[Log] Y'ain't So Bad Yourself

Apr 24, 2006 21:00

Who: Bayan, L'sen
When: Day 5, Month 6, Turn 7
Where: Lakeshore, High Reaches Weyr
What: L'sen and Bayan get to know each other without Ayana and Delu looming.

Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
     This shoreline marks the edge of the freshwater lake that fills the southeastern portion of the bowl. The gritty dirt of the bowl gives way to smooth sand. Dragons adore diving from high above into the lake's deep center, often imploring to their lifemates to bathe them with sweetsand. Humans and firelizards alike frequently fish from these clear waters, which are abundantly stocked.
     Across the lake, the bowl wall rises high into the sky, its face dotted with weyr entrances. A few dragonlengths above the water, glimpses of a level cliff can be seen amidst boulders lining the edge. Just south of here, a smaller pond of water is divided from the main lake by a natural bridge of land. A path leads across the bridge and up to the diving cliffs, winding through a dotting of small boulders on its way.
     The evening is clear, not a cloud to be seen, giving you a perfect view of the stars. The smaller Belior winks as a waning crescent while Timor winks as a waxing crescent. There is a light breeze that ripples across the lake.

Obvious exits:
LAke Pond Diving Cliff Bowl

     Bayan is a tall young man with smooth, dark skin. His eyes shine hazel and his black curls are rakishly wild, flowing about like the waves of the sea. His eyes seem to smile at you...or mock you, depending on intent. As for his gentle lips, they curve into an endless smirk, as though he's about to get into some kind of trouble. He appears calm, but has a business-like air about him, which usually means there's more to him than meets the eye. He is 20 Turns old.

Bayan is standing at his usual spot since arriving to the Weyr..the lake. He stares out at it in thought, turning something shiny over in his left hand. He mumbles something abruptly and as about to turn and leave when the sudden appearance of the bluerider stops him in his tracks. Not appearing startled, he grins his easy grin instead and nods, "L'sen! It's good to finally see you without my sister about. How you been? And your blue...I heard his name before...."

Rounding the end of the lake with his usual grin, L'sen only broadens that smile when he sees Bayan. "Baye, hiya," he greets the other young man with an enthusiastic wave. "Neiveth, that's him. He's off hunting, I think--something like that, anyway. More like scarin' all the herdbeasts off, you know what I mean? So what're you doing out here? How're Ayana--ooh, and Delu? That was, like, getting ugly the other night." He wrinkles his nose.

Bayan chuckles, grinning easy with the bluerider, "That's right, Neiveth. I never met him properly." He nods a bit, "Aya and Delu...I don't what to say to that scene, but Aya thinks Delu's some kind of proddy? I dunno. I dunno dragonrider life like that. Whatever it was, I was not pleased." He looks not pleased either, but for L'sen he gives a clam demeanor, "I'm sorry you had to hear all that. About the girls' scheme and all....and about our family. They really try hard to keep me in one place."

"Oooh," says L'sen sagely. "Proddy. That explains everything. Usually Neiveth, he picks up on those things and clues me in, but eh. Anyway." He waves a hand airily, taking a moment to sprawl out on the sand near the water's edge. "It's okay, really. I guess all families do that every once in a while, you know? Mine, well. Me 'n' my little brother would argue every once in a while, but that's about it. So what was all that about, anyway?" Curious, he glances around at Bayan, brows arching.

Bayan joins him on the ground, sitting up, "Proddy? Whatever. Not my business, I guess. Got enough to deal with." He looks at him, "What was it all about?" he repeats with a raised eyebrow, "Well, it's a long story, and many of it can never be spoken. We, Aya and I, don't have a tight family. We never did. Granted, I and Kam regret leaving her there to fester with ma, but we were young at the time." He sighs, "Makes no sense, right? Me and Kam do business. It's why we travel alot. We go where we can get the marks."

L'sen knits his brows. "Not really," he admits with an easy shrug, turning his head to watch Bayan. "I like my family. They're not so bad, you know? Can't imagine not wantin' to be around them, even if I don't get to see 'em so much now. They're all back at the Hold--High Reaches Hold, that is, where I'm from. Who's Kam?"

Bayan nods at him, "You're lucky then, L'sen. It's not that way where I'm from. Aya's unfortunately gotten the brunt of it. I still blame myself for her upbringing. Our ma is....not nice." He pauses, his easy-going manner wavering from the topic, "Kam...I mean Kamer, he's my brother. The two of us do business. He stays out in the open mostly. Never comes into the Weyr and all that. Has no interest in anything other than marks." He grins, "Not everyone gets along with him, like with me." He glances at L'sen, "High Reaches Hold? I use to think about settling there...."

