiday" stuff that Doctor Who is USUALLY a refreshing break to a degree. And plus - he takes his companions along for their own human tradition - kinda for their happiness, cause that seems to cheer him a bit. So is he human or alien? Dammit, Moff: MAKE UP YOUR MIND, and where's ANY of the canon that touching yourself from the past brings the reapers? Or is that only true for humans, Moff? Explain yourself.
I knew something was iffy about his TARDIS relationship this eppy -- haven't seen it twice, and kind of don't want to bother either.
I'll admit I didn't necessarily like End of Time in the first place, but compared to this year's eppy ... it didn't shove "Christmas is for you" like almond cake, considering actually survival was a bigger concern. ):
And yeah, I mean, I can get the Doctor being like, "Look at all the humans doing their thing, they're so passionate about it, I love that!" Like, he's happy we're happy. But I didn't get the idea before that he made value judgments about celebrating/not celebrating. Surely, in the whole of time and space, he's seen that Christmas is not universal. He's been to so many different cultures, human and alien. Christmas is just a cultural celebration. It is not a defining trait of humanity, or sentience.
I've actually been okay with all of RTD's specials. The End of Time is actually like, probably my favorite Doctor Who story ever, but anyway. The Christmas Invasion and The Runaway Bride were both fantastic, fun stories, that just sort of happened to take place while Christmas was going on. Voyage of the Damned was the iffiest, but it totally redeemed itself with, "Information: you are all going to die." XDDD I love that he made Christmas elements menacing instead of sappy. I've also been fine with Christmas specials for House and Futurama, because they were entertaining and didn't preach. I am even recalling a Christmas special of Roswell, I haven't seen it in like a million years, but I seem to recall that Isabel was going crazy micro-managing Christmas, and everyone else was annoyed with her, so that was all right. I'm not so sensitive that the word "Christmas" is going to make me feel threatened.
...though, on that note, I actually counted how many times the word "Christmas" is used in A Christmas Carol, not counting the title. 60. Literally once a minute. Several of the uses don't even make sense in context.
The ship is going down! Christmas is cancelled.
Or, "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" But you know. Priorities.
What does that mean?
It's Christmas!
Or, "The Doctor is going to save our lives!" Which, you know, he also does EVERY OTHER DAY OF THE YEAR. But let's worry about Christmas instead!
When it's resolved, there's also something about "saving Christmas" rather than "saving lives." Because. Christmas > human life.
Where are they? Kazran and Abigail.
Off on a little trip, I should think.
Was this script written in Mad Libs???
Man, I am always the one bitching about other people's negativity about new episodes. WHAT HAVE I BECOME?
I did find RTD's plots a bit flawed -- I think an American superhero movie says it best: all build-up and no bang? But that's my personal opinion... ;/
From what I've seen of the Classic Serials, I found the plots far more nicely rounded...
They didn't need the "Christmas is cancelled" line. It's been done before.
Basically, I pretty much agree - it was better to have a menacing Christmas than have Christmas EVERYWHERE>>>>
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