I suppose I should follow through on my promise from yesterday. A semi-real update on life. A quick scan of my journal suggests that I haven't truly updated in over a month. So here's a quick and dirty.
~Holidays were good. Low-key Christmas and New Year's. Had fun at the high school crew's annual holiday party. My Secret Santa got me a
Post Secret book. It's totally sweet!
~Much of January was spent working on the TSF golf tournament. Stressful, but I think worth it. The event went off smoothly and seemed to be less stressful (day of) than last year. Vanessa did a fantabulous job as always. We also were extremely fortunate to have some of the most reliable and helpful volunteers ever. Namely - Corey, Min, Alex, and Endre. (Volunteers that frustrated me last year worked much better this year. I think it's probably due to many reasons, but I'll credit my improved organizational skills this year.) The weather sucked, but give golfers enough booze and they really don't give a shit.
~The night before the tourney I attended Dancing with the Stars with my mom. We had a great time. The tix were my gift to her and she had a blast. That makes me happy. Sadly, her favorite ballroom dancer was absent, but Drew Lachey (why was Nick the popular one? Drew is much cuter/smarter/friendlier) and Joey Lawrence were there and my mom really enjoys them.
~The night after the tourney I attended the John Mayer concert. That was much fun and my seats were great, but I was so tired that I didn't get as into it as I wanted. Hopefully, he'll be back down soon so I can fully enjoy his concert. Also, UM is truly a great venue for concerts. I like that it's so nearby!
~The past month has been pretty hectic, but I'm ecstatic for things to settle down so I can go back to my routine of going to the chiropractor and catching my shows and reading some books.
~My belly dance classes have started once again. This time, I'm taking them on Friday evenings which means that my instructor is a chick that I went to middle school with. Kind of weird, but she's a good teacher. Also, in a few months I will be participating in a belly dance show. That is all the info you get. You want to go? Then it's up to you to figure out the details. I'm not going to hide it from anyone (though I will slaughter you if you humiliate me), but I'm also not going to shout from the rooftops all the details.
~I have signed up to volunteer at three Humane Society events in February. I miss ze doggies!
~We finally got a new dishwasher! It's all sexy like. About a year ago, our old one started to leak/flood. My mom insisted that the problem was the plumbing and not the dishwasher. We abstained from using it for six months. Then it started to function normally. Once again, a couple weeks ago, the thing breaks again. And it doesn't stop leaking. Today, I came home to a new sexy dishwasher. This makes me happy because when the dishwasher breaks, I'm the *lucky* soul who gets to clean it.
I think that's all. Hope life is well with those of you that I don't really get to catch up with for one excuse or another. Smooches. Oh and, "word to ya motha!" (Don't ask. It's replaced fo shizzle in my vocabulary.)