[Log] Going Visiting

Apr 11, 2006 21:00

Who: Ayana, Delu, L'sen, Morowen, Yaria
When: Day 12, Month 4, Turn 7, 11th Interval
Where: Main Beach, Igen Weyr
What: L'sen brings some of High Reaches' candidates to visit Igen's weyrlings

Igen Weyr Main Beach
     This is one of the most popular sections of the Igen Bowl, and the reason can't really be mistaken. The lake to the north provides a refreshing change from the heat that characterizes the climate of this area. A small beach of pumice sand runs along the shore here, making it a nice spot to relax. The waters of the lake are a deep blue, reflecting perfectly the sheer cliffs to the north.
     The lake looks inviting, and a smaller beach to the north provides a more isolated spot. Eastwards a large field leads towards a pass out of the Weyr, and heading southeast takes you across the center of the bowl. To the south lies the corral.

Obvious exits:
Lake Northern Beach Center Bowl Weyrling Field Feeding Grounds

The sun is just setting, and the heat of the day is becoming a faint memory. The sandstone walls of the weyr are lit with harsh red light, illuminating the lake and the weyrlings at it. Erdeth is getting his bath, with Yaria clad in clothes ready for the rag bin, knee deep in water to scrub the mostly grown blue.

Blinking from /between/, Neiveth spirals downward toward the Igen beach with a load of his rider and several candidates, including Morowen. The blue dragon lands easily on the ground, wings flaring to bring himself to a stop. Then, lowering himself downward, he lets L'sen unstrap himself and the passengers and slide to the ground. "Here we are: Igen!" L'sen announces grandly, gesturing to the beach. Neiveth croons a greeting, his eyes landing on Erdeth in the water while his rider is still distracted.

Ayana is busy oiling Kyreth, looking over at Yaria with a smile before stepping back and noticing the arriving blue and his charges. "Oi! What do we ahve here?" she begins, looking over at Yaria.

Erdeth rumbles politely to the Reaches blue, sitting bakc on his haunches to do so, and very nearly drowning his rider. She sputters, pushing wet hair out of her eyes. "What, Erd? Reaches - oh." She grins to Ayana. "Didn't Te'an mention something about people coming?" A bit more formally she offers, "Duties to the Reaches and their queens."

Kyreth warbles a greeting to the blue, then settles more as his lifemate continues to oil him. Ayana shrugs a bit, "Ah...yes, I think he did mention it. My..uh, mind's been a bit distracted as of late..." and she salutes L'sen, "Welcome back, sir."

"Weyrlings!" squeals L'sen happily. "Just who I wanted to see. Well, okay, I was really hoping for Te'an, too, but /now/ Neiveth tells me Deneth says he's off busy doing weyrlingmaster-ish stuff, but. Just like him, you know? I'll have to hunt him down later," the man rambles happily. Then: "I brought candidates. Candidates, meet weyrlings. This is Erdeth and... Yaria? And Kyreth and Ayana--hey, I remembered!" He beams at the pair of weyrlings, then turns to the candaidates again. "So, um. Moro...wen? Is that right, Morowen?" he picks on the closest one. "I thought maybe you'd like to, you know, meet real weyrlings, since maybe you'll be one soon, you know?"

Morowen falls off Neiveth with a thump! "oww, sorry bout that L'sen, second time a-dragonback.", after standing up and wiping himself off, he waves timidly to the weyrlings in front of him, "yeah, it's morowen..nice to meet you all."

Yaria had a dead curious expression as she studied L'sen. Key word being 'had'. at the squealing and rambling, she relaxes into a neutral smile. "Yeah. Yaria and Erdeth - we've not met before though, yeah? Did Te'an mention me?" Her tone drifts up hopefully on this last, and she nods politely to Morowen. "Candidate, huh? Well met, Morowen."

Ayana eyes L'sen with amusement before turning her gaze upon the mentioned candidate with a grin. "Well met, Morowen! Welcome to Igen!" She just finishes Kyreth's oiling and moves to put the tools by her things. She grins at L'sen's squeal and adds "You do remember! Well, I remember you..."

L'sen just beams, obviously quite pleased with himself. "I remember you, kind of, from that one lesson thingy with the straps where Te'an let me speak and stuff?" he notes to Yaria, brows knitting as he thinks hard. Then, admittedly belatedly, he asks Morowen, "You okay there? It's not /really/ that high up off of Neiveth, but still. Faranth knows I've done that one before, you know? So, hey, do you two need any help with washing or oiling or whatever? Because I have people now--or, hey, candidates, do you have any questions on, I don't know, what the weyrling life is like?" He turns quickly between the two groups, brows arching curiously.

