[Log] Incorrigible

Nov 06, 2005 18:00

Who: Divya, Elaia, L'sen, Te'an
When: Day 1, Month 6, Turn 5, 11th Interval
Where: Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
What: L'sen meets Divya, and he and Te'an discuss mating flights.

Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
     Standing on the eastern side of the bowl, you realize why this is one of the most striking Weyrs on Pern. Arrayed around the north rim of the bowl are the Seven Spindles: high crownlike points formed of old volcano flows which were eroded to sharp spikes. The bowl itself is a rough ovoid shape, with a large lake taking up a good portion of the southeastern part. The bowl seems to slant down to the lake shore, and the soil becomes a little looser in that direction. From the east, the slight aroma of herdbeast and wherry hide rises from the feeding grounds. The northeast section of the bowl is full of activity: training of dragons both young and old goes on in a large clearing near the entrance to the weyrling barracks and dragon infirmary. Several small boulders dot the area to the north, forming a winding path to the ledges leading into the weyrleaders' quarters.
     The early evening crystal clear as the sun sets over the western rim of the bowl. There seems to be a light breeze and the summer air is warm enough, with only a slight chill.


Obvious exits:
Weyrleader Ledges Western Bowl Floor Dragon Infirmary Weyrling Barracks Weyrling Training Room Feeding Grounds Lake Shore

Divya smiles and says, "It's good to meet you. I'm Divya, and this is Konnevath. Biggest brown flirt in the Weyr, except for Chaedanth." The brown dragon swishes his tail in a greeting, knocking Divya down on her rear.

Te'an settles on the ground, and Deneth wanders over to see if she can help him with what he's working on. He waves his hand at her, "Hey now! You're too big to help!" He complains, and then grins at Divya, "I'm Te'an, sorry. Forgot that part." He says, then snickers as she gets knocked down on her rear.

Divya mutters something about 'dumb dolts' and climbs to her knees. "All right, Konnevath. Do I finish your bath or let you visit with a lady?" Instead of answering, Konnevath waddles away from his lifemate and closer to the green dragon. Hello, beautiful! Divya rolls her eyes and climbs out of the edge of the lake. "Guess we're done bathing tonight. I'll oil him later, up on the ledge." She tries to brush wet sand off herself, to little avail. "It's nice to meet you Te'an. How are you surviving Weyrlinghood under Amilin?"

Thumping out of the barracks at a trot, L'sen spills into the bowl closely followed by Neiveth. The weyrling and his dragon slow as they exit, the former offering a couple of nearby people a grin and a brief wave of acknowledgment as they start to amble across. Neiveth is the first to notice Deneth, and he croons a greeting to her as he starts in that direction. L'sen spins around and glances right over the pair before he finally finds them and breaks into a grin. "Hey, Te'an!" he hails the greenrider, quickly heading over to join him. He offers Te'an a grin, and Divya as well as he notes her. "Hiya," he greets the pair, as Neiveth rumbles his own greeting.

"How wonderful! Deneth just loves attention, and the fact she's the focal point of -two- dragons is just too much for her head to behold. She croons a quick greeting to her clutchmate Neiveth, and then sidles away from Te'an to meet this new brown who finds her so pretty, and Neiveth as well. Rolling his eyes, Te'an just shakes his head afterwards, "She's a sucker for attention." He comments idly, not that he can say much, L'sen coming over towards him causes a bright cheery smile. "L'sen! There's a spot right over here just for -you-." He says, patting the ground beside him and smirking at Divya. "Oh, it's just peachy. She's much easier to talk to than S'din, anyhow."

Divya nods. "S'din is a bit tough, yes. He scared the living heck out of me back when I was a candidate, especially the day he kicked Ysit and Tisy out of the Weyr and sent them home." She nods to L'sen and introduces herself. "Divya, brown Konnevath's." Konnevath doesn't introduce himself--he's too busy making googoo eyes at Deneth.

"Amilin's nice," remarks L'sen easily. "So's S'din, actually. And, well, all of them you know what I mean? I'm L'sen, by the way. That's Neiveth. Who're you?" he asks curiously, peering at Divya. He settles easily right next to Te'an, grinning as he leans sideways to bump his shoulder against the green weyrling. "So, hey. What're y'all doing out here?" he wonders, peering at the pair. Neiveth takes up a position behind him, glancing at Denth, then Konnevath mildly.

