[Log] I Know We Can Do This

Jun 01, 2005 17:00

Who: Breena, D'ar, R'dur, Tegara
When: Unknown
Where: Weyrling Barracks, Telgar Weyr; Central Bowl, Telgar Weyr; Sky, Telgar Weyr
What: Telgar's weyrlings learn to /between/.

Weyrling Barracks
     This immense cavern is the home for weyrling pairs. A huge opening is the entrance, leading to the ground level bowl. The floor is not quite smooth, being gouged with numerous scratches and cracks, from the clumsy undergrown claws on equally clumsy dragonets. The indentations on the floor, made by millennial pressure of the growing dragons, are quite suggestive of their purpose. Most of them have furs in one corner of them, as the new riders sleep as near their lifemates as they can. A particular odour lingers in the air here, not quite pleasant.
     The normal ruckus of the barracks is almost constant.

FL: Lazulai
DRAGONS: Riaceth Kyubith Alidaeth
PLAYERS: Tegara D'ar R'dur Breena

Obvious Exits:

"Weyrlings," Breena doesn't even pause to wait for salutes or formalities as she sweeps in from the office. "Get your coats, your straps, and your lifemates, and meet me outside." There's a quick glance to see who's following, but she's all business and no smiles tonight.

R'dur, sharing a worried glance with Alidaeth, turns to shrug into his coat. He then gathers up his straps and starts after Breena, with Alidaeth trailinger after.

Kyubith barges ahead after the Weyrlingmaster with D'ar in tow, the weyrling hastily grasping the newly acquired wherhide jacket along with the best set of straps he's concluded, muttering apologies to those Kyubith's barely avoided on his way out.

Tegara hastily shrugs into her coat and gathers up a set of straps that she had just re-sized to fit Riaceth's still-growing frame. "C'mon Ria," she tells her lifemate.

Central Bowl
     A stony field is the center of this great caldera, the size of which is unmatched at any other Weyr--for the whole complement of all the wings at Telgar could rest comfortably within its towering cliffs. Shaped in a perfect oval, the rock walls seem ideal for keeping the usual chill winds stirring about. The ground is mostly made of pebbles and rocks, some hued the milky shades of old quartz, though there are patches where softer dirt and even trees sprout up from the ground. To the south, the bowl opens onto the living caverns and the Weyrleaders' quarters; the immense entrance to the Hatching Grounds lies to the northwest. Heading southwest will lead one back out into the rocky mountain ranges around Telgar's protective walls. Dragons may be seen, relaxing or fresh from feeding, to the north, as well as the soft lapping sounds of Telgar's lake touching the sandy shore. The Weyrling Barracks, always aflutter with activity, are to the direct west. If you're looking for the 'dutypair' to take you to an outweyr destination, they can be found here. Fall leaves cling around the edges of the bowl, and the trees near the lake are bedecked with bronze and red splendor.

DRAGONS: Sonaith Kyubith Riaceth Alidaeth
PLAYERS: Breena D'ar R'dur Tegara

Obvious Exits:

Weyrling Barracks Southern Bowl Lake Shore Hatching Cavern Feeding Grounds Runner Pasture Weyr Entrance

Sonaith eyes the weyrling pairs as they make their way out from the barracks, while Breena comes over to join her. "Today," she begins, her expression still a far cry from her usual pleasant one, "you're going to embark on the most difficult lesson you've had thus far. All that visualization practice will finally be put to use--today, you'll be going between." She pauses, again meeting the eyes of those present. "This is *not* a lesson to be taken lightly. If you don't feel that you're ready for it, you may be excused. Any goofing off, of *any* sort, by *anyone*, not only will you have extra mucking and firestone duties from now until graduation, but you will run extra laps every morning and every night. Understood?"

R'dur's mouth opens, perhaps to protest his readiness. But Alidaeth rumbles comfortingly and nudges his rider in the back, and R'dur frowns slightly and nods. "Yes, ma'am," he answers her question softly, shifting his weight nervously. He shoots another look back at Alidaeth and nods.

D'ar puts a hand up to caress Kyubith's flank in a calming circular motion, his own expression a serious one as he listens, and then twists to eye his impatient lifemate. He gives the shifting brown a quelling gaze that seems to hold him for the moment, before returning his gaze up front.

Tegara is somewhat more nervous than the others, as she's been having some trouble with the visualization. Plus, she's heard the horror stories about weyrlings who didn't have a firm enough visualization coming out of *between* and into solid rock. She shudders slightly and tenatively raises her hand. "May I be excused?" she asks in a small voice. "I don't think I'm ready for this yet."