L'sen wrinkles his nose. "Oh. That sucks, you know? 'M sorry," he offers sympathetically. "The Hold--High Reaches Hold--it's nice. I grew up there, didn't move here until I was sixteen. I came with Dad to help deliver something, see--he makes furniture stuff--anyway, I came and he let me stay. And I've been here ever since. I like it, though. I got Neiveth and lots of friends like Satiet and Te'an and people, so it's good. What sort of business?" he flip-flops between subjects with a grin.

Bayan grins, "It's a nice place, High Reaches Hold. We've been there a few times. You've had good upbringing." He smirks at him, "You're attractive too." He pauses, "It's good you found a new home. I dunno if I want one yet. Kinda like te open road, you know? Being free to go wherever you want, do whatever....it suits us. We've been traveling since we were young boys." At L'sen's last question, he grins and winks, "It's a mystery that will never be solved, bluerider. There are somethings that cannot be aired. I can't say it's always honest, what we do, but it pays." and he says no more on it.

L'sen's eyes widen at Bayan's compliment, though he grins. "Er, thanks. Y'ain't so bad yourself," he remarks lightly. "So you really won't tell me? I /hate/ secrets. Can't keep 'em worth nothing. I'm just too curious, nosy, whatever, for my own good, you know? Can I have a hint?"

Bayan grins widely, "Thank you. I try my best to be...." and he winks with a chuckle. "Tell you? Oh, believe me, you don't want to know. Ask Aya. She doesn't know either, but thinks I'm dealing shady..." and he pauses at that, "Honestly, I can't tell you. Kam would kill me. And getting you involved by just knowing would be dangerous." He looks a bit serious, but he shrugs it off.

L'sen sulks blatantly. "I'm a big guy--I can take care of myself," he notes. He's silent for a space of a few seconds before his good humor buoys him up again. "So, like, how long you in the area for, anyway? Do I get to meet Kam, too? You should introduce us--I like meeting people, you know what I mean? Is he like you?"

Bayan gives him a warm smile, "I didn't mean to say you couldn't take care of yourself. I just...it's complicated. I feel like I have to protect everyone, see?" He winks again, "I'll be around alittle longer, but then I need to make a trip back to Igen. Promised Aya and all. I'll be back here, taking care of business ofcourse." He looks thoughtful, "Hm? Meet Kam? Heh, Kam has no use for dragonriders. He's /nothing/ like me! Very harsh, cold, the qualities that has saved my butt a few times!" He chuckles, "Maybe I can convince him to come here, but don't count on it. He's not the friendly sort. He avoids Weyrs though!"

"Weird," remarks L'sen with an idle shrug. "Oh, well. It don't matter, not really. I was just wondering." He grins. "I could take you back if you wanna? I like seein' Delu and Ayana, too, so. I didn't expect them to be up here, not for the hatching or then the other night. It was nice."

Bayan chuckles, "He is weird, but he's someone you can trust. He tells you the truth, even the ones you don't want to hear." He nods to that, "That'd be nice, to go on a dragon. Never been on one. I'd try it atleast once. Get to meet nice riders too," and he smirks at L'sen. "Aya and Delu are nice. I miss them...alittle upset at them still, but ah well. I imagine now that they can fly, they'll be visiting here alot more often....if they convince me to move here, that is. I don't see a reason to give up business and settle. Truly."

"It ain't hard, riding a dragon," notes L'sen cheerfully. "Just lemme know, whenever you want to, and we can go. Neiveth and me, we don't mind. Though, really, I wouldn't want to live somewhere like, I dunno, Igen or Ista. Too hot, you know? Cold's better. S'why I like here so much, although I guess Telgar or Fort or Benden maybe would be just as good. Anyway, I guess... I dunno. I settle some ways, I guess, not in others. You know?" Another grin for his ramblings.

"Then I look forward to it," Bayan says with a nod, "I don't want to impose on you and Neiveth though. I know the Weyr is a busy place and needs all its riders." He grins, "I love the cold, especially here. That alone would make me want to stay." He raises an eyebrow, "Settle in some ways? Ayana mentioned a fellow named Te'an? Is that who you settle with? Or what is it called....weyrmates? I admit, I don't get much time to settle in some ways, but every now and then...." and he nods his head.

"Then stay," L'sen encourages, grinning. The mention of Te'an, though, pulls him up short, and he frowns briefly. "Te'an's... I dunno. He's got a weyrmate, yeah, but it sure ain't me. Got, like, a dozen people pregnant right now, too. But we're just... Aw, I don't even know. He's been my best friend forever and then sometimes we're, well, more than that but not really and it's just all really complicated and I don't even pretend to understand it myself so... yeah. I dunno." A shrug.