"Apparently letting Deneth flirt." Te'an says, watching the ham of a green make preening poses for the brown to watch her. See how lovely and big she is for a green? Oh yes, she's just the best green there is - ask her, she'll tell you. Te'an nudges L'sen back, and grins, "I was just looking over some of the hides we have to turn into S'din. You know I write much better than /you/ do." He teases, and grins at Divya afterwards. "He's been really kind to me, though he is pretty strict. That's all."

Konnevath croons adoringly at the green dragon.

L'sen smirks at Te'an and Deneth, snickering. "She's in--in--she's... Well. You know what she is," he decides with a nod. "But... Er. Well. So what? I'm not so good at writing, I guess, but oh well. I mean, the spelling gets me, and I figure if you can't spell something, just write it real messy and nobody can tell, you know what I mean?" He grins cheerfully, waggling his brows as he glances at the two riders.

"Incorrigible. That's what they used to call me - is that really so surprising that she is?" Te'an asks, chuckling as Deneth takes the praise and runs with it. She croons back at the strong looking Konnevath, flirting right back with the handsome brown. He snerks at L'sen's comment and adds, "But then you get asked to re-write it, yes?"

Divya says "I was bathing Konn and had nearly finished when he found himself a new girlfriend. So now I'm taking a break and getting all dirty thanks to his big tail. And be careful about writing real messy. Your future wingleader might not like it much."

"That's the word!" L'sen says excitedly, nodding to Te'an. "Inkerri--incorri--that's the word!" He snickers at himself, then shrugs. "Well... yeah. Sometimes," he agrees easily. "But hey, I /am/ the wingleader, leastways right now, so." He shrugs again.

"It won't be for much longer. You better preen yourself to be ready for picking by the wingleaders soon!" Te'an says to L'sen, nudging him again and grinning broadly at Divya. "Sorry, Deneth does love attention.." He says, glancing at the green who's still showing off for the brown.

Konnevath is enjoying the show very much. He raises up to show the green how big and wide his wings are, and flaps them a few times to show their strength.

Divya asks, "How far along are you guys in your Weyrling training? Had the visit to Tillek Hold yet?"

Dramatically, L'sen falls sideways as Te'an nudges him, sprawling gracelessly out on the ground. "Eh, you know we're good, right? We'll get graduated and then they'll claim us for some wing or 'nother, you know?" A shrug, made awkward by his position. "But hey, she's kinda like you, huh? You like attention, too, Te'an," he remarks with a grin for the greenrider. To Divya, he notes, "Tillek? Nah. We went over to Nabol once, though."

"Oh, get yourself up." Te'an quips to L'sen, grinning at the bluerider. He then pulls himself to his feet to try and dissuade Deneth from preening -too- much in front of the brown. She gives a piteous croon to the brown, and then her attention wavers to Neiveth, and gives him a croon too. Yes, poor her. "Me? Like attention? Never!" He says, tossing up his hands.

Divya stands up and stretches out the kinks on her back. After straightening up she asks, "Have you had your mating flight lecture yet?"

Elaia has arrived.

Neiveth rumbles back to Deneth, looking amused. L'sen doesn't move. "You gonna make me get up?" he asks, arching his brows. He offers his hand up to Te'an promptingly. "And you do too," he adds, smirking. "You love all the attention." He tilts his head to peer at Divya, grinning. "Huh, that, what? Yeah, while back,' he answers.

Te'an reaches for L'sen's hand and tries to help him up - but L'sen's easily bigger than Te'an. Well, it's the thought that counts, right? He grins at Divya, "Yeah, we had it already." He agrees with L'sen on that, though gives him a wounded bird look, "Me? Attention? Nooo.. I don't know what you're talking about."

Elaia is doing what appears to be a little conga dance. "Ba ba ba ba ba BA!" Kick. "Ba ba ba ba ba BA!" Kick. "Oh baby, I'm on fire. And you guys are so banned from holding hands, so there. Ba ba ba ba ba BA!" Kick. She vanishes as quickly as she came.

