[Log] Ma'am

Jun 07, 2005 00:15

Who: R'dur, Tegara, Yselle
When: Unknown
Where: Central Bowl, Telgar Weyr
What: R'dur has that map ready for Yselle.

Central Bowl
     A stony field is the center of this great caldera, the size of which is unmatched at any other Weyr--for the whole complement of all the wings at Telgar could rest comfortably within its towering cliffs. Shaped in a perfect oval, the rock walls seem ideal for keeping the usual chill winds stirring about. The ground is mostly made of pebbles and rocks, some hued the milky shades of old quartz, though there are patches where softer dirt and even trees sprout up from the ground. To the south, the bowl opens onto the living caverns and the Weyrleaders' quarters; the immense entrance to the Hatching Grounds lies to the northwest. Heading southwest will lead one back out into the rocky mountain ranges around Telgar's protective walls. Dragons may be seen, relaxing or fresh from feeding, to the north, as well as the soft lapping sounds of Telgar's lake touching the sandy shore. The Weyrling Barracks, always aflutter with activity, are to the direct west. If you're looking for the 'dutypair' to take you to an outweyr destination, they can be found here. Fall leaves cling around the edges of the bowl, and the trees near the lake are bedecked with bronze and red splendor.

PLAYERS: Tegara R'dur

Obvious Exits:
Weyrling Barracks Southern Bowl Lake Shore Hatching Cavern Feeding Grounds Runner Pasture Weyr Entrance

Yselle hops over the gate of the feeding pens. In the distance, Dianneth can be seen, mauling a kill. Pretty and delicate the green might be, but does she make a mess of her food or what? "Just don't throw the femur at me again," Yselle mutters, patting her hair, and since her hands are lovely and oily too, all that does is make her look terrible - worse than usual even.

Alidaeth is nowhere to be seen this once, as R'dur heads out into the bowl. The brownrider has a hide in one hand, and he's walking close to the bowl of the wall as he very carefully makes a few marks upon the surface. With the basics of a drawing down, he then turns and strolls away from the wall, taking up a seat on a rock near the barracks' entrance to perfect it. He glances up at the bowl walls, chewing on the end of his pencil, and then adjusts the lines on his hide to match before a familiar figure registers. "Ma'am!" he hails Yselle, waving the hide in her direction in an unusually exuberant manner.

Tegara is out in the bowl with Riaceth, giving her green a good oiling. She looks up and spots Yselle, then her clutchmate R'dur, the former coming from the feeding pens and the latter newly come from the barracks, pencil and hide in hand, working diligently at some project. She whips off a quick salute for the Weyrsecond and greets a fellow greenrider warmly. "Hullo there, Yselle, Weyrsecond, ma'am," she stammers, doing her best to be respectful. Riaceth merely eyes her lifemate reproachfully, as if to tell her to keep spreading the oil on her dry and patchy skin.

Yselle is probably at her least official-looking right now, still, she offers R'dur a rather surprised smile, to meet his exuberance. "Hello R'dur," she says, and then, tilting her head, salutes him pointedly. Then, "Oh hey, are you drawing the bowl?" she's grinning like a little kid. "Can I see?" Meanwhile, Dianneth rips the limbs off her hapless prey, off in the distance. Yselle offers that childlike grin to Tegara as well. "Hey Tegara," returning /her/ salute, "Well, isn't she getting big?"

R'dur, a bit slow on the uptake, doesn't quite catch on to what Yselle's hinting at initially. When he does, though, he pales and rockets to his feet, hide tumbling to the ground as he offers the Weyrsecond a snappy salute at last. "Ma'am," he tells her meekly, that typical flush creeping up his neck. He mumbles his next words: "Yes, ma'am. I'm almost done, ma'am. I just need to go around and check it one last time, but then I think I'll be done. Ma'am." He doesn't seem to have noticed Tegara, in his panic over Yselle's correction.

Tegara slathers some more oil on the dry patches on Riaceth's still-expanding hide. The dragon rolls her eyes in a bright blue of contentment, a soft sort of purr eminating from her throat. "Yes, she is /still/ growing -- when she'll stop, I have no idea."

Yselle winks for the salute, then grins, and tries to peer at what R'dur is working on. "You know, we'll really have to put Smithcraft in there, and do you think you could make a trail heading off to the store-rooms? You know, I was thinking, I should drop some little clues on the way. I don't suppose you're good at verse as well?" She's practically dancing with excitement, the salute-incident forgotten already, at least as far as she's concerned. As for Tegara's comment, well the weyrsecond just grins and says, "You'll probably already have noticed the growth slowing up. Not so long away as you might think really. - Hello Riaceth, you're looking lovely." And then quickly, under her breath, "But yes, nowhere near as lovely as you dear."

Riaceth's purring grows even louder as she hears Yselle's praise. "Of course you're gorgeous, my love," Tegara tells her lifemate. "And right now you loke wonderful, your hide gleaming slickly with the oiling."

R'dur plainly hesitates, looking confused by Yselle's wink and friendly words. What, no more corrections? Somewhat warily, he answers her, "I've never done verses before, ma'am, so I wouldn't really know. But I suppose it'd be easy to add in the storerooms. But, ma'am, I've never been to the smith hall. I can try, though, ma'am." He pauses a moment to glance at Tegara before adding, "At least she's not as large as some of the others, ma'am." Unconsciously, the title creeps into his words again, even to those who don't require it. He blushes a bit as he realizes this.

Yselle grins at Riaceth, looking her up and down with the experienced eye of an ex-AWLM. "Very pretty," she echoes, wiping her own oily hands on her shirt, which does nothing to improve her appearance. "You seem to be doing a great job with her, Tegara," and to R'dur, "Oh well, I just thought you might be able to. I suppose I could bribe a harper or something. Come to think of it, it's only /Tel/ I guess, and he has about as much discernment in those things as a vtol, so I suppose I could manage something. - Oh well, I just thought if you were flying over smithcraft sometime, you might get a look at it. I wouldn't get too worried about that map though, your lessons are more important." She pauses, blinks and says, "Oh, really?" though nobody said anything to prompt that. "Seems like I'm needed," she tells the two weyrlings apologetically. "Shells, official stuff, I'll have to /change/." And she certainly doesn't look like a weyr representative just at the moment. She turns, and yells at the pens, "Stop playing with your food! I have to get up to my weyr and change," and then, to the bowl in general, "But first, a bath. Thanks for doing that for me, R'dur," and she hurries off.

Yselle disappears down the tunnel that leads out of the Telgar Caldera.
Yselle has left.

"Oh. Oh, you're welcome, ma'am," mumbles R'dur as Yselle hurries off. "I'll... see what I can do about the hall." He frowns a moment at the hide, then turns back to the barracks. "I'd better go see what Alidaeth wants, too. Good evening, Tegara," he offers the greenrider as he heads inside.

r'dur, tegara, yselle

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