So, I haven't really updated in awhile. In spite of keeping a list of update worthy topics. Of course, it's been awhile since some of these happened (late October), so my commentating may be slightly off. So here goes (in chronological order)!
At the end of October, I attended a PRSA mixer at Arthur Murray. I almost didn't go because it was on a Friday night and I just wanted to go home. But, seeing as how Arthur Murray is across the street from my current office, I figured I might as well drop in and dip out early. Well, out of about 30 people that RSVP'd, 5 people showed up - including myself. It was event so bad that it was fun. The raffle was interesting since there were only 5 prizes to be raffled off! I learned a bit of salsa and merengue and a lovely dance called the Dirty Cowboy. PRSA's president described it as, "Thriller meets the Macarena." With a greater emphasis on the Macarena.
Around the same time as that Mixer, I finally finished reading Wicked - which I started before I went to Boston (late August). I have yet to see the musical, but from what I know about it, it seems significantly different from the book. (Oh, for those of you who may not know, Wicked is the back story of the Wicked Witch of the West). The beginning of the book isn't particularly interesting. It picks up a little during her years at school, but it becomes most exciting after the school years. That's when more connections to the original is made. And the telling of the WWotW's death is a particularly interesting depiction. All in all, an interesting read and I ended up thinking WWotW is pretty cool.
I saw Best in Show, which I highly anticipated, but it was a bit of a letdown. I was certainly amused by it, but I didn't find it as laugh out loud funny as I expected. ::shrugs::
I attended Corey's Halloween party which was fun. For those who don't know, I went as the Wicked Witch of the West. And Lynsey was Dorothy. It was much fun!
I recently started seeing a chiropractor because of some lower back pain that wasn't going away (remember when I got a new mattress? Yeah, it helped, but not enough). I feel much better after being cracked and my lower back pain is basically gone, though it has come back once or twice after spending too many hours on my feet. My spine is so ridiculously crooked! In one part, the doctor said that the crookedness is causing my nerves to be wrung like a wet towel. Ouch! For now I'm supposed to go 3 times a week, which is sometimes a bit of a challenge.
For those who didn't read my comment in
Cathy's journal, Vanessa turned me into a human dammit doll this past week, which resulted in a nasssssssssstyyyyyyyyyy bruise on my calf. It was a disgusting shade of black, blue, purple, and red - a little over 2 inches wide! Ok, so unless you're my dad, you totally know I'm kidding (see Cathy's journal above so that makes sense). What really happened is that our office is a total disaster area due to the upcoming move (w00t!). So during a recent meeting, I went to climb over/between this chair (where someone was sitting) and this heavy table thing that was up against a wall. My leg went through the space, which was much to small for my calf to go through and it was squished. I didn't think I was capable of this kind of bruising!
This past Wednesday I went to the All American Rejects concert at UM with Manny. Alex was supposed to go but she bailed due to a cold. It was great fun! They're great live. I also got the urge to work in events - meaning working at venues. It was also weird because about 90% of the attendees were very young teen girls. Holy crap are they retarded. Not that I can say too much, because I was kinda of like that in high school when it came to NStink (beat ya to it). So weird. I can't believe I shrieked like that and got that dressed up for a concert. INSANE! At one point the band floated a blow-up doll into the standing-room-only-floor audience that had to come back fully clothed for the show to go on - bra and panties included. Needless to say, the show went on. And I might add, going to a concert at UM rocks. I was home by 10:30 (perfect for a weekday) and NO traffic! w00t!
Last night my mom went with me to my belly dance instructor's show. It was pretty cool. I didn't know it before hand, but they had a whole fair of jewelry and belly dance related products. There was a group of students (aged 4 to 16) that opened the event. It was pretty cute/funny! During one of the professional solo performances, I caught one of the little girls dancing a long in the aisle! Too cute! I think my instructor and her troupe received the loudest applause. They were really good.
Today I went to the book fair with Meghan. I bought 10 books for $55; $60 if you include the admission. It was fun and some of the books I got are actually on my books to read list! Yay! Methinks I saw some Rennies, but not sure if it was anyone I know. We also had an adventure because we got on the wrong Metro Mover so it took us a bit longer to get where we need to.
Halloween pics!