Nov 19, 2005 11:47
Everyday people continue to surprise me. It's funny what surprises me and what doesn't. When I hear about violent acts, crime, etc., I'm not stunned. Maybe I have become numb to that. Or maybe it doesn't bother because rarely are those behaviors related to people in my life. What stings is the everyday things. The everyday things that people say and do that are so inconsiderate, rude, and unnecessary. Some days I wonder whether the problem lies with me (expecting too much out of people) or whether the issue really is with the other person. I realize that it's both. Though rarely is it both in the same scenario. I also question whether I'm being a hypocrite when I am irritated or offended by something done or said. Being an imperfect human, I'm sure that in some respects I am a hypocrite, though I try not to be.
I have realized something interesting. Many of us ask people to be honest and sincere with us. But sometimes when they are, we don't like it. I now understand why. Because there are 2 types of honesty and sincerity: tactful and brutal. In both instances, you can tell the truth. But with tact, you're more likely to understand and agree with the truth. Whereas brutal truth is just that - brutal. It hurts. So maybe we shouldn't demand just truth. Maybe we should demand tact as well. Or would that be asking those who provide brutal truth to be someone they're not? Maybe it is. But should that stop us from asking for a little tact? Sometimes, brutal truth can be digested. Sometimes, it's acceptable. The only times it is ok is when you have the sort of relationship (rather, are at the point in a relationship) where tactlessness is no longer rude. I think that's few and far between. Hearing the brutal truth is typically ineffective. That's when the recipient goes in denial, but deep down knows that it is in fact the truth.
You know what really sucks? Watching people that you care about suffer and struggle each day with life. Especially when it goes around and around in circles. It doesn't improve.
And there's nothing you can do about it.
Now that hurts. It hurts more than brutal truth. The most you can do is give your opinion. Give moral support. Try and steer actions in a direction out of the circle of suffering and struggle. The frightening aspect of it is looking and wondering if you yourself will fall into that trap. We once dreamt so high and now our feet never lift off the ground. Sure, you can be aware of this and decide not to allow it to happen. But sometimes, shit really does just happen to you. You make choices and take risks in your life believing that it will lead you where you want to go, not knowing that you'll end up in a life that you did not ask for. Then how do you crawl out of that?
Huh. Just realized I experienced a major paradigm shift in the last several years. Interesting.
Never mix business with pleasure. It always sucks.
When you sit back and realize that many people have disappointed you, what do you do? By nature, people disappoint one another. My inclination is to shut myself out. Be alone, anti-social. Get a dog. But as great company as a dog is, that's quite a lonely life. So what do you do? Take your chances to be regularly disappointed? Is it worth it? I wouldn't know. Lower your standards? Stop trying to please everyone, to be wonderful to everyone. Ah. So that's where that quote comes in. Something along the lines of "Trying to please everyone will guarantee failure." Aha! The problem is not others, it's me. Now there's the problem. How do you change? You don't. People don't change. You simply process everything differently. You just accept it. Just accept the fact that you will be disappointed and that you will strive to never disappoint anyone (though undoubtedly you will).
Harry Potter was great. Snape had the least lines this time around, but it was by far Alan Rickman's best Snape performance. The twins had a bigger role in the movie this time around. That makes me happy. They're funny. Loved Mad Eye. McGonagall is also great. Saddened by a lack of Sirius. Highly noticeable changes in the scenery of the movie - Hogwarts has changed. Less true to the book, understandable. But don't you think that the movie set should stay the same? Meh. Annoyed by Dumbledore. This time around he seemed especially unlike the Dumbledore I envisioned. A bit annoying to be honest.
When I first read about the pensieve in the fourth book, I immediately demanded that I wanted one. In writing this entry, I have realized that journals (online or otherwise) serve that purpose in muggle life. Though a pensieve seems to allow for a more objective storage of memories.
Am officially on vacation. Am looking forward to sleeping, relaxing, catching up on some e-mails and LJ.
harry potter,