Elaia heads towards the western side of the bowl.
Elaia has left.

Divya rolls her eyes at their byplay and says, "You guys are two steps away from graduation and you......" Her voice trails off as Elaia passes through. "Oooooookay. Guess she's been sampling the wine here."

"Nah, she's just weird like that," L'sen says, waving one hand airily after Elaia. He hardly blinks at her strange arrival and disappearance, instead taking Te'an's hands and trying to lever himself up. However, he's not exactly trying to help the smaller man, and in fact is actually be trying to pull Te'an down with him. "What're you talkin' about? You're /always/ makin' scenes," he teases.

Te'an is pretty easy to fall down, though waits to do so until Elaia's left. He chuckles and pushes at L'sen. "You didn't need help up! And you say I'm a sucker for attention." He quips at the bluerider and just glowers after Elaia. "She's a .. well, she's 'different'."

"The Weyr is crawling with people who are 'different'." The brownrider tries again to brush herself off, with more success this time. "You should meet Riell sometime. She was my idol when I was a Weyrling."

L'sen snickers at Te'an when he's pulled the other boy down along with him. "Yeah, well. You don't really /mind/, do you?" he asks Te'an, snickering. "And... she's nice," he remarks, glancing over where Elaia headed off. "A lid'l stuck on herself, but that's about it. Still nice, you know what I mean? Course, y'all two don't like each other, and maybe she doesn't like me because I like you, but I like her." He wiggles, burrowing further into the grass. "Different is nice. We're all different," he adds to Divya. "Who's Riell?"

Te'an looks displeased. Really. "Yeah, well, you like all girls, L'sen. It's not much of a stretch to believe you like her." He says, nudging at the bluerider and trying to get distance between them - rather feebly, though. He arches a brow at Divya, and shrugs his shoulders. "Never met her, sorry. But if I do, I'll keep that in mind. Rilsa's my mentor, she's really nice. I like her a lot."

Divya smiles, and it's not a nice smile. Maybe a little scary. "Riell is a greenrider in Snowstrike. She used to turn most of the men around here into drooling idiots or stone statues whenever her green rose. She is also good enough to rival Rilsa in the evil intent department, but I haven't heard of her causing any big scandals lately."

"I like everybody," L'sen replies equitably, scooting closer to Te'an to neutralize the other weyrling's attempts to slide away. "I just like some people more than everybody." He grins and peers at Divya again. "So, like. Wow. That's pretty bad. /I/ wouldn't be like that, though, no matter how good she looked. Me, I can always talk and do stuff. Mostly talk. Right, Te'an?"

Te'an pushes at L'sen again, but eventually just gives in and snuggles up close to the blue weyrling. A bit closer than he perhaps ought to, or can come up with a good excuse for. "I don't know what I'll be like when Deneth rises. Hopefully no worse than I already am. That'd be scary." He admits, glancing at the green who's trying to get attention out of Neiveth now.

Divya takes advantage of the green dragon's preoccupation with Neiveth to reclaim Konnevath. "Come on, you big lug. Time to get you oiled." Reluctantly he lumbers over to her and lets her mount. She calls down, "It was nice talking to you guys. Good luck finishing Weyrlinghood!"

"You're scary now," notes L'sen sagely, perfectly content to let Te'an snuggle against him. "But that's okay. It's a good kind of scary, I guess. Oh, and hey. See you later!" he calls after Divya with a grin, raising one hand in a half-hearted wave. Then, he glances back at Te'an curiously. "That's... you know, I never even thought about that, really," he admits. "You proddy an' Deneth rising. Weird, huh?"

Divya climbs up onto Konnevath's back, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely.
Divya has left.

Konnevath has left.
In the sky directly above, Konnevath springs powerfully into the sky from the ground below.

Te'an wiggles his fingers at Divya, "Be good." He says, grinning at the woman as she slips off to take the brown dragon home for oiling. Looking at L'sen, he smirks, "Don't think about it too much. I don't want her to rise. Not ever." He says, perhaps directed at Deneth more than L'sen, but either way..

