Jan 13, 2005 19:38
Yeeeeeah i haven't updated in kind of a long time.....haha oh well i'm a busy girl!!!jk jk ummm well nothing new has happened.....except last weekend when i went out with Kandice and her sis.....i think it was Saturday...don't know don't remember but it was fun....lol but besides that,everything's the same...school sux,i'm really sore from working out((lol)),and still liking the same person.....except that i think it's getting bigger now....cuz i wanna be with this person so bad and it's so awesome when i'm around them....it's kinda hard to explain but it doesn't matter to yall anyways....i don't even know why i'm writing this!!haha i guess there's nothing else to write about so yeeeeah....
ummmmmm tomorrow's Friday((FINALLY))and i wanna do something...duuuuurrr!lol sooooooo call me if any of yall do anything......
ummmm i guess that's pretty much it.....Oh no wait!lol the girls beat CLARK yesterday!!!And Clark was UNDEFEATED!!!Yeah WAS...hahah they did soooooooooo awesome!!Good job girls.!!!!i'm soooooooo proud of yall!!Oh yeah and JV won too!!Which is awesome and Kandice got to play((YAY my FAVORITE player fo sho fo sho!!!))lol which is even better!!!hahaha anyways Saturday they play Holmes....which is good cuz i get to see some of my friends that i haven't seen since volleyball....yay can't wait!!!
Well NOW i'm done.....i'll talk to yall losers later!!!haha jk!
Mucho love~~~~~EL!!