
Dec 31, 2004 09:33

Well not a lot going on today....i woke up at 7 then went to the girls practice and felt really bad for them cuz they ran a ladder up to 10 and yeah.....Kym couldn't breathe....she scared me...but she's alright now....then they went to the weight room((how fun))lol and then JV went in there with was really crowded but it's all good cuz i saw Kandice but we didn't even talk that much...hmmm then me and Kym left and i came home and just helped my mom with some cooking that we have to take to our New Years party in Austin.....i kinda don't wanna go,but when i think about it,i can't wait to'll be fun....hopefully there'll be some hot brazilian dudes for me!!There prolly will be...too bad i won't do anything cuz i'm not interested...haha yeah then at 12 i'm gonna call Kymmie to tell her happy new years and i might call some other know just cuz i feel like it....ha we'll see how it goes....yeah our friend((who's having the party))has a pool in his backyard and eventhough it'll be friggin cold,i'll prolly jump in with the rest of the wow his house's huuuuuuuuuuuuge but it's gonna be soooooooo crowded....which is good cuz then my mom won't be on me the whole time and i can do not that i'm gonna do anything bad....but you know what i mean....haha yeah then i plan on going to sleep at 6 so that means i'll wake up at like at least 3 which means we prolly won't leave till like 6 or 7 so i'll prolly be back here at like 8 or 9.....or maybe i won't be who knows!?haha yeah then sunday i don't think i'm gonna do anything....i wanna go to the movies((again))but this time with some other ppl and without some stupid hoes((cough cough))yeah anyways hmmmm i think that's pretty much it....
oh yeah!!My mom's really mad at me right now cuz yesterday i didn't see her at all till like 4:30 p.m and she was telling me how i was out the whole day and i got home and came straight to the computer and she was complaining about how i didn't spend anytime with her at all when it's totally not true cuz i even did her hair at like friggin 11 at night...but i guess she doesn't count THAT as "spending time with her"...she's so dumb sometimes....and she starts all her drama about how i'd rather be on the computer than spend time with her when last weekend all i did was spend time with her.....but she doesn't see that....but whatever....

Well i'll talk to yall whenever i come back which might be tomorrow or sunday...we'll see....hopefully,we'll come back tomorrow...the sooner,the better!lol
Leave some yall!

Kandice and Nana i love yall and imma miss although it's only for like a day...haha well laterzz you 2!
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