Curious now, L'sen quirks a brow. "Huh? Why's that?" he wonders. "I mean, it don't sound so bad to me, you know what I mean? Or Neiveth, either, though guess it's kind of different for us that for you, you know?" A vague shrug; the blue croons his own input as he peers at Deneth.

"Do you /really/ think it'd be nice to have .. shards knows how many riders looking at you like.. well, they do when there's a flight?" Te'an asks, shivering a little at the prospect of it. "I don't think I'd like it too much.. I like things on my terms."

L'sen ponders that a moment, then nods. "I guess so," he agrees, nodding. Teasingly: "But what about all that attention?" He pauses a moment to peer at Te'an curiously. "Oh, well. I mean, it's not like it's all the time or anything. And maybe she won't for a while? I dunno. But the rest of the time, you get things your way, after all." He doesn't seem particularly worried himself.

"It's.. well, I think it'd be too much attention. I like attention from one source, not a lot." Te'an says, grinning at L'sen and snuggling right up against him once the others have left. Well, not -too- close as there's still passersby. "Maybe Neiveth would catch her. I wouldn't mind that at all." He murmurs.

"Oh," L'sen says, with a knowing nod. "Guess I know what you mean, then. But..." He trails off, losing his train of thought as Te'an edges closer. "But--er. Yeah, hey. That'd be pretty nice," he agrees, nodding. "I... wouldn't mind that, either."

"That is, if he chases. They're like playpals, it'd almost be weird." Te'an comments as Deneth edges closer to Nevieth, trying to sneak up on him. She doesn't do a very good job, considering how large she's gotten. "It /is/ a little frightening to think maybe Elaia's blue would chase her too. Could you imagine that? Agh.."

L'sen grimaces at that. "Now /that's/ scary," he decides with a laugh. "But long as she don't catch..." He trails off grinning. "Neiveth's like that, anyway," adds the weyrling after a moment, contemplating the two young dragons. Neiveth is pretending to not notice Deneth, keeping his head studiously pointed away from her. L'sen shakes his head and notes, "Course, he's like me, I guess. Hard to imagine that, you know? I mean, from us and you and Deneth and everybody else. But, well. Guess we'll get used to it."

Deneth crouches down low, really, if she crouches she's so much smaller. She sneaks over and then with a noise that rattles Te'an, she lets out a loud bugle to try and surprise the blue. "Deneth!" He quips, reaching out to try and push at the green's hide. He then grimaces and shakes his head, "She's a nut! So, hey. After the graduation, it's coming soon!" He says with a wink to L'sen.

Obligingly, Neiveth jerks around, crooning as he does so. He rumble-laughs at the green, splaying out on the grass. "Yeah she is. But that's okay. And hey, it is. Wow. I hadn't thought about it in a while," he remarks, grinning slightly. "So... I dunno. I'm--I'm ready to graduate, you know? Looking forward to it? Are you? I'm--" He doesn't finish, instead shrugging.

"I am looking forward to it a /lot/. It'll be nice to have the restrictions lifted. I'll drag you off for a nice romantic day!" Te'an promises, and Deneth croons her apology to her lifemate. Really, she does scare the liver out of him half the time when she does stuff like that. "Well, once we get resettled in our weyrs and.. well, all that stuff. It'll be nice to have a place of our own, you know?"

L'sen nods quickly at that. "Knew you would be," he agrees. "Wonder what our weyrs'll be like. I heard they're really crummy to start with, but I don't think I trust what's-his-name. He kind of stretches the truth, you know?" Never mind he doesn't know the name of the source of that rumor. "Maybe it won't be /too/ bad, anyway, 'cause, well. You know. Gotta be able to... Well. You know. Wait, romantic? What'd you have in mind?" he wonders abruptly.

Te'an just shrugs his shoulders. "It could be a hole in the wall for as much as /I/ care. It'll be mine and Deneth's hole." He says with a chuckle, then starts getting himself up to a standing position again. "It'll be good if Neiveth could fit in there too. Yeah. So you could visit a lot." He says, then smirks at the last question. "I'm not telling. What fun would /that/ be?"