Breena's brows lift, but she nods at Tegara. "If you're sure you don't want to participate, you may be excused." And that short comment is the only thing she offers. Her attention's directed to the rest, the ones who are staying, and she nods. "Strap up, then--it'll just be a short jump, just from one part of the bowl to the other."

R'dur turns to watch Tegara a moment, expression blank as he studies her and Riaceth. He gives Alidaeth one last look then, before turning back to listen intently to Breena.

D'ar blinks over in Tegara and Riaceth's direction, although his gaze doesn't linger there long. In some ways, she's one of the brave ones, speaking up about her concerns. But D'ar doesn't have time to ponder it for long, instead stepping toward Kyubith to toss the straps up and over his lifemate, moving in further to check all the buckles and make sure things are lying flat.

Tegara has disconnected.

"Mount up, weyrlings," Breena says, once the departing have departed, and once everyone else is strapped up. "And on my signal, launch and take a standard formation. Hover there, and we'll have you share visualizations."

Breena climbs up onto Sonaith's neckridges.
Breena has left.

Gingerly, R'dur checks over Alidaeth's straps one last time and mounts. He's looking more than a little green by now, though the brown is calm as ever.

Off of Alidaeth, Kyubith stills, stopping the slight rocking motion he had going on while waiting with limited patience. He remains attentive as D'ar looks to mount.

Off of Alidaeth, Sonaith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her aloft.

You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft.

Central Bowl Airspace
     You circle within the northern airspace of Telgar Weyr, just above the large central bowl and lake region. Below, along the lake's edge, lie the sands of the Weyr's main beach and, to its west, the huge expanse of Telgar's Hatching Cavern. Down and then eastward is the Weyr's large pen that serves as the dragons' feeding grounds. Several of the beasts scatter nervously while you hover overhead. Gouges mar the earth below beside the weyrling barracks where, often, you can catch sight of a bevy of young dragons and their new partners doing drills. Reaching farther to the south are the entrances to both the living caverns and the infirmary. While you could gaze over the breathtaking beauty of all these sites, the circling chill of the wind causes you to seriously considering landing.


Obvious exits:
Hatching Caverns

Dragon> Alidaeth and Kyubith sense that Sonaith, unlike her rider, is all exuberance and excitement, her mindvoice bright with it. << Mine asks me to ask your riders to study the bowl--study the ground, the rocks, the way the bowl meets the sky. Have them pass that image to you, and then you shall pass it to me, and we will see what we see. >>

Off of Alidaeth, Kyubith rises up from the bowl.

Alidaeth takes off easily, soaring toward the sky. He takes up his position in the air, eyeing the ground as his rider does likewise, both of them fixing it in their memories.

Dragon> After several moments, Alidaeth transmits an image of the bowl as it looks from below, carefully detailed by his precise rider. << This is my rider's image. >>

Off of Alidaeth, Sonaith hovers, head canting this way and that to observe the weyrling dragons, waiting. Once given the signals, this time, the glance is for her lifemate--it's Breena's turn.

Dragon> Alidaeth senses that Sonaith, pleased, sends the mental equivalent of a warm nod and a smile. << Good! Mine says that is very good--all focus on bowl, and nothing on temporary details. Now, we must fly. >>

Off of Alidaeth, Atop Sonaith, Breena waves her thanks to R'dur and Alidaeth, then the other weyrlings in turn, and gives the signal to fly--south, toward the opposite end of the bowl.

Off of Alidaeth, Sonaith flies towards the south end of the bowl.

You fly towards the south end of the bowl.

Southern Bowl Airspace
     Hovering above the southern part of Telgar Weyr's hourglass-shaped bowl, you are surrounded by a three-quarter circle of spiky rock walls. Flat across its east face and open at its northern-most end, the shape is perfect to bring up the chill winds which swirl around you. Below, you can almost make out the bustling of activity outside of the Living Caverns and Infirmary as well as the lower ledges of the queenriders and Weyrleaders. Far off to the northwest is the gaping cavern of the Hatching Grounds and the Weyrling Barracks. Beast sounds filter across from the northeast as the feeding pens are located there. The other half of the hourglass and lake reach perfectly north, the snow-capped peaks of mountains not far beyond them.


Obvious exits:
Star Stones

Off of Alidaeth, Once again, Sonaith hovers, waiting for the weyrlings to catch up. Breena, too, waits for all of them to assemble, then murmurs something quiet to th green, which is shortly relayed to the others.