Ayana looks slightly confused, looking from L'sen to Morowen to Yaria and shrugs, "Uh, well I just finished oiling Ky, so I'm good. I'm just going to take a break." She grins then, focusing on Morowen, "If you do have any questions, we'd be happy to answer them. I know I came into candidacy clueless, so, I sure would have wished I had a chance to talk with weyrlings, ya know?"

Morowen nods to L'sen, "Yeah, i'm ok...hmm...questions...Actually, I had a good talk with Satiet and Shalyn yesterday evening, and now dont have any questions, sorry about that."

"Me, too," L'sen seconds Ayana with a wrinkle of his nose. Lazily, he settles onto the sand, stretching his legs out. "Shards, I'm still kind of like that sometimes, you know? Hey, how're you lessons going? They're nearly all grown up, aren't they?" he continues to Ayana. Then, glancing to Morowen, he breaks into another grin. "Oh, really? Shalyn, I think I know her, kind of, more of her than anything else, but Satiet--Satiet's one of my best friends. Her and Te'an--well, Te'an is kind of a friend, kind of more than a friend, kind of... Okay, I dunno what he is, exactly, but anyway. Satiet, right. What'd y'all talk about?" he queries enthusiastically.

Ayana's ears pick up on L'sen's statement, but first says to the candidate, "That's fine, Morowen. It's good to be informed, one way or another." She sits on the sands and turns to L'sen, "Yes, the lessons are going well. We..uh, had the mating flight talk last night." She pauses then asks "So, you and Te'an are like more than friends? Interesting...." and she smirks.

Morowen glances to L'sen, "Well me and some of the other candidates were sitting around in the living cavern after chores,and Satiet and Shalyn came in, and talk ended up around our candidacy and such, and Shayler asked about egg touching and we talked about upcoming stuff and if you could tell dragon colour by the size and shape of the egg." Shrugging, "Just alot of random stuff."

"Egg touchings, those are nice," notes L'sen. "When did they say? I remember, I got to do one of them way back when I was a candidate. The eggs feel kind of weird. And /I/, whatever the rest of them say, think there's got to be some kind of way to tell what color and stuff, you know? I mean, you can tell golds, right? So why not the rest of them?" He glances between Morowen and Ayana for support, brows arching. Then (though his cheeks tinge a little pink) he nods to the weyrling. "Um, well. Yeah. You didn't know that? I mean, I'm not exactly sure what we are, because he has a weyrmate and he's got, like, half of Pern pregnant or something like that, but he likes me--back during candidacy and weyrlinghood, we... Okay, maybe I should not tell these stories," he decides, in a rare moment of insight.

Ayana giggles, "Just asking....it was sort of obvious the last time, so..." and she shrugs. "But you're right...wrong story for candidate!" and she winks at Morowen for effect.

Morowen looks a bit disappointed, expecting some sort of crazy story to tell all his little candidate buddies. "Oh..ok, if you deem them inappropriate for my candidate ears, I'd probably rather NOT hear it."

L'sen blinks. "Really? I thought we were being, um, subtle," he notes, grinning sheepishly. Then, with a brighter smile, he notes, "Okay, if y'all insist." Nevermind they didn't. "We used to always share his blanket, because, well. It's cold up in the Reaches, you know? You couldn't get away with it someplace like here, I don't think. And, um. Hmm. Ooh, next time you see Satiet, you should ask her about the time with me 'n' him in the storerooms!" he encourages Morowen.

Ayana widens her eyes a bit, "You and Te'an in the storerooms?" she repeats incredulously! "When you both were weyrlings? And, well, I guess I can't talk. Te'an's probably good for you, like the way Delu's good for me. Which, I'm still getting use to, being from a Hold and all..."

"Delu? Oh, Delu, right!" L'sen says, enlightening himself. "You two are like me 'n' Te'an? I'm from a hold, too, you know--High Reaches Hold, actually--and it was weird for me, too, at first. But, eh, you get used to things, you know, and then it's not so weird after all. I like Te'an." He shrugs, glances to Morowen. "So what about you? You haven't been getting into no trouble like that, have you? Where are you from, anyway?" he queries.

Morowen shakes his head, "No sir, no trouble at all." As he says this he's grinning mischieviously, so don't take it too seriously, "me? well I'm originally from Bitra Hold, so all the weyr stuff is still completely new to me."