Bayan chuckles at L'sen's encouragement, shaking his head, "Gonna take more than nice weather to make me have a home here, I'm afraid. I'll stay a bit to make friends. Never had a dragonrider for a friend. And, you seem really nice." He glances at him, not shyly at all, "So why don't an attractive rider like you have one? Not your thing? I imagine it would put a damper on being able to sleep with other people, mostly. I know the Weyr's pretty loose about such things." He nods, "Te'an seems quite the man. Is he a bluerider? Somehow he sounds like a greenrider."

"Te'an," notes L'sen sagely, "is the greenest green greenrider ever to fly around a Weyr. He's great, though--really, great. He was... Well. We used to /always/ get in trouble together back in weyrlinghood, and then we'd end up bickerin' and stuff, you know what I mean?" He shrugs. "It was fun, though--seein' our weyrlings now makes me kinda miss it. Anyway. Um. I dunno why? I just... don't. You know? How come /you/ don't, huh?" he challenges in return.

Bayan raises an eyebrow in interest, "Oh? This Te'an fellow sounds interesting. Must be, to get you." He grins, "Dunno why you don't have a weyrmate? Maybe don't want one? Don't need one maybe?" He laughs out loud then, "Me? I don't live in a weyr! What would I need a weyrmate for? Unless I find a rider that would...but I'll be a good man."

L'sen grins. "Yeah, he keeps things interesting. You should meet him sometime--he's down at Igen still, until Ayana and Delu and them graduate, anyway. I'll be glad when he's around here more, but anyway. Don't need one, I guess? I dunno, made it twenty turns without one, you know what I mean?" A shrug. Then, grinning again, he admits, "Well, okay. But you know what I mean, anyway, you know?"

"Maybe I will meet him, over there. Be nice to meet someone new." Bayan nods, "Aye, you don't really need one. Especially if you have plenty willing to share their beds. I never mind sharing my own, when I got one." He chuckles deeply, "Really, I'm not bad like this. I've had my share, kinda like Te'an, in the past, but I've calmed down since then. I do admit, though, for one day it'd be nice to be a greenrider!"

"I'll introduce you sometime," L'sen says easily, beaming at Bayan. "Blueriders are better, though, you know what I mean? Although, okay. Neiveth's partial to the greens, and greenriders are nice, too, but really. C'mon. Blue's prettier, and better." Big grin. "Beds are made for sharing, I think. Like, me, when I got my own weyr after graduating, that was the first time I hadn't had at least, like, my brother around, and I'd been in barracks when I was a candidate and a weyrling, and it was lonely. I like having other people around."

Bayan grins, "Look forward to it. And blueriders are better? Hm, perhaps...I'd never know unless I been with one, right?" He chuckles, "I believe you. A bed is good to share. Definitely good to have other people around." he pauses, blushing slightly, "Well, if you ever...well, want one other .....I guess..well, you know? I dunno.." and he looks away at the lake. "Nevermind."

Totally perplexed, L'sen peers up at Bayan. "Want to what?" he asks innocently.

Not use to having his guard down this way, Bayan just shrugs, trying to hide his blushing, "Well, I don't want to ask and seem rude. Never actually asked a dragonrider before. I...." and he stops, not looking at him.

L'sen just blinks. "Asked a dragonrider wha--oooh. Are you serious?" he asks, though not sounding anything more than curious, intrigued. "Neiveth says--" But he doesn't finish, only peers over at Bayan.

Bayan raises an eyebrow, "Serious? I...uh..." and he pauses, "What did Neiveth say? About me? I mean," and he rubs at his face, "Look, don't even worry about it. I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't upset you, did I? That wasn't my intention."

L'sen just grins, rather smugly. "Neiveth's lots better at putting stuff together than me," he notes. "Me, though? I ain't upset. Why would I be, really? I was just ... I dunno. My bed's really big."

"Oh," Bayan says with a smirk, "It's good to have Neiveth, huh? I dunno why you would be upset...just thought maybe I shouldn't have offered to...well, if you ever get lonely..." and he sighs, "I'm not good at this." He chuckles, "Nice big bed, huh? Nice! You must have a nice weyr." And he nods amiably, still alittle flustered.

Calm as everything, L'sen just smiles. "Yeah, he keeps me sorted out, mostly. I mean, okay, sometimes he gets me into trouble, and he's kind of a show-off, but yeah," he explains, nodding. "It's okay. Really. I don't mind. I could--oh, Faranth. This is what I mean about Neiveth getting me in trouble. I gotta go and straighten him out--he did something or 'nother to somebody. Hey, um. I'll talk to you later?" he offers hopefully as he scrambles to his feet. Dusting himself off, he heads quickly toward the bowl. "Night, Baye."

bayan, l'sen

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