L'sen's eyes widen. "You really--I mean, we could--you know? That'd be nice," he notes. A hint of a blush rises in his cheeks. "Course, maybe me 'n' Neiveth's will be bigger..." A shrug. "But you /can't/ keep secrets from me! I /hate/ that! I'm so curious," he whines.

"Maybe, but maybe they'll give Deneth one big enough for a blue. She's a /big/ green." Te'an says, looking lovingly at his green monster who just croons back happily. Yes, yes she is big, and she's quite proud of it. "Either way, it doesn't matter. We'll find a way!" He says, and offers a hand up. "Yes, I can. And I will. Nyah! You'll just have to be tied up in knots until you find out!"

L'sen pouts his very best, though the grin fighting to come out undermines the sulkiness. "Aw, please? Pretty please?" he begs the green weyrling. "I'll... pay you back? Somehow. Whatever you want. Just teeeell me, Te'an!"

Te'an just laughs at both the attempt to get the information by begging, as well as the attempt of pouting. "You're not very good at sounding desperate, /or/ pouting, L'sen. You're just going to have to wait." He says, lifting his chin and trying to look all arrogant.

This time, L'sen does sulk, much more effectually. "Aw, Faranth. You're mean," he accuses Te'an. "I /am/ desperate, really. Even if I don't sound like it. Or look like it. But you know me--I am!" Any double-meaning in that flies over his head.

Te'an laughs at that, "Oh, L'sen, you're a gem." He says cheerfully, and quite affectionately as well. "I'll tell you what. I'll tell you /one/ thing it'll have." He says, and looks to Deneth to see if /she/ thinks he should offer that much information. "Well, you do like picnics, don't you?"

L'sen beams at Te'an. "Well, one thing's better than nothing," he decides easily, nodding. "Picnics? I /love/ picnics. All that food, and outside and stuff and... Ooh, we're gonna have a picnic?" Excitedly, he props himself up on his elbows and grins over at Te'an. "I can't wait."

"That appease you? Good!" Te'an says, and tucks his hands in his pockets. He didn't figure that L'sen would turn down some good food out somewhere nice, of course. "It /is/ the beginning of summer, it's the best time to go do things like that. I'm very glad that graduation is going to be in the summer. Much more enjoyable if you ask me."

"Yeah, it is," agrees L'sen, nodding. "Of course... When it's real cold, it's nice to, er. Well. Snuggle up?" He blushes once more, though that doesn't stop him from grinning at Te'an.

"Summer's nice because you can wear less." Te'an says, waggling his brows at the bluerider and rubbing his hand against Deneth's hide. She's calmed down a lot, simply lurking near Neiveth and enjoying his presence. "Course, I'd love to snuggle up with you.." He says, trying to sound alluring but it probably just sounds a little silly.

L'sen arches his brows in response to Te'an. "Really. Huh. I guess so. And... Er. Yeah. Well, just give it a little longer and you can, I guess. I'm ready for graduation," he notes easily, unfazed by any of Te'an's silliness.

"Oh, you sound so excited. Well, maybe if I drag you to enough picnics.." Te'an thinks, and then peers back into the weyrling barracks, then at Deneth. "Want to go back inside? Deneth's complaining of needing some more oil. Itchy, itchy. Always."

L'sen grins at Te'an. "Maybe," he agrees. "We'll have to try it, see. And--yeah, sure." Already, he's stumbling up to his feet and turning to offer Te'an a hand up. "Least they're not as bad as they used to be. Neiveth's not so itchy now that he's pretty much grown, you know?"

"She complains about being dry a lot. I told her if she quit preening in front of the boys, she wouldn't be." Te'an says, grinning at the green and then wandering over towards the barracks after taking the offered hand up. "You're much better at picking me up. You're just -too- big for me."

L'sen pulls Te'an up easily, grinning. "Not my fault," he protests, trailing after the greenrider to the barracks. "It's not like I'm /fat/ or anything. Just... big. But that's not a /bad/ thing," he remarks.

"Suuure it isn't." Te'an teases, and then points to the barracks before wandering that way. "You grew so much because you ate so much. Yes, I've seen your appetite.." He says with a smirk, then slips into the barracks closely followed by Deneth.

elaia, divya, te'an, l'sen

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