Ayana grins, nodding "High Reaches Hold? Ah yeah, my brothers go by there often! Wanted to take me along before I ran away and was Searched." She blushes a bit, "Yeah, Delu's real special...." and she glances at Morowen, "Bitra you say? That's where Delu's from. I'm from Igen Hold so I'm like you there. Weyr life is quite different, especially when it comes to relationships." and she shrugs.

L'sen, unfortunately, takes the words at face value, beaming at Morowen. "Oh, good," he says, nodding. "I'd feel bad for Satiet if she had to put up with candidates like some of my class was, you know what I mean? But Bitra now, huh. I know a guy from Bitra, I think. Or he goes to Bitra, or... I dunno. Something about Bitra, anyway." He shrugs, then turns that big grin at Ayana. "The Hold's nice, I still have lots of friends back there. And family, too, actually--my parents and brother and sisters and the rest of the family, too. Who're your brothers? Maybe I know them."

Ayana chuckles before L'sen even finishes his statement, shaking his head, "I don't think you'd know them! They travel alot, dealing in some business kept secret. They've mentioned High Reaches cuz they really liked it there. They're good though, Kamer and Bayan. Bayan's here at the Weyr right now in fact," and she looks back in effect before turning to regard them both, "But he's heading out home real soon. You'd might like him...he's cute." and she winks. Then to Morowen, "Bitra's nice I hear. I hope once the restrictions lift Ky and I could finally go exploring abit!"

Boskyth comes onto the beach from the field to the east.
Boskyth has arrived.

Delu comes onto the beach from the field to the east.
Delu has arrived.

Delu flew in on Boskyth, really, and scrambles down with a tired sigh. "Shards, but cleaning up ash is tiring work. Still, it's a blast to watch her flame." She grins at her pun.

L'sen thinks hard, the effort written on his face. "Huh. I guess not," he concedes. "And hey! I don't like just /any/ guys, you know. Just the, um, the special ones, like Te'an. I'm less picky about the girls, I think, though. But, hey, if he's like you, then maybe. I dunno, you can introduce us some time, maybe. Come up to the Reaches for a visit? Hi!" Distracted by Boskyth's arrival, he waves enthusiastically and calls the greeting to her rider.

Kyreth warbles a greeting toward Boskyth and Delu. Ayana giggles at L'sen and brightens when she sees Delu, "Hi, love!" she cries before saying to the bluerider "Well, he's like me, sorta. I think he's inclined to some guys too. Well, I'll mention you to Bayan tonite when I see him off. I told him to visit High Reaches Weyr anyway, so...." and she shrugs with a wink at both rider and candidate, then turns back to Delu, "How you been? Boskyth's been flaming?"

Delu grins and moves over, giving Ayana a quick hug, and a chaste peck on the cheek; noone here will tattle, she's sure. She grins, "Bayan is still here? Good, I was hopeing to get to say goodbye. And yes, she felt inclined and drug me over. Who can say no to her?" She turns, offering L'sen a salute. "I remember you, you tried to teach us about straps, but were more interested in other uses for them, I think."

L'sen beams at Ayana. "Oh, great. I love meeting new people, and, well." Pause. He blinks at Delu, cocking his head. "Wait. Other uses? What else can you use them for? Did I do a good job, at least? Because, well. I've never taught anything before--I mean, I don't know that I'm really, well, qualified, considering... Ooh, I remember learning to flame! That was fun. Our smith guy, that taught us how to pick out the firestone and stuff, he thought I was an idiot. I dunno why."

Ayana grins and nods at Delu, "Yes, Baye's leaving tonite and he told me to meet him at the main entrance soon. And Boskyth, well, she's alot like Ky in that regards!" She looks at L'sen, "You were fine, sir. I was lost, yes, but I had fun!" She giggles a bit from L'sen's topic-jumping, shaking her head.

"I brought candidates," notes L'sen proudly, gesturing at the several young people milling about--most of them enjoying the water and the warmth more than listening to him. "So they could meet real weyrlings and see how things go and stuff. But, oh, man. It's late. I better get them back," laments the bluerider. "Neiveth, hey Neiveth," he nudges the blue back up. He gets the candidates all mounted, then tells Delu and Ayana, "Thanks for hanging around. See you later! Send your brother by High Reaches!" And with that, he mounts himself, and Neiveth takes off, slipping /between/ to his home Weyr.

Delu grins, "Clear skies to you all, and... Don't be afraid. I was terrified the entire time as a candidate... But I would never, ever give Boskyth up. Ever."

Ayana nods, "Feel free to ask us any questions at all!" She watches them leave with a smile.

ayana, yaria, delu, morowen, l'sen

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