Dragon> Sonaith bespoke Alidaeth with << Now, mine says, it is your turn. Your riders will hold the image in their minds--and you, you will take that image, and you will *go* there. If you wish, we can first. >>

Alidaeth> Sonaith senses that Alidaeth, after a brief pause, notes, << Yes, we are ready. But my rider thinks he would not like to go first. He is worried, even though I know we can do this. >>

Dragon> Alidaeth senses that Sonaith tries her best to be soothing--a quiet wave of encouragement. << We shall go first, then--but you will be fine, you know what to do. Make sure he keeps the image in your mind. >>

Alidaeth disappears into Between.

     You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...


You suddenly emerge...

Central Bowl Airspace
     You circle within the northern airspace of Telgar Weyr, just above the large central bowl and lake region. Below, along the lake's edge, lie the sands of the Weyr's main beach and, to its west, the huge expanse of Telgar's Hatching Cavern. Down and then eastward is the Weyr's large pen that serves as the dragons' feeding grounds. Several of the beasts scatter nervously while you hover overhead. Gouges mar the earth below beside the weyrling barracks where, often, you can catch sight of a bevy of young dragons and their new partners doing drills. Reaching farther to the south are the entrances to both the living caverns and the infirmary. While you could gaze over the breathtaking beauty of all these sites, the circling chill of the wind causes you to seriously considering landing.


Obvious exits:
Hatching Caverns

Alidaeth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Off of Alidaeth, Sonaith comes through first, then waits, watching for the weyrlings to emerge from the cold of between--and, when the first of them makes it through, the bugle she voices is rather pleased and almost smug. Breena, too, is finally smiling as the wing reassembles.

R'dur's face is starkly white as he and Alidaeth emerge from /between/, but the color slowly returns when he sees they're both fine. He's not even green anymore. In fact, he manages a relieved smile, as Alidaeth trumpets his own excitement.

Off of Alidaeth, Atop Sonaith, "Well done!" Breena says from her perch atop Sonaith, even as she gives the signal to land. "Back down to the ground now."

Off of Alidaeth, Sonaith flies downwards towards the bowl.

You fly downwards towards the bowl.

You slide down from Alidaeth.

Central Bowl
     A stony field is the center of this great caldera, the size of which is unmatched at any other Weyr--for the whole complement of all the wings at Telgar could rest comfortably within its towering cliffs. Shaped in a perfect oval, the rock walls seem ideal for keeping the usual chill winds stirring about. The ground is mostly made of pebbles and rocks, some hued the milky shades of old quartz, though there are patches where softer dirt and even trees sprout up from the ground. To the south, the bowl opens onto the living caverns and the Weyrleaders' quarters; the immense entrance to the Hatching Grounds lies to the northwest. Heading southwest will lead one back out into the rocky mountain ranges around Telgar's protective walls. Dragons may be seen, relaxing or fresh from feeding, to the north, as well as the soft lapping sounds of Telgar's lake touching the sandy shore. The Weyrling Barracks, always aflutter with activity, are to the direct west. If you're looking for the 'dutypair' to take you to an outweyr destination, they can be found here. Fall leaves cling around the edges of the bowl, and the trees near the lake are bedecked with bronze and red splendor.

DRAGONS: Sonaith Alidaeth
PLAYERS: Breena R'dur

Obvious Exits:
Weyrling Barracks Southern Bowl Lake Shore Hatching Cavern Feeding Grounds Runner Pasture Weyr Entrance

Alidaeth lands smoothly back on the ground, still rumbling brightly. He certainly seems happy now, as does R'dur, who's beaming by now, as he slides down the brown's neck to the firm ground again. "All right. You were right," he concedes in a muffled murmur as he presses close to the dragon.

Breena slips down from Sonaith's neckridges, leaning up against her lifemate before she stands up and salutes the weyrlings. "Very well done. It's scary, I know--especially the first time. It gets easier, but...well, speaking for me, I still get butterflies. Starting now, you'll start learning the other places in our sweep area, then the other Weyrs, and the places in *their* sweep areas. For now...please take the rest of the day off, you've earned it!"

R'dur smiles at Breena, nodding. "Yes, ma'am. And--thank you," he tells her. Alidaeth rumbles again at the weyrlingmaster and her green, adding his own thanks to his rider's.

Sonaith blows out a long breath at R'dur and Alidaeth, while Breena smiles and waves a hand. "Cut it out. Dismissed, weyrlings--have a good night."

R'dur, still grinning happily, turns and heads back to the barracks with Alidaeth at his side.

breena, r'dur, tegara, sonaith, d'ar, alidaeth

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